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Winter Olympics technology ignites dreams to help ice and snow enter the campus

The People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk was officially launched as the campus exhibition activity of Tsinghua High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University

08:38, March 7, 2022 | Source: People's Network
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On March 4, the launching ceremony of the Campus Exhibition of the People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk of the Cooperation School of Tsinghua High School was held in Yongfeng School of Tsinghua High School.

This exhibition is a series of promotional activities of the large-scale science popularization and financial media project "People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Technology Talk". Under the joint guidance of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the China Agenda 21 Management Center, it is jointly sponsored by People's Sports, the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University, and undertaken by Yongfeng School Affiliated to Tsinghua University. It belongs to the "China Youth Strong Sports Film and Television New Era Project" Key film and television education projects supported.

Wang Jiadao, dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University, Peng Yuanyuan, director of the People's Sports Department and chief producer of People's Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk, Bai Xuefeng, vice president of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua, deputy director of the Management Committee of the Cooperative School Affiliated to Tsinghua, Wang Hongbin, representative of the Education Committee of Haidian District, and Tong Jian, world champion figure skating, Guests including the executive principals and party secretaries of more than 10 branch schools of Tsinghua Affiliated High School and school leaders attended the launching ceremony.

It is reported that the People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk mainly focuses on the innovation achievements of the key special project of the national key research and development plan "Science and Technology Winter Olympics", and comprehensively demonstrates the scientific and technological support forces necessary for carrying out modern ice and snow sports from the five dimensions of hosting, participating, watching, safety assurance, and comprehensive demonstration, and demonstrates the remarkable innovation achievements in the field of ice and snow science and technology in China, Popularize the cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge of ice and snow, record the highlights of the "Winter Olympics with Science and Technology", tell the story of the new era of the development of Chinese ice and snow sports and scientific and technological innovation, and leave a panoramic historical archive of the "Winter Olympics with Science and Technology".

Bai Xuefeng said in his speech that the teachers and students of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua have a special liking for the Beijing Winter Olympics, not only because of the national pride of being Chinese, but also because the culture of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua has strong genes that love sports and science and technology. It is hoped that students can learn about the spirit of Chinese scientific and technological workers and their outstanding contributions to the Beijing Winter Olympics by watching the People's Ice and Snow · Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk, and encourage young students to follow their example. While falling in love with ice and snow sports, they can better understand the charm of ice and snow science and technology, and dare to explore and innovate in the future life, and dare to meet challenges.

Peng Yuanyuan believes that among the various scenes of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, a number of "Chinese programs" composed of Chinese design, Chinese technology, Chinese materials and Chinese manufacturing have become the distinctive "Chinese characteristics" of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Scientific and technological innovation has become a clarion call on the way forward for China's ice and snow sports. Behind all the amazing achievements in the world, there are countless Chinese scientific and technological workers who have devoted themselves day and night, neglected sleep and food, persevered and kept improving. These scientific and technological workers who cherish the people's yearning for a better life, shoulder the mission of the times, climb the peak of science and technology, and run out of the acceleration of innovation are the real stars.

Wang Jiadao said that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games have technological innovation everywhere. The most valuable spirit of Tsinghua people is their responsibility and responsibility for the country and the nation. It is hoped that more young people in the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University and across the country will watch the Ice and Snow Technology Talk, learn more about the science and technology stories behind ice and snow, ignite the enthusiasm of exploring science in their hearts, sow the seeds of dreams, and study hard to lay a solid foundation for climbing the peak of science and technology and winning the gold medal in science.

Li Weiming, Vice President of Tsinghua Affiliated High School and Executive President of Daxing School of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, delivered a speech on behalf of Tsinghua Affiliated High School Cooperation School. He said that in order to actively respond to the call of "driving 300 million people to participate in the ice and snow sports", the cooperative schools of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua around the country have carried out different forms of "ice and snow sports on campus" activities according to their own regional characteristics, which has raised a warm atmosphere of concern and support for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics on campus.

Guests, school leaders, teachers and students watched the People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Technology Talk.

At the launch ceremony, guests, school leaders, teachers and students attended the event and watched the People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk "Resistance Reduction through Sports". From the perspective of scientific drag reduction, the program introduced the research and development of drag reduction technology and equipment in the ice and snow project, from which we learned a lot of scientific knowledge behind the ice and snow sports, felt the unremitting pursuit of Chinese scientific and technological workers to help the Winter Olympics, and also let teachers and students full of expectations for the broadcast program. Next, the leaders and guests present together with the students enjoyed the MV video of "Together Towards the Future" produced by the Publicity Center of Yongfeng School, Tsinghua High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University.

Tong Jian, the world champion of figure skating, said that technology can enable ice and snow athletes to create better results on the field. Sports need the help of science and technology, and all industries also need the spirit of sports. I hope that students can inherit the flower skating culture and carry forward the spirit of ice and snow. I especially hope that sports can bring students physical health, mental health and recognition of rules, and dare to catch up, struggle, and innovate to become new people of the times.

Wang Hongbin believes that People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk is an excellent popular science program with four highlights: "Winter Olympics", "Science and Technology", "Sports", and "Film and Television". It is ideological and artistic, carries forward the national spirit and values of the times, conforms to the physical and mental characteristics and cognitive rules of young people, and is suitable for recommendation to primary and secondary school students.

Guests and leaders at the meeting jointly launched the "People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Technology Talk" campus exhibition activity of Tsinghua High School Affiliated Cooperation School.

Guests and leaders at the meeting jointly launched the "People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Technology Talk" campus exhibition activity of Tsinghua High School Affiliated Cooperation School. It is reported that the series has 25 episodes, each lasting about 8 minutes. The exhibition will be broadcast online and offline. After the launching ceremony, the guests and teachers and students shared the experience of dry land curling and hockey shooting.

Guests, teachers and students shared the experience of dry land curling and hockey.

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk The campus exhibition activity of Tsinghua High School Affiliated to the cooperative school. Through the vivid and intuitive advantages of film and television education, ice and snow sports education and science popularization education for all teachers and students will greatly promote the popularization of ice and snow sports knowledge, drive more teachers and students to participate in ice and snow sports, stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning science, and ignite the dream of scientific innovation. In the future, People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk also plans to broadcast in more schools across the country, providing more teachers and students with high-quality resources for campus ice and snow sports education, science popularization education, film and television education.   

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Li Yuan)

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