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Wen Xiaoyan: I love sports, I love running

May 22, 2024 08:45 | Source: Xinhua
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Original title: Wen Xiaoyan: I love sports, I love running

Wen Xiaoyan broke the world record again, this time at the World Disabled Athletics Championships in Kobe, Japan.

In the women's 100m T37 final on the 21st, Wen Xiaoyan won the gold medal in a time of 12.27 seconds, which broke the world record she set at the Asian Paralympic Games in Hangzhou last year. After breaking the world championship record in the T37 long jump, he won the second gold medal in this event.

On May 21, Chinese contestant Wen Xiaoyan (first from the right) won the women's 100m T37 final with a time of 12.27 seconds and broke the world record. Photographed by Zhang Xiaoyu, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

She won two gold medals and broke two records. After the competition, she was surprised by this result. "I didn't expect to be able to run so well. My biggest breakthrough this year is to start using the starter." Wen Xiaoyan told reporters that she thought she still had room for breakthrough, so this year she began to give up the standing start and use the starter training, which is very common in sprints.

The results in the preliminary were not ideal, and the coach suggested her to be conservative before the final and restore the previous starting way. But Wen Xiaoyan wants to try it. "During the introduction before the race, I was full of thoughts about how to run. From the results, it was actually a good attempt."

On May 21, Chinese player Wen Xiaoyan celebrated after the women's 100m T37 final. Photographed by Zhang Xiaoyu, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Wen Xiaoyan, from Yiyang, Hunan, showed her talent in sprint and long jump when she was urinating. In 2014, she was elected to the provincial team and began her career. Due to congenital left limb dysfunction, she has to pay more in training. She doesn't think her disability is very serious, nor does she agree with her mother's "prejudice" that she is not willing to admit that she is disabled. "I can bravely admit that I am a disabled person. I am very happy to see the integration and development of disability and health. I hope that people will treat us with equal and respectful eyes, just like sports for healthy people."

At the Rio Paralympic Games, the Tokyo Paralympic Games, and the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games, Wen Xiaoyan, 26, has set new records in many competitions and is still breaking the limits. In the interview, she repeatedly stressed that she "still has room for breakthrough" and still needs to keep learning.

On May 18, Chinese player Wen Xiaoyan was in the women's long jump T37 final. Photographed by Zhang Xiaoyu, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"The youth of athletes is limited, and my 97 years is not small. I love sports and I love running. Yesterday, I told my coach that I love running. He said that running is not enough, and you need to constantly break through yourself." It is the love in her heart, coupled with scientific and systematic training day after day, that has enabled her to achieve breakthroughs in the track and field repeatedly.

In addition to being an athlete, Wen Xiaoyan gained a sense of responsibility and mission when she was elected to the National People's Congress and joined the Professional and Social Rehabilitation Department of Xiangya Humanity Rehabilitation Hospital. She admitted that she is still young in this respect and needs to continue to learn to better perform her duties. "I am an athlete in training and on the field. I try my best to run well and achieve results."

On October 11, 2023, the athlete representative Wen Xiaoyan addressed the founding meeting of the Chinese sports delegation at the Fourth Asian Disabled Games in Hangzhou. Photographed by Cai Yang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Speaking of this, Wen Xiaoyan asked with a smile, "My current performance has reached the level of the able-bodied (national level athletes), which is not bad, right?" Her confidence and affinity on and off the field infected everyone.

Next, she will win the third gold medal in the women's 200m T37 level competition. Wen Xiaoyan said: "I am more and more confident now. I will not use (the starter) for 200m for the time being and try again after I go back." It is less than 100 days before the opening of the Paris Paralympic Games. Wen Xiaoyan hopes to break the limit again. (Reporter Yue Chenxing, Zhang Yiyi)

(Editor in charge: Yang Yubo, Li Nanhua)

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