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Wu Hanfei, Leader of the Ninth Inspection Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Implement the requirements of deepening political inspections into specific inspections

14:34, January 3, 2019

Former Title: The Party's Sharp Weapon, the Country's Sharp Weapon

Wu Hanfei, Leader of the Ninth Central Inspection Team (exclusive interview video screenshot)

Q: The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the requirement of "deepening political inspection". In combination with the first round of inspection practice of the 19th Central Committee, please talk about how to deepen political inspection under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era?

The 19th CPC National Congress established Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as our party's guide to action. Therefore, all the work of our Party must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which is the fundamental principle of our patrol work in the new era. In the thirteenth part of the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the specific requirements for "deepening political inspection" were clearly put forward. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and with the consent of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Office of the Communist Party of China issued a five-year plan for the inspection work of the Central Committee. From the content of the plan, it clearly reflects Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, puts forward clear requirements on how to unswervingly deepen political inspection, and makes a systematic deployment, The "roadmap" and "mission statement" for the inspection work of the 19th Central Committee were determined. At the mobilization and deployment meeting of the first round of inspection work of the 19th CPC Central Committee, Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and leader of the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work, and other leaders put forward clear requirements on how to deepen the political inspection, made specific arrangements, and requested that "six surrounds and one strengthening" be followed, that is, the political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction Conduct work style construction, discipline construction and win an overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption, as well as conduct supervision and inspection on rectification. The spirit of the Central Committee is clear, the requirements are specific, and the deployment is in line with reality. From the perspective of the inspection team, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the central inspection work policy, and earnestly and solidly implement the requirements of deepening political inspection into specific inspections.

First, we should accurately grasp the positioning of political inspection tour. Patrol inspection is a powerful weapon of the Party and the country. It is a major measure to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party and a strategic institutional arrangement for supervision within the Party. We must consciously put the inspection work into the theme of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and under this general background to plan and think, always bearing in mind that inspection is a political inspection, inspection is for party organizations and leading cadres, supervision and inspection is for sticking to and strengthening the overall leadership of the party, building the party, comprehensively and strictly governing the party and other outstanding problems, We should provide strong support for the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions". This is the functional orientation of patrol inspection, which we should firmly grasp.

Second, we should take "two maintenance" as the fundamental task of political inspection tour. Deepening the political inspection tour must take a clear stand on politics, and must be guided by the political construction of the Party. During the inspection, it is necessary to take the "Four Consciousness" as the political benchmark, focus on political position, political loyalty, political responsibility, and political ecology, check the words and deeds of the inspected party organizations and party members and cadres, and see whether the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is really used to arm the head, guide practice, and promote work. Is it true or false to maintain the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership. Is it expressing more opinions and keeping a high tone, or is it saying what you say and doing what you say the same. We should look at thought through action, and make contributions to the unity of will and action, and to the concerted progress of the whole Party in terms of ideology, politics and action, and the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core.

Third, we should effectively play the role of patrol political supervision. Patrol inspection is an important way to supervise from top to bottom within the Party. It is the political supervision of the superior party organization over the subordinate party organization. What it looks for is the political deviation of the inspected party organization in the "six centering and one strengthening" aspect, and what it focuses on is the key people, key issues and key issues. The inspection team is to urge the party organizations at all levels to strengthen their political responsibility of managing the party, purify the political ecology within the party, play the role of political "microscope" and political "searchlight", and truly achieve the goal of "sword hanging high and constant deterrence" through comprehensive and in-depth "political examination".

Q: Patrol inspection is a major measure to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party and a strategic institutional arrangement for intra Party supervision. What are the basic principles of the inspection work of the 19th Central Committee? How was it implemented in the first round of patrol work?

