CPC News Network >> Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity

The first broadcast of the documentary feature film "Red Wanted" of the anti-corruption international pursuit of fugitives and stolen goods attracted heated discussion

09:39, January 11, 2019 Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily

The original title: "Pursuing fugitives and recovering stolen goods highlights the firm determination of the CPC Central Committee to fight corruption"

Yang Xiuzhu, the number one suspect of the "Top 100 Hong Tong", returned to China to surrender. (Video capture)

Xu Chaofan was escorted home. (Video capture)

Passports, cars, planes, assault boats, helicopters, courts... Backed by the tense background music, the bouncing red lines connect several scenes, weaving a big web covering the world map. This is not a Hollywood blockbuster, but the title of the documentary feature film Red Wanted jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the State Supervision Commission and the Central Radio and Television Station. At 8:00 p.m. on January 10, at prime time, the first episode of "Leading" was launched in CCTV comprehensive channel.

"It highlights the political position, has an international perspective, is well shot, and is enjoyable to watch!" "The film crew went overseas, and used a large number of live pictures to restore the process of chasing and fleeing stolen goods, which is refreshing." "The film is very beautiful, very attractive, and the next few episodes must be pursued..." As soon as the "Red Wanted" was broadcast, it was highly praised.

"The international pursuit of fugitives and stolen goods shows the firm determination of the CPC Central Committee to fight against corruption. The thunderous action of" Red Wanted "has led the innovation of ideas for global corruption governance, and provided Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions. Praise the motherland!" Fu Jingsi, a cadre of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Bengbu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Public Resources Bureau, said sincerely after reading it.

"I am very excited, and I have strengthened my determination to 'pursue the distant places'"

"Why did Yang Xiuzhu, who once said that he would die in the United States, eventually return to China to surrender? Why did Yan Yongming, who was proud of Zeng Chunfeng, decide to sign the letter of confession? Why did Xu Chaofan, who had carefully paved the way for the future, accept repatriation?" Ran Chunlei, a cadre of the Xiangtan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in Hunan Province, found the answer in the play, That is the firm determination of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to punish corruption. Wherever corrupt elements flee, they should be arrested and brought to justice.

At the three plenary sessions of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection five years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech was resounding: "The international pursuit of fugitives should be strengthened, and all relevant departments should increase their efforts to negotiate. Foreign countries should not be allowed to become the" paradise for avoiding crimes "of some corrupt elements. Even if corrupt elements flee to the ends of the earth, they should be recovered and brought back to justice. They should be pursued for five, ten, and twenty years, and the path of corruption should be cut off." This has made a directional guidance for the recovery of fugitives and stolen goods.

In April 2015, China announced to the world the list of "one hundred Hong Tong people", thus, the news of the suspects of corruption cases who have fled to other countries came again and again. "The film shows the achievements of the" Skynet "action, which makes us feel excited to pursue fugitives, and strengthens our determination to pursue fugitives even though they are far away." Gao He, director of the Sixth Examination and Investigation Office of the Supervision Commission of Tianjin Commission for Discipline Inspection, said that in the future, we should further study, follow the international prevailing judicial rules, and extradite and repatriate more fugitives through judicial cooperation between countries, Strive for greater victory.

The two battlefields are working together to form a complete anti-corruption chain. "In the past, corrupt people fled overseas when they had enough money. Now, the way of escape is cut off, and they can only sigh with admiration," said Shan Xiuyong, a cadre of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.

From 2014 to the end of 2018, China recovered more than 5000 fugitives from more than 120 countries and regions, including 56 "100 Hongtong people", and recovered more than 10 billion yuan of stolen money. "The number is wordless, but it is enough to frighten people's hearts. In the face of such a set of data, those corrupt elements who have not been discovered for the time being and are trying to flee must be desperate. Escape is a dead end, and honest explanation to the organization is the way out." Shi Shengmin, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Dalian Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liaoning Province, sighed with emotion.

