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Anti corruption year-end observation

"It's not easy to be an official". More than 10 county party secretaries have been investigated and dealt with this year

Li Yuan, reporter of the CPC News Network

08:11, December 12, 2018 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

Anti corruption year-end series reports:

■ Six characteristics and seven "firsts", the 2018 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's "tiger fighting atlas" came

■ A central announcement has brought about a wave of "voluntary surrender". This year, at least 20 fugitives voluntarily surrendered

"Seven grade Sesame official, shoulder weight". General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that, The county party committee is our party's "front-line headquarters" for governing and rejuvenating the country, and the county party secretary is the "front-line commander".

The secretary of the county party committee who is in charge of the government, It integrates the power of resource allocation and cadre selection, and faces relatively great temptation, which can be described as "high-risk posts".

According to the reporter's statistics, since this year, at least 10 county party committee secretaries have been investigated and dealt with by the provincial discipline inspection commission in many places of the country (See the table at the end of the text for the detailed list) Only in the first 12 days of December, Hebei Luanping, Hebei Zhuolu Xiapu, Fujian and Qishan, Shaanxi The county party secretary fell down.

Four county party committee secretaries investigated and dealt with were notified of the violation of discipline of six people after the "70s"

From the regional perspective, the Secretary of Luoma County Party Committee notified this year involves Hebei, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Qinghai and other places. Among them, there are 4 in Guizhou, 2 in Hebei and 2 in Shaanxi, and 1 in other places; In terms of the age of demobilized cadres, there are 11 "post-60s" and 4 "post-70s". The oldest is Jia County, Shaanxi Province, born in 1963 Former Secretary of the County Party Committee Xin Yaofeng, the youngest is Youxian County, Hunan Province Former Secretary of the County Party Committee Tan Runhong was born in August 1976.

In addition, among the above Luoma County Party Committee secretaries, there are two women, namely Gao Wei, the Hebei Zhuolu County Party Committee secretary who was just notified to accept the review and investigation on the evening of the 11th, and Jiang Julian, the standing member of the Huizhou Municipal Party Committee, the head of the Publicity Department, and the Boluo County Party Committee secretary. Reporters read Jiangjulian Public reports found that last November, Jiang Julian attended the National Commendation Conference for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Beijing and accepted the plaque of "National Civilized County" on behalf of Boluo County. Less than a year later, in August 2018, Jiang Julian was reported to be under investigation for being suspected of serious violations of discipline and laws.

It is worth noting that at least 6 of the county party secretaries who have failed this year have been notified of their disciplinary violations. this year In June, the website of Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Liang Jiageng, the former secretary of Sandu County Party Committee, had been "double opened" for serious violations of discipline and laws. After investigation, Liang Ka kee ignored the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee on poverty alleviation, and acted on his own. He made many statements, but took few actions. Participate in superstition activities; They engage in formalism and bureaucracy, refuse to implement the major decisions made by the Party organization, ignore the wishes of the masses, violate the rules of procedure, and pat their heads on decisions; Take advantage of the influence of his position to seek personal benefits for his son's business activities; Intervention in law enforcement activities.

In August 2018, Xin Yaofeng, the former secretary of the CPC Committee of Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province, was "double opened". After investigation, Xin Yaofeng did not seriously implement the central government's decision and deployment for poverty alleviation, illegally used poverty relief funds and engaged in political attachment; They not only spend huge sums of money to seek personal promotion, but also seek benefits for others and accept property in the selection and appointment of cadres. They do not truthfully explain problems when organizing conversations and letters, and do not strictly implement the leave reporting system; Illegal intervention and interference in the business activities of state-owned enterprises.

In September 2018, Wu Wei, the former secretary of the Party Committee of Dari County, Golog Prefecture, Qinghai Province, was "double opened". It is found that Wu Wei is greedy for pleasure and pursues low-grade tastes, which has caused adverse social impact. During the marriage, he has long maintained an illegitimate relationship with others.

In November 2018, the website of Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that three former county party secretaries were "double opened" on the same day Notification: Former Secretary of Dafang County Party Committee Zhang Hanshi selected and appointed cadres in violation of regulations; Engage in power sex trade; Use the influence of position to force others to exercise their powers in violation of regulations and interfere in market economic activities; Having illegitimate sexual relations with several women, and having illegitimate children outside marriage. Liao Qigang, former secretary of Fenggang County Party Committee, covered up the fact of violating discipline and laws; Accepting gifts and cash gifts such as Maotai Liquor in violation of regulations, and engaging in power and sex trade; Having improper sexual relations with female subordinates, etc. Zhang Guangyuan, the former secretary of Congjiang County Party Committee, publicly made improper remarks on poverty alleviation; Illegal acceptance of cash gifts and Maotai liquor; Violating the work and not earnestly performing the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party; She has long had illegitimate sexual relations with many women.

How to be a qualified county party secretary? General Secretary Xi Jinping asked

"Go your own way", "pat your head", "interfere in the operation of state-owned enterprises", "interfere in law enforcement activities", "select and appoint cadres in violation of regulations"... Some disciplinary violations in the above notification of punishment should prove the seriousness of the "derailment" of leading cadres, especially the "top leaders". "One voice" and "paternalism" are widely practiced in work and life Corruption Covet pleasure The power anomie of the "top leaders" will further worsen the local officialdom ecology, and even lead to "collapse and corruption".

Power has boundaries. Officials on the main side of the government should fully use the power entrusted to them by the Party and the people and be good servants of the people. However, when the power is not constrained, it will show its arrogance and capriciousness, which will inevitably lead to something difficult to understand. To count these corrupt officials' actions, none of them is not to use their own power to the extent that it can not be added, or to cross the border of power and get involved in decisions that do not belong to their own authority, which eventually leads to official anger and resentment, and brings irreparable losses to the country and people.

So, how can we become a qualified county party secretary? General Secretary Xi Jinping once gave a clear answer to this question.

"The position of county party secretary is very important, and the official is not a big one, and the responsibility and pressure are not small, so it is not easy to be an official..." In January 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping spoke frankly with more than 200 students of the first seminar for county party secretaries of the Central Party School when they talked about and exchanged "the experience of county party secretary". At this symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a clear request to the county party secretary that "the party, the people, the responsibility and the precepts should be in mind".

"Honesty and self-discipline is the bottom line for Communists to work as officials." At the symposium, Xi Jinping once again mentioned that you can't have both fish and bear's paw, reminding leading cadres to stick to their own life choices. "There are two ways to become rich when you are an official. You should not become rich when you are an official, and you should not become an official when you become rich." Xi Jinping warned the county party secretary that you should exercise power correctly, use power according to law, impartially, and honestly, so that you can be afraid, speak with caution, and act with restraint, and handle the relationship between public and private, love and law, and benefit and law. We should always be strict with ourselves, pursue healthy interests, keep power, money and beauty in check, and lead the whole county to form a healthy and progressive social trend.

On June 30 of the same year, General Secretary Xi Jinping reiterated the requirements of "Four Haves" when meeting with the national outstanding county party committee secretaries who were praised, and further encouraged the county party committee secretaries to be "political savvy people", "pioneers of development", "close people" and "leaders of the team". This is not only a requirement for the county party secretary, but also a requirement for leading cadres at all levels.

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(Editor in charge: Li Yuan, Cheng Hongyi)
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