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Green development and happy life

09:47, May 31, 2021 | Source: People's Daily
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Figure ①: A bullet train running on the Nanning Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line passes through the rape flower sea in Zhulin Town, Guangnan County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.
Photographed by Chang Jing
Figure ②: Relocation site of the city wall dam in Lushui City, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.
Photographed by Luo Jinhe
Figure ③: Yuanman Expressway.
Photographed by Hu Yanhui


Harmonious community adds vitality

Our reporter Li Maoying

"Our community is an old community, and parking has always been a big problem. Now, what's your opinion on transforming an open space into a parking lot?" At the courtyard dam conference of Heping Road Community, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, the leading community cadres raised such a question.

"Ensure the fire passage, and eliminate other parking safety hazards." "Price should be reasonable according to the time period."...... Party members and the masses in the community get together to make suggestions.

The infrastructure in the area under jurisdiction is aging, with high transformation costs, many elderly people, many difficult groups, and many floating population. How to regulate parking order? How to maintain environmental sanitation? How to deal with noise disturbing residents? Once, Heping Road Community faced the same management problems as other old communities.

Heping Road Community, guided by party building, explores diversified community management modes, integrates service resources, gathers service forces, and provides refined services for community residents.

Duan Yongfen, secretary of the Party Committee of Heping Road Community, introduced that this year we have further enriched the community party members, cadres and volunteers to serve the masses, served the old buildings and yards within the jurisdiction, collected residents' needs, and mobilized the community masses to participate in the governance of the buildings and yards. "The key is to mobilize the enthusiasm of residents to participate in community governance, and cultivate the awareness of the people that" I participate in my buildings and courtyards ". For all issues that residents care about, we will convene relevant parties, party members and residents in the district to" feel the pulse "through the" Courtyard Council ", to stimulate residents to participate in the governance of the buildings and courtyards." Duan Yongfen said.

It is reported that since 2018, Kunming has led social governance with party building, and comprehensively carried out the construction of "demonstration communities" for urban grass-roots party building. Through the simultaneous promotion of party masses construction, the party building work and the mass league work have achieved complementary advantages and win-win results, forming a social governance system of joint construction, governance and sharing.



The photovoltaic industry has sufficient potential

Our reporter Yang Wenming

The once wasteland has long disappeared, and standardized modern factories have sprung up. With the help of green hydropower, monocrystalline silicon can be pulled and sliced, and the green hydropower silicon industrial park in the national Qujing Economic and Technological Development Zone is in full swing.

Why did the enterprise choose to land in Qujing? It is inseparable from the favorable policies. Qujing Economic Development Zone carried out a new management model of "construction before inspection" for investment projects to promote the early implementation, early production and early effect of a number of investment projects.

In recent years, relying on the advantages of clean energy and hydropower, Yunnan has attracted the settlement of hydropower and silicon materials. Subsequently, clean energy photovoltaic industry modules are produced with clean energy hydropower. At present, Longji, Jing'ao Solar, Jinzhou Sunshine and other leading photovoltaic enterprises in the world have settled in Qujing. Qujing is working hard to build a green silicon photovoltaic industrial base around the whole industrial chain layout of "silicon rod silicon chip battery chip module".

The enterprise's landing in Qujing is also inseparable from the business environment. Qujing has established and improved the project service mechanism, increased the efforts to guarantee key projects, strictly implemented the investment project agency system, strengthened the tracking service for the whole process of project implementation, and ensured that the project is "successful, successful, and well developed", and the speed of project approval and construction has been greatly accelerated. "We have a special counterpart department. If you have any problems, just find them. You don't have to run around," said Zhang Yubo, general manager of Qujing Solar Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.

Industrial clusters are also a major advantage of Qujing in building the world's photovoltaic capital. Mao Jianqiao, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the state-level Qujing Economic and Technological Development Zone, introduced that through business invitation, Qujing plans to build a 6.92 square kilometer new energy battery industrial park, accelerate the layout of power batteries, energy storage batteries and supporting projects, extend the industrial chain, and the "magnetic field effect" of leading enterprises began to appear. "In the future, more and more photovoltaic industries will embrace green hydropower," said Ye Hua, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the national Qujing Economic and Technological Development Zone.



