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The role of patrol sword is more obvious -- the fourth patrol on the achievements of comprehensively and strictly governing the party since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Xu Menglong, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

08:17, January 7, 2019 Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily

Original title: patrol sword is more prominent

"Deepen political inspection, persist in finding problems, form a deterrent and unswervingly, and establish a supervision network of inspection and inspection." The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China fully affirmed the inspection work while putting forward new and higher requirements.

The newly revised Party Constitution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has set out a special provision in the organizational system for patrol inspection.

More than two months after the closing of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deliberated, adopted and printed the five-year plan for the inspection work of the Central Committee.

In February 2018, 15 central inspection teams set out after the Spring Festival, and the first round of inspection of the 19th Central Committee officially began.

In the second half of 2018, the central inspection team for the first time focused on one theme and one field to carry out special inspection on poverty alleviation.


Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the patrol work in the new era has adhered to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, constantly deepened reform and innovation, and promoted the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict governance of the Party with new atmosphere and new ideas.

Deepen political inspection tour and take "two maintenance" as the fundamental political task

The Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee did not understand, study and analyze the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on Heilongjiang work deeply enough; The Party Leadership Group of the National Bureau of Statistics has not effectively implemented the instructions of the Central Committee on preventing and punishing statistical data fraud; The party group of COSCO Shipping Group did not fully implement the requirements of the central government to promote the "Belt and Road" construction from a political and overall perspective... In July 2018, the feedback of the first round of inspection was released to the public, and each central inspection group firmly grasped the orientation of political inspection, and pointed out a number of outstanding problems from a political perspective, which was alarming.

Political inspection is a major theoretical innovation of the central inspection work. The central inspection work plan clearly proposes that it is the fundamental political task to resolutely maintain the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, and firmly maintain the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership.

2018 is the first year to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress. The first round of inspections insisted on the orientation of political inspections, placed supervision, inspection, study and implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the top of the list, thoroughly searched for "temperature differences", "gaps" and "deviations", and promoted Party organizations at all levels to work hard on learning, understanding, doing and creatively implementing in combination with reality.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made it clear that targeted poverty alleviation is one of the three major battles that must be fought to win the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Against this background, the special inspection focused on the key areas of poverty alleviation in the second half of 2018 is not only the first time that the central inspection team focused on one theme and one area to carry out special inspection, but also the specific action to further deepen the political inspection and promote the implementation of the central poverty alleviation policies.

"The fundamental problem of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang is that there are problems in political discipline and rules, which have seriously polluted the political ecology." Since mid August 2018, according to the feedback of the central inspection, various departments in Guangdong Province have held special democratic life meetings to analyze the essence of Li Jia and Wan Qingliang's bad influence.

Patrol supervision is an important way to "feel the pulse" and accurately "picture" the local political ecology. The first round of inspections of the 19th Central Committee highlighted the purification of the political ecology within the Party. A total of 122 problems, such as violations of political discipline and rules, were found, and a number of problems, such as the lack of serious political life within the Party, unhealthy political culture within the Party, running errands to get officials, buying and selling officials, and engaging in "small circles" and "small hills", were solved.

What the people hate and oppose, they will focus on what they patrol and correct. The 19th Central Committee accepted more than 490000 letters and visits in two rounds of inspections, most of which reflected corruption and style problems around the masses. The Central Inspection Group urged the relevant party organizations to change their minds and solve them in time, so as to win the trust of the people with practical results.

"The telephone mailbox is for the public, who listen to the complaints and seek the truth. Seeking truth and cracking down on fraud stop the evil wind, and fight against poverty." A retired veteran cadre in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, after learning that the problems reflected were solved, "praised" the inspection team.

Practice has proved that the authority of inspection comes from the Party Central Committee, and the inspection power comes from the broad masses of cadres. Only by adhering to the people centered development thought and combining the supervision within the Party with the supervision of the masses will the patrol sword become brighter and brighter.

Do a good job of "the second half of the article" and concentrate on strengthening the implementation of rectification

"We must resolutely do a good job in the second half of the article, resolutely overcome the mentality of" passing the border ", and maintain the long-term rectification standard, scale, and strength." On December 24, 2018, Yu Weiguo, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the eleventh meeting of the Leading Group for Inspection and Rectification Work of the Provincial Party Committee, to study and deploy the next stage of inspection and rectification work.

Two months ago, 30 local and unit Party organizations including Fujian Provincial Party Committee made public the progress of inspection and rectification. Different from the inspection tour of the 18th CPC National Congress, this round of rectification was more open to the public with the word "progress".

The change of the word is a detailed reflection of the normalization and long-term development of patrol rectification, which releases a clear signal that patrol rectification will continue to work hard for a long time.

Include the rectification of the previous patrol inspection into the scope of supervision and inspection; Members of the central inspection leading group attended all 30 feedback meetings and seriously put forward rectification and implementation requirements; The determination of the new central inspection team to pay close attention to the implementation of rectification can be seen from the first round of inspection.

According to the feedback, the inspected party organization insisted on driving the comprehensive rectification with the rectification of key issues, and made 11237 rectification measures for the incomplete rectification and the newly discovered problems in the last session, 5193 of which have been completed, and other unfinished items are also being pushed forward. In response to the problems found during the inspection, 3153 systems were formulated and revised, and 1951 reform measures were introduced.

