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Beauty in the East | Beauty of Art (Part 1): Traditional art is the unique expression of "Chinese style" romance

People's Daily Online reporter Lu Jing
February 8, 2023 16:00 | Source: People's Network
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Chinese traditional art is an aesthetic gene engraved in the bones of Chinese people. Calligraphy, Chinese painting, New Year pictures, handicrafts... The aesthetic appreciation of the young generation is also awakened from the soil of life born and raised in Sri Lanka.

For thousands of years, the Chinese people's spiritual pursuit and philosophical precipitation have not changed. Chinese aesthetics is both elegant and grand. In response, Du Pengfei, Executive Deputy Curator of the Art Museum of Tsinghua University, said, "The gene of Chinese traditional aesthetics has not changed in 2000 or 3000 years, but only in the external appearance."

"This is a process of integration." In the eyes of Shi Guoliang, a realistic figure painter, the integration of cultural subjects has always existed. He said: "The beauty of artistic creation lies in the similarity and non similarity, and the beauty lies in the artist's emotional sustenance."

It is precisely because of the inheritance of cultural genes that we can see the aesthetic appeal of the Chinese people from the traditional art, the creativity of the Chinese people's endless beauty, and the unique romance of the Chinese people.

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(Editor in charge: Lu Jing, Gao Lei)

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