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Chairman of the Chinese Football Association: resolutely put an end to match making, tacit understanding and "killing children and eliminating grandchildren"

December 27, 2023 08:49 | Source: China News Network
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Former title: Chairman of the Chinese Football Association: resolutely put an end to match making, tacit understanding and "killing children without children"

China news agency, Beijing, December 26 - On December 26, the Chinese Football Association held the 2024 National Youth Winter Training Mobilization Conference in Beijing. Song Kai, chairman of the China Football Association, said at the meeting that youth football work should change from being eager for quick success to long-term meritorious work, and resolutely put an end to match fixing, tacit understanding and "losing children and grandchildren" caused by excessive pursuit of match results.

This is the second national youth winter training meeting held by the Chinese Football Association after many years, which aims to make the Chinese football industry gather the consensus of "youth training is the most important", deploy and promote the national youth training work in 2024. A total of more than 120 people attended the meeting, including the responsible persons of the local sports administrative departments, the Football Association, the Chinese Super League and the Chinese First Class Club.

Since the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, the Chinese men's football team has failed to enter the finals of the World Cup, and the national youth team and the national youth team have failed to enter the stage of the World Youth Cup and the World Youth Cup in the past 20 years. Song Kai said at the meeting that China's football professionalization reform has been more than 30 years, but it is still difficult in the international football arena.

At the same time, Song Kai also mentioned that the Chinese women's football team, which has lost in three major events this year, namely, the Olympic qualifiers, the Women's World Cup and the Hangzhou Asian Games, believes that the training is not up to scratch.

"Compared with the world football power, China has shown a systematic lag in terms of the registered football population, talent training and selection, professional league management, national team construction, football culture development, etc., which has become a prominent weakness in the construction of a sports power." Song Kai said at the meeting that the national youth winter training work should be resumed, It is an important measure taken by the Chinese Football Association to improve the level of youth competitive training, and will also become the normalization work in the future.

Song Kai said that the youth football work should be changed from being eager for quick success and instant benefit to long-term success, and the work idea should be shifted from focusing on competition organization to focusing on the quality of youth training, and from focusing on competition results to training coaches and players. "Deeply adjust and reform the evaluation method in the field of youth football, and resolutely eliminate the negative image in the field of youth football that attaches importance to the championship, neglects training, attaches importance to achievements, neglects training, and attaches importance to the present, neglects long-term development."

Song Kai stressed that the match fixing, tacit ball and "no child left behind" caused by excessive pursuit of competition results should be resolutely avoided on the court. He also said that the Chinese Football Association would set up a youth winter training work supervision expert group, which would go to various places irregularly for inspection. (Reporter Xing Chong and Hao Lingyu)

(Editor in charge: Wang Lianxiang, Li Nanhua)

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