"'Head of State Diplomacy' plays a key role in international anti-corruption cooperation"

Anti corruption is a common value all over the world. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, we have pushed the fight against corruption, the pursuit of fugitives and the pursuit of stolen goods under the spotlight of the international community, occupied the international moral high ground, and won widespread support.

Whether on a visit, attending an international conference, or participating in a summit meeting, receiving an interview, or making a speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly talked about anti-corruption issues in diplomatic occasions, and repeatedly explained our propositions and positions, up to nearly a hundred times. I can't forget it for a moment.

In this regard, Wang Peng, associate researcher of Chongyang Institute of Finance, Renmin University of China, believes that "Head of State Diplomacy" plays a key role in international anti-corruption cooperation. Through face-to-face communication between heads of state, the basic framework and implementation program of anti-corruption cooperation between each other are determined from the top level of design, So as to lay a solid foundation for the ministerial meeting and the practical cooperation of law enforcement personnel.

The consensus among leaders has opened up an effective path for law enforcement cooperation. The exposure of "one hundred Hong Tong people" has also won wide support from the international community for the pursuit of fugitives and stolen goods. The No. 5 Yan Yongming case of "Baiminghongtong" is a strong proof. After he obtained New Zealand nationality with a false identity, he acted with high profile and lost nearly S $5 million in 82 minutes of gambling. Although the road of repatriation is impassable, Yan Yongming has not been able to continue to prosper. China soon provided evidence to urge New Zealand to prosecute Yan Yongming for money laundering.

"'The state cannot tolerate corruption, and the people cannot tolerate corruption', and there is no room for corrupt elements to hide in any corner of the world." Yang Aihua, a cadre of Huimin County, Shandong Province, said that if a person's assets come from a wrong way, he does not know how to restrain them. No matter where he is, they will inevitably be repelled and rejected.

"Under the new anti-corruption international order, cooperation will become the theme in the future"

The absence of extradition treaties does not mean that there is no space for cooperation. From Xu Chaofan, Yu Zhendong and Xu Guojun, the three presidents of Kaiping Sub branch of the Bank of China in Guangdong Province, fled to the United States in 2001, to Xu Chaofan's return to surrender in July 2018, the Kaiping Sub branch case became the first case of law enforcement cooperation between the two countries after the Sino US criminal judicial assistance agreement came into force, with far-reaching significance.

"Corruption must be pursued even if it is far away. From requesting assistance in freezing accounts, to providing evidence for the US to arrest and prosecute, to their different choices of 'plea bargaining', the Kaiping Sub branch case has witnessed the changes in law enforcement cooperation between China and the US over the past 17 years, and has fully proved that overseas is not an illegal place, and no country has a place to hide corrupt criminals." Wang Feng, secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the Municipal Commission for Supervision, told reporters.

"The Beijing Declaration on Anti Corruption of the APEC Summit in 2014, the G20 Hangzhou Summit's High Principles on Anti Corruption, Recovery of Fugitive and Stolen Goods in 2016, and the anti-corruption cooperation mechanism between China and the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and other key countries have gradually improved." In the view of Ding Yang, a cadre of the Wuhan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Hubei Province, All these fully reflect the wisdom and responsibility of great powers in the new era. He said, "What impressed me most is that China has also taken the initiative to set up anti-corruption issues at various international and regional conferences to promote the establishment of a new international anti-corruption order."

The new order is a more equitable mechanism in which all countries' anti-corruption demands can be paid attention to and the international community can cooperate and assist. "Under the new anti-corruption international order, cooperation will become the theme in the future," said Xu Jinhua, a cadre of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province.

Corruption is a cancer that endangers social development, and it is also a common challenge faced by governments all over the world. China's plan is demonstrating China's strength. Similar to the views of many viewers, Yu Qibing, a cadre in Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province, believes that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core comprehensively coordinates the domestic and international overall situation, actively conforms to the trend of the international community's thinking on anti-corruption order, promotes the formation of a nationwide and global one network punishment pattern, and clearly puts forward the Chinese plan for anti-corruption global governance, which is eye-catching. (Reporter Guan Xiaopu)

(Editor in charge: Li Yuan, Chang Xuemei)
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