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The "traffic" of "Lanma" event drives the "retention" of urban tourism

May 27, 2024 08:25 | Source: China News Network
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Original title: "Traffic" of "Rama" event drives "retention" of urban tourism

On the morning of 26th, the Lanzhou Olympic Sports Center was in full swing. Runners in sportswear kept gathering at the starting point of the 2024 Lanzhou Marathon (hereinafter referred to as "Lanma") to do warm-up exercises and preparations before the competition. The air was filled with the smell of sunscreen and balm essence, and the weather was cool and comfortable, 40000 contestants from home and abroad are about to run on the picturesque Yellow River.

"We thought of the flying sky in Dunhuang when we took part in Lanma this time, so we also dressed up as flying sky." The professional marathon runner "Orange" (online name) from Beijing attracted many people to take photos because of his flying dress. She said that the Lanma race track is located in the sub plateau area, so it is not easy to achieve good results, and it is more to feel the charm of the marathon.

The picture shows an orange (net name) (second from right) from Beijing taking a group photo with a friend before the game. Photographed by Wang Muyu

As the only marathon running around the Yellow River at the highest altitude in China, Lanma was founded in 2011. This event has four events: full marathon, half marathon, family run and health run. For the first time, the "full half mixed zone" mechanism has been adopted to adjust and optimize the half marathon track.

At 7:30 on the same day, Lanma fired its gun to start the race. On the track, many runners played Cosplay. "Ji Gong", "Altman", "Tribal Chiefs" and "Flying Fairy" became the focus of photographers. In the family running square, some parents are running with strollers or toddlers. "Today, I brought my baby to participate in the race, hoping that he can feel the charm of sports and hope that the children can run their own life 'marathon' in the future," said Li Siming, the runner.

The picture shows four members of a family running in the square array. Increased photography of Jiumeidan

"Too warm, too warm!" Xu Xinshan, a runner from Xi'an, shouted to reporters at the track. Enthusiastic Lanzhou citizens gathered on both sides of the track, waving flags and cheering for all runners. 15 groups of national cheerleaders and 27 cultural and sports exhibition spots in six major performance areas became the eye-catching "atmosphere group" along the track.

The event is deeply integrated with culture and tourism, and the "flow" of the event drives the "retention" of tourism. The sponsor "moved" the Gansu Provincial Museum, Gansu Bamboo Slips Museum, Lanzhou Museum, and Reader Magazine to the scene, and opened a special line for urban tourism three days before the game, inviting contestants to visit nine scenic spots for free, Let domestic and foreign runners feel Lanzhou's urban charm and unique Yellow River culture after the race.

The picture shows the Lanma race track and the Yellow River Tower. Photographed by Li Yalong

After fierce competition, Afewolk Mesfin from Ethiopia won the championship of the men's marathon group with a time of 2 hours, 10 minutes and 23 seconds; Magdalene Marseille from Kenya won the women's marathon championship with a time of 2 hours, 24 minutes and 46 seconds, and set the record of Xinlan Marathon. (Wang Muyu)

(Editor in charge: Yang Yubo, Li Nanhua)

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