"The effect of supervision is different from that of non supervision, and the effect of supervision is different from that of actual supervision," said Cui Zhicheng, director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission.

In addition to the ineffective implementation of the main responsibility, the reason for the inadequate rectification is the weakening and absence of daily supervision over rectification. In response to this problem, the 19th Central Committee inspected and innovated the rectification and supervision mechanism, making it clear that the discipline inspection and supervision organs and organizational departments should bear the daily supervision responsibility for rectification.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission formulated a special work plan, and each supervision and inspection office continued to track the rectification and supervise the implementation through interviews, letters, on-site supervision, and supervision of special democratic life meetings. At the same time, we will explore and practice the principle of "improving before patrolling", compare the outstanding problems and common problems found during patrolling, and promote the places and units that have not yet been patrolled to draw inferences from one instance and change as soon as they know. The Organization Department of the Central Committee shall establish a list of problems to supervise and urge the rectification, and check them one by one to supervise and constantly promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the rectification, and earnestly maintain the credibility of the inspection work.

Pu Bo, Zeng Zhiquan, Miao Ruilin... According to the clues of the problems handed over during the inspection, some middle management cadres "fell down". The inspection tour of the 19th Central Committee, on the one hand, insisted on finding problems and forming a deterrent, on the other hand, focused on solving the problems of the system, mechanism and system, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and capacity.

It is understood that during the first two rounds of central inspections, 41 times of inspections were reported to relevant leaders of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and 43 special reports were handed over to the Office of the Central Commission for Deep Reform and other departments, providing a problem oriented reference for deepening reform and improving the system, and giving full play to the strategic role of inspections in addressing both symptoms and root causes.

Improve the pattern of patrol work and establish a supervision network of patrol work

In response to the feedback from the central inspection team, since October last year, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee has sent 12 inspection teams to carry out regular inspections of party organizations in 7 cities, 7 counties, and 10 undergraduate colleges.

"With the provincial and municipal inspection and patrol relay, the central government has made a thorough investigation of the problems fed back from the inspection and pushed for comprehensive rectification, which has compacted the responsibility for strict governance of the Party to every grass-roots party organization." The relevant responsible comrades of the Inspection Office of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee said that this round of inspection is guided by the problems pointed out by the central inspection team feedback to the provincial Party Committee, and focuses on finding political deviations.

The establishment of an up and down supervision network is an important task of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as an important starting point to improve the pattern of inspection work and promote the in-depth development of inspection work.

In 2018, the CPC Central Committee continued to strengthen the organization and leadership of inspection work, and further improved the system and mechanism of unified leadership and hierarchical responsibility of the Central Committee through the establishment of systems such as the party committee (party group) secretary and five person group to listen to the report of inspection and inspection. At the same time, combined with the first round of inspection, special inspections were carried out on the inspection work of party committees in 14 provinces, autonomous regions and cities.

Through demonstration transmission, system transmission and inspection transmission, the Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels have been paying more attention to the inspection work, the understanding and understanding of the inspection agencies at all levels on political inspection has been further deepened, and the responsibility of managing the Party and governing the Party has been compacted layer by layer.

"I never dreamed that the money taken would be returned, thanks to the comrades of the inspection team." At the end of November 2018, the 600 yuan "benefit fee" demanded by Tang, a member of the village committee, for applying for renovation of dilapidated houses was returned, said Xiao, a villager in Wufu Village, Jiangbei Town, Changsha County, Hunan Province.

This is a microcosm of the city and county patrol work further extending to the grass-roots level and focusing on solving the prominent problems strongly reflected by the masses. According to the data, in 2018, the Party committees of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps conducted inspections on 2120 Party organizations, and the Party committees at the city and county levels conducted inspections on 120000 Party organizations, and found 975000 problems of all kinds.

At the inspection level of central units, at present, 140 central and state organs, middle management enterprises and middle management financial enterprises' party groups (party committees) have established inspection systems, and 23 party committee secretaries and presidents have been included in the party committees of colleges and universities under the management of the central government to establish inspection systems.

With the in-depth promotion of patrol work, the construction of the system level has become increasingly scientific and rigorous.

The central inspection agency has formulated the inspection report problem manuscript system, which requires that all problems written into the report should be supported by specific people and things, and the problems found should be analyzed historically, dialectically, qualitatively, and truthfully reported.

Tianjin adheres to the "three unifications" of the supervision contents, methods and steps, and work standards of the inspection and patrol institutions. The inspection team and the inspected area carry out "collaborative patrols" of inspection and patrol assistance, and carry out "synchronous patrols" with the inspected municipal units in the same direction, at the same pace, and sharing results.

The "acquaintance society" has always been an important factor affecting the effectiveness of inspection. Ziyang Municipal Party Committee of Sichuan Province carried out the fourth round of promotion patrol and cross patrol, organized 57 transferred personnel into a mixed group, carried out off-site supervision, and collected 173 problem clues.

Full and strict governance of the Party will always be on the way, and inspection and supervision will always be on the way. As the patrol work continues to develop in depth, the patrol sword will show its edge again, providing more powerful support for the overall strict governance of the Party. (Xu Menglong, website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)

(Editor in charge: Li Yuan, Gao Lei)
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