CPC News Network >> Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity

2018 "Fighting Tiger" briefing

16:51, January 2, 2019 Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Original title: 2018 "Fighting Tiger" briefing

In 2018, the fight against corruption continues!

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission announced that 23 middle management cadres, including Miao Ruilin, Qian Yin'an and Nur Baikeli, had accepted the review and investigation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission, as well as the results of the party discipline and government punishment of 21 people, including Wang Xiaoguang, Zhang Shaochun and Bai Xiangqun.

   What are the most common violations of discipline and laws among the cadres in charge during the fall?

   ——Violating political discipline and rules. More than 80% of the cadres in charge who have been reported to have fallen off their horses have violated political discipline. It is common to confront organizational review. In addition, they interfere with the inspection tour of the Central Committee, deviate from the requirements of the Party Central Committee, practice fraud, engage in political speculation, promote relations for personal promotion, read overseas books and magazines with serious political problems, engage in "small circles", and form cliques.

   ——Violation of organizational discipline. 76% of the cadres who were reported to be in charge were "not honest enough" and did not explain the problem truthfully. Some did not truthfully fill in personal related matter reports, some did not truthfully explain when organizing interviews and correspondence, and some tried to hide the truth when accepting organizational review and investigation. In addition, the phenomenon of buying and selling officials and canvassing for votes still exists.

   ——Violation of the spirit of the eight point rule of the Central Committee. Without exception, almost all the middle management cadres notified in 2018 stepped on the red line of the spirit of the eight central regulations, and "eating, drinking, tourism and golf" are three persistent diseases. The problem of "eating and drinking" still arises from time to time. For example, Feng Xinzhu, the former vice governor of Shaanxi Province, has long accepted banquets arranged by private entrepreneurs, and Pu Bo, the former vice governor of Guizhou Province, has accepted banquets that may affect the fair performance of official duties.

   ——Violation of integrity discipline. The situation of accepting gifts and cash gifts, trading power and money, engaging in profit-making activities in violation of regulations, and operating enterprises in violation of regulations is relatively prominent. For example, Pu Bo, the former vice governor of Guizhou Province, amassed huge amounts of money by gambling, and engaged in power and money transactions through "big gambling" and "fake gambling". Liu Qiang, the former vice governor of Liaoning Province, sought benefits for his relatives' business activities.

   ——Pay no attention to family style construction. Poor governance is a common problem of many cadres in charge when they are in trouble. For example, Liu Jun, the former vice chairman of the CPPCC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, tacitly allowed his son to take advantage of his position to seek personal gains, Ai Wenli, the former vice chairman of the CPPCC Hebei Province, colluded with his family to amass wealth wantonly, and Sun Bo, the former general manager of CSIC, illegally transferred his family to work.

   ——Corruption, bribery, abuse of power, benefit transmission and other post related violations and crimes. More than 76% of the cadres in charge who have been notified of being arrested are suspected of these crimes. In particular, leading cadres in some fields use related enterprises to channel interests. For example, Zhang Shaochun, the former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance, uses the convenience of his position or position to seek benefits for others; Li Yihuang, the former vice governor of Jiangxi Province, made use of the resources of state-owned enterprises for personal gain.

   Who are the key targets?

   ——Those who do not converge and do not stop. More than 80% of the cadres who have been announced to be in charge after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are typical of those who have not been restrained or stopped. For example, Zhang Shaochun, the former vice minister of the Ministry of Finance, violated discipline and laws mainly after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Lai Xiaomin, the former chairman of China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd., "did not restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and had no scruples, no fear, and increased the cost". Chen Zhifeng, the former vice mayor of Tianjin, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, He still plays golf in violation of regulations many times.

   ——Political "double faced". For example, Lu Wei, the former deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department and the former director of the Central Cyberspace Office, has no "four senses" and violates "six disciplines", which is a typical "double faced person"; Sun Bo, former general manager of CSIC, deviated from the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and practiced fraud; There are also some cadres who pretend to be firm in faith in public and indulge in feudal superstition behind their backs.

   ——Political and economic issues are intertwined. Many of the middle management cadres investigated and dealt with want to be high-ranking officials and make a fortune, and bring the principle of commodity exchange into the political life of the Party; Bai Xiangqun, the former vice-chairman of Inner Mongolia, was willing to be "hunted" and colluded with illegal businessmen.

   What about the "tiger"?

Adhering to the principle of "being practical" means strictly abiding by disciplines and laws, and accurately, forcefully and orderly punishing corruption.

   ——Party members who seriously violate discipline and criminal law must be expelled from the Party; If serious violations or crimes are involved, they must be transferred to the judicial organs. In 2018, 18 of the 21 middle management cadres who announced the handling results were expelled from the Party, and 15 were transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution.

   ——"Escarpment style degradation" reflects the deepening application of "four forms". On February 12, 2018, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released the news on its website that "Liu Jun, the former vice chairman of the Guangxi CPPCC, was expelled from the Party and demoted to a non leadership post at the deputy department level", which was the first "cliff" after the 19th National Congress. In addition to Liu Jun, in 2018, there were also Li Jianhua, the former deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of Gansu Provincial People's Congress, Yang Xihuai, the former deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Liaoning Province and the deputy director of the Provincial Supervision Commission, and Chen Zhifeng, the former deputy mayor of Tianjin, who were subject to heavy sanctions and major job adjustments such as dismissal, demotion, and stay in the Party for inspection.

   ——Temper leniency with severity, For those cadres who get lost, turn themselves in, sincerely admit their mistakes and repent of their mistakes, give way and reflect the policy in accordance with the rules, disciplines and laws; Even if he is suspected of committing a crime, when he is transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution, he also proposes lenient punishment according to law, such as Ai Wenli and Wang Tie. Li Jianhua, Yang Xihuai and others truthfully explained their violations of discipline and law, and most of the problems were not mastered by the organization before. They took the initiative to hand in illegal gains, confessed their mistakes and regretted their mistakes sincerely, and also considered lighter treatment for them. (Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission Zhang Yan | Art Design Wang Chan)

   Related links:

In 2018, when some cadres in charge of affairs who were arrested were announced the decision of punishment, they appeared in front of the camera to speak. Let's review their "Repentance Quotations" again. While feeling the power of "fighting tigers" in 2018, we should also remember their lessons and strive to be honest and clean in the new year.

Ai Wenli: "I appeal to comrades with problems like mine to stop taking chances and turn themselves in as soon as possible."

Zhang Shaochun: "From my heart, I sincerely intend to take the road of redemption in my life and be a clean and honest person."

Bai Xiangqun: "I want to use my lesson to warn and educate party members and cadres that there are two ways to become rich when being an official

Pu Bo: "I will use my lesson to warn everyone to take every step of life well."

Lai Xiaomin: "All the bubbles on the feet are made by themselves... I hope that the leading cadres of the Party members will take me as a warning, abide by the law and discipline, stay away from corruption, and remember the saying, 'Don't stretch your hand, you will be caught if you stretch your hand'."

(Editor in charge: Li Yuan, Gao Lei)
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