The five-year plan for the central inspection work clearly stipulates this, which is the three basic principles that the 19th central inspection work should abide by: adhere to unified leadership and hierarchical responsibility; Insist on seeking truth from facts and abiding by rules and disciplines; Adhere to the people's position and rely on the masses. These principles reflect the basic spirit of the Party Constitution, the basic requirements of governing the Party in accordance with regulations and building the Party, the characteristics and laws of patrol work, and are a scientific summary of the practical experience of patrol work. This is the fundamental guideline for the inspection work, and the inspection team must carefully follow and resolutely implement it.

First, adhere to unified leadership and graded responsibility. The inspection team is dispatched by the Central Committee and should work under the leadership of the Central Committee. We obey the command in all our actions and carry out patrols in strict accordance with the requirements of the central government and the deployment of the leading group. The Central Committee proposed that we should resolutely implement; In case of important situations, sensitive matters, major problems and uncertain matters, timely report to the leading group. In the inspection, supervision and inspection, it is also important to consider whether the inspected party organization implements the main responsibility of the inspection work, strengthen the leadership of the inspection and inspection work, and urge the party organizations at all levels to earnestly assume the main responsibility of the inspection and inspection work.

Second, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts and abiding by rules and disciplines. In line with the attitude of being responsible for the Party Central Committee, the inspected Party organization, and the Party members and cadres, we will stick to this principle throughout, insist on finding problems accurately, analyzing problems objectively, and reporting problems truthfully, check each fact with "six elements", and clarify the time, place, person, cause, process, and result. For each question, make sure that the facts are clear and qualitative. At the same time, we strictly adhere to the policy, do not interfere with the normal work of the inspected units, do not perform the duty of discipline review, and ensure that the inspection work can stand the test of practice, people, and history.

Third, adhere to the people's position and rely on the masses. In the patrol work, we must always adhere to the people centered development thought, adhere to all for the masses, rely on the masses, and adhere to the mass line throughout the work process and all links. We should extensively mobilize the masses to reflect on problems, get close to the masses to understand problems, listen to opinions, and carefully study what the masses care about, oppose, and hate. We will resolutely take the problems strongly reflected by the masses as the main direction of attack, echo the expectations of the masses, promote the effective solution of the problems concerned by the masses, and ensure that the patrol work has achieved solid results.

Q: "Finding problems, forming deterrence, promoting reform and development" is the central inspection policy. In actual work, how does the Central Inspection Group implement and play the role of patrol sword?

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, from the perspective of the CPC Central Committee's promotion of the overall strategic situation of the Party and the country, and from the perspective of the situation and tasks of building a clean and honest government and combating corruption, proposed the patrol work policy of "finding problems, forming deterrence, promoting reform and promoting development", which is the general requirement of patrol work in the new era. From the perspective of the inspection team, it is necessary to implement this policy, and the key is to grasp two aspects:

The first aspect is to stick to finding problems as the lifeline of patrol work. Patrol inspection is to find problems. In our patrol work, we firmly establish the concept that it is dereliction of duty to find major problems that should be found but not found, and it is dereliction of duty to find problems that are not reported truthfully. We adhere to the problem orientation and highlight the focus of work, focus on finding prominent problems in the leadership, construction, and overall strict governance of the Party, and focus on key people, key issues Key issues, form a powerful deterrent, and play the role of patrol sword.

The second aspect is to insist on taking the promotion and solution of problems as the foothold of patrol work. The purpose of finding problems is to solve problems, especially to promote the solution of prominent problems that are strongly reflected by the people and erode the ruling foundation of the Party. From the perspective of the inspection team, during the period of entry, the inspection team should urge the inspected party organizations to immediately deal with and correct the problems in violation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and the "four styles" in accordance with the requirements of legislative reform; During feedback, it is necessary to point out the problems to the leading group of the inspected party organization and its main responsible person, and clearly put forward rectification requirements and promote rectification; After receiving the rectification report, it is necessary to carefully review and put forward opinions one by one according to the patrol feedback, and promote reform and development by strengthening the implementation of rectification.

(Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)

(Editor in charge: Fu Jingying, Li Yuan)
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