Clear water, green shore, homesickness

Our reporter Li Maoying

An ancient and natural village, the rippling Erhai Lake, and a beautiful and winding ecological corridor separate them. Between Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake, this ecological corridor is like a green scarf, connecting the traditional Bai villages along the lake.

In January 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "Erhai Lake must be well protected" during his visit to Yunnan. Subsequently, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture launched a comprehensive battle for the protection and management of Erhai Lake, and made every effort to promote the sewage interception, ecological relocation, mine renovation, river regulation, ecological restoration around the lake, opening a new journey for the protection and management of Erhai Lake and the transformation and development of the river basin.

As one of the major projects, the construction of the ecological corridor around the lake involves more than 790 hectares of ecological restoration and wetland construction in the lakeside buffer zone around Erhai Lake, 129 kilometers of the ecological corridor around the lake, the ecological relocation of 1806 residents in 23 villages, the improvement of 30 kilometers of sewage pipe network, and the construction of five scientific research and experimental bases with wetland restoration functions.

On the ecological corridor, green trees and red flowers contrast with each other, and tourists take photos everywhere. At present, the main works of Erhai Ecological Corridor have been completed, and ancillary works such as landscape improvement are under way. "The ecological corridor is the boundary between people and the lake, which enables the Erhai Lake to be 'breathable' and provides a more hydrophilic platform for people," said Xue Min, head of the Administration Department of the Erhai Ecological Corridor Construction Headquarters.

In 2020, the water quality of Erhai Lake will reach Class II in 7 months and Class III in 5 months, and the water quality of the national examination section will be evaluated as excellent. "The ecological corridor can intercept sewage, reduce pollutant discharge, restore the biodiversity of the lakeside, and expand the lake area by 10 hectares." Xue Min said, "The ecological corridor also gives you an ecological space with clean water, green shore, and shallow bottom."

"The dreamlike Dali landscape releases our good hope..." On the stage of Gusheng Village, near Erhai Lake, a new lyric rap of Bai nationality's big song echoed. "The governance of Erhai Lake is getting better and better. The water is clearer and the scenery is more beautiful." Villager He Licheng recently fell in love with walking by the lake. "The happiness of childhood seems to be back!"


Pu 'er Tea

National unity and family affinity

Our reporter Yang Wenming

"Since then, we have been united to the end with one heart and one mind, and under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we have vowed to strive for building an equal, free and happy family!" On New Year's Day in 1951, representatives of 26 ethnic groups made a vow and carved a stone inscription in Puer.

Huang Guishu, the former director of Pu'er Cultural Relics Management Institute, spent eight years to verify the 48 representatives who signed on the monument. He said: "Over the past 70 years, the people of all ethnic groups in Pu'er have not only carved the pledge of national unity on the tablet, but also implemented it in action."

The same oath was also hung in the courtyard of Fang Youfu, an elderly Hani in Qiangang Village, Ning'er Town. As the signatory of that year, Fang Youfu bought a water jet generator, organized the masses to broaden the road, and educated his youngest son, Fang Caibing, to join the Party. Fang Youfu has followed the Party all his life and worked hard to build an equal, free and happy family.

National unity is now rooted in the hearts of the people of all ethnic groups in Pu'er. "If everyone is not united, how can we talk about development?" Fang Caibing is a volunteer lecturer in the National Unity Park. He described national unity as water and air, and didn't feel anything in it. But once national unity is lost, maybe everyone should stop doing other things and go to work first to resolve it.

Under the leadership of the Party, compatriots of all ethnic groups in Puer held together like pomegranate seeds.

The upper group of Dazhaizi, where the Yi people live together in Manxieba Village, Nanping Town, Simao District, Pu'er City, lacks industry. The village introduced enterprises to plant agaricus blazei in cooperation, but the villagers have never planted it and dare not try. It was the party members and cadres who took the lead in dispelling the concerns of the masses. Today, the net income of one mu of Agaricus blazei Matsutake is 30000 yuan, and the Yi village has a good income with the party organization.

Nine of the ten counties and districts in Pu'er City are national autonomous counties, and all ethnic groups make progress together, regardless of each other. Shao Rui, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Manxieba Village, sighed, "Now the village has done a good job of national unity, and everyone is working hard to develop!"



Rural tourism is booming

Our reporter Ye Chuanzeng

Planting colorful rice fields, building rice baba experience area, laying smart fire protection systems... Amid the sound of machines, Simola Wa Village, Sanjia Village, Qingshui Township, Tengchong City, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, was busy.

