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The Chengdu Universiade athletes' menu contains 704 dishes

14:10, April 14, 2022 | Source: People's Network
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 Activity Chart of Classic Catering Service Evaluation Meeting for Athletes of "Universiade Flavor, Smile, Long distance Run, and Benefit People Experience" Series International Events
Activity Chart of Classic Catering Service Evaluation Meeting for Athletes of "Universiade Flavor, Smile, Long distance Run, and Benefit People Experience" Series International Events

People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 14 (Reporter Yang Yubo) Recently, the 2021 World Universiade in Chengdu officially announced that the Chengdu Universiade athletes' menu contains 704 dishes. In this menu, European, Mediterranean, Asian, Muslim and Sichuan flavors delicious food.

It is reported that the raw materials of 704 dishes involve 480 kinds of ingredients of 11 categories, each of which has been carefully selected, or targeted breeding and planting of agricultural products. Among them, 61.29% of the raw materials are locally sourced, while the rest come from afar.

During the main event, 480 kinds of ingredients will be cooked into "authentic flavor" by an international "Kitchen God" team of about 600 people, conquering the taste buds of athletes from all over the world. This "Chef God" team will ensure that the restaurant will provide meals 20 hours a day without interruption, with a single meal of about 220 dishes, and the main dishes will rotate every 7 days to meet the catering needs of athletes in multiple periods. (Picture source: official website of Chengdu 2021 Universiade)

(Editor in charge: Yang Yubo, Gao Lei) Share to let more people see

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