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The 4th "Light and Shadow China" Honorary Ceremony was held

Yu Dong: Use new technology to express and tell Chinese stories well

21:32, December 27, 2023 | Source: People's Network
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 Yu Dong, Vice Chairman of China Film Association, Founder, Chairman and General Manager of Bona Film Group Co., Ltd.

Yu Dong, Vice Chairman of China Film Association, Founder, Chairman and General Manager of Bona Film Group Co., Ltd.

People's Daily, Beijing, December 27 (Reporter Liu Wei) On December 27, the fourth "Light and Shadow China" honor ceremony jointly hosted by People's Daily and China Film Association was held in Beijing People's Daily. Yu Dong, vice chairman of the China Film Association and founder, chairman and general manager of Bona Film Group Co., Ltd., said at the sub forum of "Building a strong film country, industrialization and promoting the upgrading of the film industry" that looking back on the Chinese films of this year was not easy, but also very touching.

"This year's film is either outstanding or out of the circle. There are also some films that are topical enough to resonate with the audience.

Referring to the future development direction of Bona Film, Yu Dong believes that the next step is to focus on how to use the artistic expression form of film to create a genre film that can be seen all over the world. "Especially when we are moving from a film power to a film power, we should show the image of Chinese people to the world in the form of films and tell the world a good story about China."

In addition, with the rapid progress of the modern film industry in recent years, Yu Dong believes that one of the biggest changes of Chinese films is post production, which has achieved localization in special effects technology and can almost complete all post production processes with the strength of domestic talents. "I remember when shooting Changjin Lake, we dispatched more than 86 special effects companies to ensure the successful completion of the film shooting. This is a mature experience and improvement for us."

Yu Dong said, "I witnessed and accompanied the growth of these late stage companies, and also saw that the industrialization of Chinese films is making great strides. In the future, we will also make full use of these new technologies to express and tell Chinese stories."

(Editor in charge: Wang Zhen, Lv Qian)

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