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Anti corruption year-end observation

At the end of the year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued another "two tiger war report". Since this year, at least six senior officials have been demoted

Li Yuan, reporter of the CPC News Network

08:20, December 19, 2018 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Anti corruption year-end series reports:

■ Six characteristics and seven "firsts", the 2018 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's "tiger fighting atlas" came

■ A central announcement has brought about a wave of "voluntary surrender". This year, at least 20 fugitives voluntarily surrendered

■ "It's not easy to be an official". More than 10 county party secretaries have been investigated and dealt with this year

December 18, 2018 is destined to be a memorable day.

On the morning of the 18th, The congress to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. "With the tenacity and persistence of anti-corruption, we should deepen the treatment of both the root causes and root causes, and resolutely eliminate all corrupt elements." The speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the conference was an enlightening one. 17:00 p.m., Central The Discipline Inspection Commission and the National Supervision Commission immediately Released "great news", Li Jianhua, former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of Gansu Provincial People's Congress, and Yang Xihuai, former deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Liaoning Province and deputy director of the Provincial Supervision Commission Two middle management cadres were punished.

"A meeting will be held in the morning, and" two tigers "will be fought in the afternoon." The determination of the Central Committee of the Party to punish corruption is as firm as a rock.

"Put discipline first": at least 6 senior officials have been demoted this year

According to the disciplinary notice released on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection yesterday, Li Jianhua accepts banquets that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Failing to truthfully explain problems when organizing correspondence, and intervening in the selection and appointment of cadres in the original regions; Accepting gifts and cash in violation of regulations, conniving and acquiescing relatives to take advantage of their position to seek personal interests and engage in money and sex transactions, etc., he was expelled from the Party, removed from the government affairs, and demoted to a non leadership position at the deputy department level.

Yang Xihuai's punishment notice said that he did not correctly perform his duties in supervision and discipline enforcement, accepted the request to take care of the person under review, and disclosed work secrets; Accept banquets and gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Intervention and meddling in judicial activities, etc., were removed from their posts within the Party, removed from their posts in government affairs, and demoted to non leading posts at the level of deputy departments.

It is worth noting that both of them have been given a lighter punishment—— "In view of Li Jianhua's ability to truthfully account for his violations of discipline and law and most of the problems were not mastered by the organization before, he took the initiative to hand in the full amount of illegal income, confessed his mistakes and regretted his mistakes sincerely, and could be dealt with leniently." "In view of Comrade Yang Xihuai's ability to truthfully account for violations of discipline and laws and most of the problem organizations have not yet mastered, he took the initiative to hand in illegal gains from violations of discipline, and had a good attitude of confessing his mistakes and regretting his mistakes, which can be dealt with lightly."

Prior to this, Wang Tie, the former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Henan Provincial People's Congress, was also "treated with leniency and mitigation". Wang Tie surrendered in August this year, was expelled from the Party in November, was dismissed from the government, was demoted to a non leading post at the deputy department level, and went through retirement procedures.

In detail, at least 6 middle management cadres who were demoted this year were given demotion punishment. In addition to the above three persons, on February 12 this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Liu Jun, the former vice chairman of the CPPCC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was expelled from the Party, removed from office and demoted to a non leadership post at the deputy department level for serious violations of discipline; On February 24, Yang Jing, Secretary of the Secretariat of the 18th CPC Central Committee, former State Councilor and Secretary General of the State Council, was detained for one year for serious violations of discipline, removed from office and demoted to the ministerial level; On August 7, Chen Zhifeng, the former deputy mayor of Tianjin, was kept in the Party for two years and his retirement benefits were determined at the level of deputy department.

Leading cadres who "break the law" all start from "breaking discipline". "If any violation of discipline is found, it should be dealt with in a timely manner. If the punishment is given, it should be demoted. This should be the focus of discipline inspection, while case filing, review, and transfer to the judiciary should be a minority." The above disciplinary decisions of the cadres in charge of the central government fully confirm that our party has always insisted on putting discipline and supervision ahead.

"Breaking the Black under the Light": This year, the discipline inspection system investigated and handled several "insiders"

"The discipline inspection and supervision institutions shoulder the great trust of the Party and the people, and must remember the hard political requirement of forging iron." "They consciously accept the supervision of the Party and the people, strictly abide by discipline and law, timely clean the courtyard and clean the door, and strive to build a model institution that can reassure the Party Central Committee and satisfy the people." On the afternoon of December 13, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed when presiding over the eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.

It is the consistent requirement of our party for discipline inspection and supervision teams to vigorously build an "iron army" of discipline inspection and supervision and eliminate "darkness under the light". One of the two middle management cadres notified yesterday is the "own" of the discipline inspection system.

Yang Xihuai, the former deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Supervision, found that he had worked in the discipline inspection system for many years. In July 2007, Yang Xihuai entered the discipline inspection system as a member of the Standing Committee of Fushun Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Three years later, he became a member of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Liaoning Province. In July 2015, he became the Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Liaoning Province. In February this year, he became the Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Liaoning Province and the Deputy Director of the Provincial Supervision Commission.

It is worth noting that Yang Xihuai worked with two fallen "tigers" during his work in Fushun, namely Liu Qiang, former vice governor of Liaoning Province (former secretary of Fushun Municipal Party Committee), and Wang Yang, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of Liaoning Provincial People's Congress (former mayor of Fushun).

According to statistics, Yang Xihuai is not the first deputy secretary of the provincial discipline inspection commission and deputy director of the supervision commission to announce the "fall" this year. On September 11 this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission released news that Qiu Daming, deputy secretary of the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission. Qiu Daming, the "post-60s", is also an "old man" who has worked in the discipline inspection and supervision system for more than ten years.

Since this year, the discipline inspection system has insisted on cleaning up the door and breaking the "black under the lights". Many cadres of the discipline inspection system have been investigated nationwide. In addition to Yang Xihuai and Qiu Daming, there are also Li Yanling, the former leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Zhang Haisheng, the former leader of the discipline inspection team of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, Wu Dunwu, the former leader of the discipline inspection team of the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in the former Provincial Department of Health, and Tao Zhigang, the former leader of the discipline inspection team of the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Zhao Ziliang, former deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and deputy director of the Supervision Commission of Haibei Prefecture, Qinghai Province, Hu Chuanxiang, former director of the Corruption Prevention Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, Zhao Mingwei, former deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and former deputy director of the Supervision Commission of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, Hu Hongtao, deputy leader of the Seventh Inspection Group of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, and the original team of the Discipline Inspection Group of the Anhui Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission in the Provincial Water Resources Department Chen Dongbai, the former director of the Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Hainan Province, and others were "found out".

Disciplinary inspection and supervision institutions are not "incorruptible safes". Disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres do not have innate "immunity to corruption", and trust cannot replace supervision. It's time to wake up for those who try to sneak into the discipline inspection and supervision authorities and take them as "shields and amulets" to seek refuge.

just as December 13th General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasize when presiding over the eleventh collective learning of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee The majority of discipline inspection and supervision cadres should be self disciplined and cautious, hold the bottom line, firm their ideals and beliefs, improve their political ability, strengthen self-discipline, strengthen their professional ability, strengthen their discipline and law thinking, especially their sense of procedure, take the initiative to accept organizational supervision, take the lead in observing discipline and law, and be strict with themselves, and be loyal defenders of the Party and the people.

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(Editor in charge: Li Yuan, Gao Lei)
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