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The selection of the Global Chinese "Harmony Culture" Literature and Art Exhibition was announced

08:32, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
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Our correspondent (reporter Lin Zihan) recently, the award ceremony of the Global Chinese "Harmony Culture" Literature and Art Exhibition was held in Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. 160 works of artists at home and abroad won awards.

The Global Chinese "Harmony Culture" Literature and Art Exhibition was launched in October 2023, and has received more than 3000 poems, essays, calligraphy and painting works of art from more than 1000 authors at home and abroad. After preliminary evaluation, re evaluation and final adjudication, the entries will win the gold, silver and first, second and third prizes in literature, calligraphy and painting. The works of Chinese artists from the United States, Laos, India, Italy, Malaysia and other countries won awards.

The event was co sponsored by The Writer and Anji "Heya" Health Technology Co., Ltd. About 200 writers, calligraphers, painters and media reporters from home and abroad attended the award ceremony. During the event, the organizing committee also held exhibitions of works at home and abroad, displaying more than 300 paintings and calligraphy works with the theme of "harmony culture", and some Chinese paintings and calligraphy works were exhibited as special invited works.

(Editor in charge: Wang Lianxiang, Chen Jian)

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