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Wang Wei, deputy officer of the Discipline Inspection and Rules Division of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Law Office of the State Supervision Commission, interpreted the highlights of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China

14:05, January 3, 2019 Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Original title: and the applicable provisions on the category and extent of punishment?

Wang Wei, Deputy Officer of Discipline Inspection and Regulation Division of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Law Office of the State Supervision Commission (exclusive interview video screenshot)

solution Said: Article 125 In case of failing to report or failing to report truthfully the matters that should be reported during the inspection or inspection work at a higher level or when reporting to a higher level, which has caused serious damage or serious adverse effects, the person directly responsible and the person in charge shall be given a warning or a severe warning; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be given the punishment of removing their posts within the Party or staying in the Party for investigation.

Those who connive at, instigate, hint or force the lower level to tell lies or report false information when the higher level inspects or inspects the work or reports to the higher level shall be given a heavier or heavier punishment.

Q: This article is about the provisions on not reporting, failing to report work truthfully, forcing subordinates to tell lies and the types and ranges of punishment applicable to them. How should we accurately understand?

The Several Guidelines on Inner Party Political Life in the New Situation clearly requires that leading organs and leading cadres shall not condone, instigate, hint or force subordinates to tell lies for any reason or name, and those who condone, instigate, hint or force subordinates to cheat or conceal the truth shall be held accountable in accordance with discipline and regulations. At the same time, this provision is made in view of some practices of fraud, deception and deception in reality.

This article is divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph is aimed at Party members or Party organizations, which is specifically manifested in the act of failing to report or failing to report truthfully the matters that should be reported when the superior inspects or inspects the work or reports to the superior, causing serious damage or serious adverse effects. It is emphasized that the party members or party organizations conceal the relevant information when they know it clearly, or provide the information, materials and data when they know it is untrue, in order to cover up the problems that have occurred, whitewash the peace, conceal the truth, or to seek the affirmation and approval of their superiors, report false information, false figures, false models, or to cope with inspections, It seems that the assessment indicators have been completed on the form, but the task has not been completed, etc. The "superior" here includes not only the superior party committee and government, but also the working departments of the party committee and government departments. It is not limited to the upper level. "Items that should be reported" should be defined according to the actual situation. Some are items that are explicitly required to be reported by the superior unit, and some are items that are not explicitly required by the superior unit but should be reported according to their own work responsibilities. If an act in violation of the provisions of this article causes serious damage or serious adverse effects, the relevant responsible person shall be punished.

Q: What are the differences between this act and the act of failing to report major issues to the organization in accordance with the relevant provisions stipulated in Article 54 of the Regulations?

The main reason is that the content of the report is different. This behavior emphasizes the report on the work content at the working level. Article 54 does not ask for instructions on major matters, which has specific connotation.

Q: How is the second paragraph different from the first one?

The second paragraph is aimed at the Party members or organizations, which is specifically manifested in the behavior of conniving, instigating, hinting, forcing the lower level to tell lies and report false information when the higher level inspects and inspects the work or reports to the higher level. This behavior is more serious than the behavior specified in the first paragraph, that is, knowing that the situation is untrue and that there is a problem, not only does not stop, do not correct, and do not report truthfully, but also connives at, instigates, hints, and forces subordinates to tell lies and report false situations, in order to achieve the purpose of jointly covering up problems and concealing the truth, so they should be given heavier or heavier punishment.

Q: Compared with the previous Regulations, what specific adjustments have been made in this revision?

The first paragraph of this article was stipulated when the Regulations were revised in 2015; The second paragraph of this article is added and the first paragraph is revised.

(Editor in charge: Fu Jingying, Li Yuan)
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