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Du Dongdong, Deputy Director of the Discipline Inspection and Rules Division of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Law Office of the State Supervision Commission, gave a highlight interpretation of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China

09:48, January 4, 2019 Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Original title: and the applicable provisions on the category and extent of punishment?

Du Dongdong, Deputy Director of Discipline Inspection and Regulation Division of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Law Office of the State Supervision Commission (exclusive interview video screenshot)

Commentary: Article 51 Those who are disloyal to the Party, dishonest, duplicitous, hypocritical, deceitful, duplicitous, and duplicitous, if the circumstances are minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the Party.

Q: This article is about the provisions on disloyalty and dishonesty to the Party, flattery and infidelity, duplicity, duplicity, and the type and extent of punishment applicable to them. How should we accurately understand?

The report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that "we must resolutely oppose double dealing and double dealing". General Secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out many times that all Party members should strengthen the Party's awareness, always put the Party at the top of their minds, remember that their first identity is a Communist, and their first responsibility is to work for the Party, be loyal to the organization, and be one heart and one mind with the Party at all times. Party cadres should treat the organization correctly and be loyal and honest to the party organization. In front of the Party organization, party members and cadres should not conceal themselves or speak falsely. Party members and cadres should also be consistent in their words and deeds, be consistent in appearance and truth, tell the truth, tell the truth, and tell the truth. Remind the whole party to be vigilant against the behavior of "positive worship and negative violation". Leading cadres at all levels should establish and carry forward a good style of work. They should not only be strict in self-cultivation, power utilization and self-discipline, but also be practical in planning, entrepreneurship and conduct themselves. The emphasis on being honest means being loyal and honest to the Party, the organization, the people and comrades, being honest, telling the truth, doing honest things, being frank, fair and upright.

Q: What are the provisions of the Party Constitution and other Party laws and regulations on "being loyal and honest to the Party", "opposing double dealers and being" double dealers "?

The Party Constitution takes "maintaining the unity and unity of the Party, being loyal and honest to the Party, and being consistent in words and deeds" and "opposing double dealing behaviors and all conspiracies and tricks that contradict both overtly and covertly" as the obligations that must be fulfilled by Party members, and "being loyal to the Party" is written into the oath of joining the Party. The Several Guidelines for Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation stipulates that "Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must be loyal and honest to the Party, be honest, do honest things and be honest people, truthfully report and report the situation to the Party, and oppose double dealing and being" double faced ".

Q: This article is an additional article in this revision. It is a provision on what serious violations of discipline and laws have been investigated and dealt with by Party members and cadres since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China?

From the typical cases of discipline enforcement review, some people are not loyal and honest to the organization by telling one thing on the stage, doing one thing off the stage, doing one thing in person and behind the scenes; Some people said at the conference that if they want to keep up with the central government, they should keep up with it everywhere, but they said and did the same thing, practicing fraud in government debt and other aspects, and hiding the real level of local development from the central government; Some people sing idealism in front of others, pretending to care about the masses, work hard, be fair and upright, advocate frugality, while others praise individualism, seriously damage the interests of the masses, abandon their duties, reverse right and wrong, and indulge in extravagance. They are disloyal to the Party, dishonest, duplicitous, duplicitous, duplicitous, act like duplicity, violate the obligations of Party members, damage the unity and unity of the Party, damage the interests of the Party and the people, lax the Party organization, overdraw the credibility of the Party, damage the image of the Party, and cause great harm. Disciplinary punishment must be given according to the circumstances. This article is made in response to the problems exposed in the typical cases of party members and cadres who have seriously violated the discipline and laws since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

(Editor in charge: Fu Jingying, Li Yuan)
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