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Charming Intangible Cultural Heritage: Beauty in the East Blooms Exquisite Life

People's Daily Online reporter Lu Jing
May 17, 2023 14:06 | Source: People's Network
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Time accumulates history, wisdom creates elegance. Charming craftsmanship not only permeates the cultural core of the Chinese nation, but also reflects the eternal aesthetic pursuit of Chinese people for elegant life. On May 18, the fourth issue of "Beauty in the East", "Beauty of Life", produced by People's Daily Online, will be broadcast soon.

Han Ziyong, the former curator of the China National Arts and Crafts Museum, together with Zhang Ce, the leader of the Top 100 Ups of Station B and the young director, enjoyed the "vivid" cultural heritage and talked about the historical inheritance of "living".

In addition, Han Chunxiao, the deputy manager of the cultural tourism guide department of the Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall in Zibo, Sun Yunyi, the master of Chinese arts and crafts, and Zhang Ming, the propaganda, education, cultural and creative science of Zibo Ceramic Glaze Museum, were invited to present the intangible cultural heritage technologies such as glass firing, hand weaving, and traditional dyeing.

"Wenquna is so clear that there is a source of fresh water." The Chinese nation has gone through thousands of years of long journey, and traditional culture has always been the spiritual core of national development. The program "Beauty in the East" aims to find the source of the answer from the history, to see the surging and vigorous vitality in the ancient and modern times, and to measure the ancient oriental culture and collide with the new oriental culture by taking the philosophic dialogue between the subcultures as the yardstick.

"Beauty in the East" has five episodes, each of which is divided into two episodes. With the five major topics of the beauty of the city, the beauty of art, the beauty of inheritance, the beauty of life, and the beauty of etiquette and music as the starting point, we invited ten cultural guests from across fields and generations to have a conversation, and taste the fragrance and charm of Chinese culture together.

(Editor in charge: Lu Jing, Gao Lei)

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