"The changes in the village are just like every day!" Zhao Jiaqing, member of the Qingshui Township Party Committee and deputy head of Qingshui Township, recently went to various project sites in Simola to check the progress of the project.

Among them, the rice baba experience area is one of the pilot projects for Simola to explore industrial integration. At present, the main building has been completed and is waiting for the equipment to enter the site for installation. The experience area focuses on the process of rice cake making. In addition to providing tourists with experience, it can also be mass produced into hand gifts and put on the market.

It is reported that in June 2020, the Zhongzhai Party Branch established the "Tengchong Qingshui Division Mora Xingfu Wa Township Tourism Professional Cooperative", which takes the "member output, cooperative unified purchase, company processing, and return sales" as the model to deliver the agricultural products of the Mora Wa Village to enterprises in Tengchong City for further processing, and then sell the finished products to the market through the cooperative, forming a "one industry based The second industry is the driving force and the third industry is the platform for the development pattern, so as to achieve the industrial integration effect of "1+1+1>3" and broaden the channels for people to increase income.

"We invited the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to complete the design of the 'Simola' trademark, and to research and develop agricultural special products and cultural and creative products. Now black tea, carmine fruit series products, etc. have been put on the market, and the sales revenue will be 320000 yuan in 2020." Zhao Jiaqing told reporters that the cooperative had paid dividends at the end of last year, and the 73 villagers in Simola could get an average of about 800 yuan per household.

According to reports, on the basis of fully respecting the wishes of the masses, basing on existing resources and coordinating the needs of future development, Tengchong City, taking Simola Wa Village as the core area, connects six administrative villages of the whole township through a 22.8 km highway loop line to create six business types, namely, Wa Township customs, Guzhai Township tourism, agricultural tourism leisure, homestay demonstration, hot spring leisure and modern agriculture, Promote the transformation of rural industrial structure to make the happy place more happy.

"When tourists come to Qingshui Township, they can play along the ring road. In addition to visiting the Simola Wa village, there are also scenic spots such as Rose Manor in Laozhaizi Village, Camel Community Tea Sea of 1000 mu, etc." Zhao Jiaqing said.



Village planning promotes revitalization

Reporter Xu Yuanfeng

The industrial road has been built to the field, and the special snack street and tourist service center have also been built - the Dahuangtian Village, where the Lahu and Dai people live together, has become a prosperous and beautiful village. The cadres of the Party School of the Shuangjiang Lahu, Wa, Bulang and Dai Autonomous County Party Committee in Lincang City are full of achievements, saying, "The planning of the city's cadres returning to their hometown will make the development of the big wasteland village look like a day!"

Since December 2018, Lincang City has implemented the "Ten Thousand Cadres Plan Hometown Action", organized 26400 Lincang public officials to return to the countryside on holidays, and planned 6511 natural villages outside the planned construction scope of cities and towns (towns).

In the opinion of Yang Tianqiang, a CPPCC cadre in Lincang City, this action has three meanings: clear resources, clear revitalization ideas, and clear villagers' relations. "Nostalgia is not only in dreams, but also in the planning map."

Daoyulong was born and raised in Laileng Ethnic Village, Dahuangtian Village, Mengmeng Town, Shuangjiang County, and is the liaison for the village cadres to plan their return to their hometown. Since 2019, 24 public officials working outside the village have assisted the village in planning and finding projects, and developed rural tourism with party members and local talents.

How to implement the plan after it is well planned? Lincang City selects a batch of excellent planning models to drive the gradual implementation, and the village will also attract investment with the planning. The plan discussed by the returning cadres and villagers has mobilized the spirit of independent development. The Natural Village Revitalization Council, which is located in Lincangshan Township, has led the masses to solve 14205 problems independently.

Let the village planning "stay homesick", and Lincang experience is promoted in Yunling. In May this year, the Natural Resources Department of Yunnan Province, together with the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and other departments, jointly issued the Notice on Carrying out the "Cadre Planning Hometown Action" to mobilize public officials to return to their hometown to prepare scientific and practical village planning and promote rural revitalization. By 2023, Yunnan Province will fully complete the village planning of administrative villages and rural communities.

People's Daily (May 31, 2021, edition 10)
(Editor in charge: Li Nanhua, Chu Zirui)

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