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Quickly and Steadily Draw the Blueprint of Supervision System Reform

——Written on the occasion of the completion of the establishment of the provincial, municipal and county level supervisory committees

People's Daily Online reporter Jiang Jie

07:23, February 26, 2018 Source: People's Daily

On February 25, with the formal establishment of Daxin County Supervisory Committee in Chongzuo City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the provincial, municipal and county level supervisory committees have all been established, which marks the important phased achievements in deepening the pilot work of the national supervision system reform.

In late autumn last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued an order to deepen the reform of the national supervision system at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On the day before the closing of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China printed and distributed the "Pilot Plan for Promoting the Reform of the National Supervision System in All Parts of the Country". Then, the 30th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress passed the decision to launch the pilot reform of the supervision system throughout the country. In just over three months, 28 provincial (district, city) and county level supervisory committees in 28 provinces (except Beijing, Shanxi, and Zhejiang, which are the first pilot cities, have been established. The speed of reform in various regions is amazing. A blueprint for the reform of the supervisory system covering all public officials exercising public power has been slowly launched.

Push forward the reform pilot work in a solid and orderly manner with quick steps and steady steps. Reverse the construction period according to the "roadmap" and "schedule" determined by the central government, and fight with wall charts

Deepening the reform of the national supervision system and establishing supervision committees at all levels are major decisions and arrangements made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. The purpose is to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over anti-corruption work and build an authoritative and efficient national supervision system with unified command, comprehensive coverage and the Party.

After the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China launched the "starting gun" for reform, all localities acted quickly, organized meticulously, and pushed forward the reform pilot work in a solid and orderly manner. In accordance with the "road map" and "timetable" determined by the Central Committee, the construction period was reversed, and the wall chart battle was carried out. The provincial, district and municipal Party committees took the initiative to assume the main responsibility, set up a pilot working group for the reform of the supervision system, and the "top leaders" took the overall responsibility, shouldering the responsibility of reforming the "construction team leader"; The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is responsible for the organization and implementation of the pilot reform program; All member units support and cooperate closely with each other, work together to promote the work of the reform pilot, form a working pattern where the Party Committee is in charge, the Commission for Discipline Inspection is in charge, and relevant departments coordinate and cooperate, and transform the reform blueprint into specific practical achievements.

On January 26, 2018, at the first meeting of the 13th People's Congress of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Luo Dongchuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Autonomous Region, was elected director of the Autonomous Region's supervisory committee. The first provincial supervisory committee was created after the reform pilot work was fully launched. Within a week, at the provincial (district, city) people's congress, the provincial supervisory committees were intensively established. By January 31, the directors of the provincial supervisory committees had been elected in 31 provinces (districts, cities). On the morning of February 11, with the formation of the leading group of the Qinghai Provincial Supervisory Committee, the leading groups of the supervisory committees of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have all been formed in accordance with legal procedures.

At the same time, each province (district, city) set up a pilot working group to deepen the reform of the supervision system, reviewed and passed the implementation plan of the pilot work, and strengthened the supervision of the "construction progress" at the city and county levels. All cities and counties, in accordance with the central deployment and the requirements of the provincial (district, city) party committee, learn from the successful experience of pilot areas, carefully organize the implementation, and coordinate the promotion. The Party committees at all levels take the overall responsibility and the discipline inspection commission takes the special responsibility. The relevant units perform their own duties, strengthen their responsibility, carry out accurate construction according to the drawings, and work together to tackle key problems. On November 24, 2017, the first supervisory committee in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region - Qingshan District Supervisory Committee of Baotou City was listed. By December 27, all 82 flag and county (city and district) supervisory committees under the jurisdiction of the city were established, completing the transfer of staff and realizing centralized office. Since then, with the accelerated pace of reform, Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Hainan and other places have all completed the establishment of three-level supervisory committees.

First transferred, then established, and then listed, realizing the joint office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Commission for Supervision, and promoting the allocation of institutional resources and work forces to the front line of supervision and discipline enforcement

"In the process of reform, personnel are the key factor. The transfer of personnel is equivalent to the meeting of the two armies of the army. How can we concentrate on command when people are not concentrated together? Therefore, the principle we established in this pilot reform work is to transfer personnel first, then establish, and then list." The head of the relevant department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced.

According to the road map of reform, the administrative supervision and corruption prevention bureaus of the local supervision departments and bureaus, as well as the anti-corruption, anti malfeasance and duty crime prevention departments of the procuratorates, should be transferred to the newly established supervision committee. Taking Hubei Province as an example, the transfer scheme is determined according to the principle that the number or proportion of transferred employees matches the work tasks after transfer and "the number of employees goes with the staff". The basic basis for the transfer is the average number of actual staff in anti-corruption, anti malfeasance, duty crime prevention and other departments in the past three years, which is transferred as a whole at the provincial, municipal and county levels; If the base number is unclear or the division of staffing is unclear, the special staffing for politics and law will be transferred according to the proportion of 22%, effectively solving the problems of unclear base number and mixed staffing and mixed posts.

