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New Era and New Culture Publishing Forum Held in Beijing

June 16, 2024 14:58 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Wei Yanxing) On June 14, the publishing symposium of New Era and New Culture was held in the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

 The forum was held. Photographed by Wei Yanxing, a reporter of People's Daily Online

The forum was held. Photographed by Wei Yanxing, a reporter of People's Daily Online

Ji Weimin, deputy director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, president and chief editor of China Business Daily, introduced the background and content of the publication of New Era and New Culture. He said that the book has gathered more than 20 scholars from different disciplines and carried out systematic research on new era and new culture from 20 aspects, hoping to make theoretical contributions to the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Gong Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Finance of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out in his keynote speech that this is an academic work that comprehensively presents the cultural construction of the new era. The book New Era and New Culture closely follows the new era and new culture, and the academic rationality shows all aspects of the cultural construction of the new era. The unity of politics, ideology and academic rationality is a relatively thick monograph with a historical flavor.

Li Tao, associate researcher of the Institute of Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that ideological and moral construction is a systematic project involving all aspects of the field. In the future, ideological and moral construction will be further and comprehensively carried out and promoted in the fields of building socialist core values, building civic morality, strengthening and improving ideological and political work, and innovating and expanding mass spiritual civilization building activities.

(Editor in charge: Wang Renhong, Gao Lei)

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