The established supervisory committee shall work together with the discipline inspection commission at the same level, with one set of working institutions and two organ names. The secretary of the discipline inspection commission at the same level shall concurrently serve as the director of the supervisory committees at all levels, and the deputy director shall concurrently serve as the deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission at the same level. The members of the supervisory committees at all levels shall mainly be the members of the standing committee of the discipline inspection commission, including comrades transferred from the procuratorate.

All regions, on the basis of adhering to the "three no increase" principle of organization, staffing and number of posts, actively optimize the structure of internal departments, and promote institutional resources and work force to tilt to the front line of supervision and discipline enforcement. After the reform, the headcount of the discipline enforcement departments supervised by the discipline inspection commissions at all levels in Liaoning Province accounted for 73.2% of the total headcount; The Supervision Committee of Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has set up 24 internal institutions, including 10 comprehensive departments, 7 discipline enforcement supervision departments, 6 review and investigation departments, and 1 department specialized in recovering fugitives and stolen goods. The proportion of personnel directly engaged in discipline enforcement supervision and review and investigation has increased by 10%.

After the establishment of the three-level supervision committee, the number of supervision objects has increased significantly, and the supervision force has significantly increased. After the establishment of Heilongjiang Provincial, Municipal and County level Supervision Committees, the number of supervision objects increased from 290000 before the reform to 1.05 million; The number of people under supervision in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region increased from 305000 before the reform to 903000.

The establishment is the beginning. The beginning should be started. All regions should constantly improve the operating mechanism, promote the integration of disciplines and laws, and strive to produce the effect of "1+1>2"

"When did you join the Party?" "Do you know what it means when someone sent you wine? What is the nature of this behavior in the sensitive period of the election?" At 7 p.m. on December 28, 2017, in the party members' heart to heart education room of Gaocun Town, Wendeng District, Weihai City, Shandong Province, Lv Jingming, who had just transferred from the District Procuratorate to the District Commission for Discipline Inspection, had not had time to greet his new colleagues, After receiving the urgent instructions from the leadership of the CPC Committee, we investigated the clues of the problem that four people, including a man in Shaliu Village, Gaocun Town, had recently sent alcohol to the representatives of the party members in the village for many times. Lv Jingming and his colleagues formed three investigation teams to quickly find out the fact that four people from Shi and other places disturbed the order of the general election of the "two committees" of the village by canvassing and bribing.

On the day of transfer to centralized office, the Wendeng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Committee handled two clues to the problem. This is due to the fact that since the first day when Shandong Province launched the pilot work of supervision system reform in November last year, the district has unified its thinking and actively and steadily promoted various work. While promoting ideological integration through in-depth heart to heart talks, and promoting emotional integration through the "visiting relatives" of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Procuratorate, it has highlighted mutual learning and exchange of experience to promote business integration, It effectively made up for the shortcomings of business knowledge and work skills of both parties' personnel, and promoted the high integration of work.

The establishment is the beginning, and the beginning must start! "It is necessary to take the completion of the establishment of the transfer and the joint office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection as a new starting point, stand at the height of politics and the overall situation, do not relax, start again, improve the operating mechanism, promote the convergence of discipline and law, and produce a comprehensive effect of '1+1>2'." At the first cadre meeting of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Tibet Autonomous Region after its establishment, The main leaders of the autonomous region's discipline inspection and supervision commission issued mobilization orders to the discipline inspection and supervision cadres of the region. The Heilongjiang Provincial Supervision Commission held a training class for cadres of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on the second day after its listing. Zhang Qingwei, the secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, gave lectures to all cadres and put forward strict requirements and ardent hopes. He reorganized his clothes and set out again to promote the building of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption to continue to develop in depth.

After the establishment of the supervisory committees at all levels, they quickly carried out work to train the team and promote integration in actual combat. On the day of its establishment, the Supervision Commission of Nanping City, Fujian Province, adopted the designated jurisdiction method and implemented the first retention measure; The Suining Municipal Supervision Commission of Sichuan Province held a meeting immediately after its founding meeting, and after collective study and decision and report to the superior for approval, Chen Xiaoping, Deputy County Chief of Daying County, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the County Public Security Bureau, was detained. The supervision committee of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hunan Province has been listed for less than a month, and 27 people have volunteered to explain their problems. The Supervisory Commission of Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province has taken detaining measures for five people, of which two cases took only one month from filing, detaining to transferring to the procuratorial organ.

At present, supervision committees at all levels are accelerating personnel integration and work integration through centralized training, exchange and learning; At the same time, the 12 investigation measures authorized by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to the Supervisory Commission were tried out in an all-round way to strengthen the overall coordination between the supervisory authorities and the law enforcement and judicial authorities, so as to realize the efficient operation of the Supervisory Commission as soon as possible.

The establishment of the supervisory committee is only the first step in the long march of the national supervisory system reform. On the new journey, all localities will thoroughly implement the requirements of the CPC Central Committee for comprehensively deepening reform, constantly explore and innovate, realize the normal and efficient operation of the supervisory committees at all levels as soon as possible, ensure that the power is locked in the cage of the system, ensure that the power given by the Party and the people is not abused, and the sword of punishing evil and promoting good will never be lost.

People's Daily (February 26, 2018, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Jiang Pingping, Yao Qian)
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