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Record the highlights of the "Winter Olympics with Science and Technology", and tell the story of the new era of the development of Chinese ice and snow sports and scientific and technological innovation

People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Technology Talks: New achievements of "smart" medical security escort the Winter Olympics

08:34, February 20, 2022 | Source: People's Network
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The preparation process of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games has provided a huge impetus for the development of China's ice and snow sports. Scientific and technological innovation has become a clarion call on the way forward for China's ice and snow sports. Under the joint guidance of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the China Agenda 21 Management Center, People's Sports launched a large-scale popular science media program "People's Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow Science and Technology Talk", with the theme of "the scientific and technological innovation road of China's ice and snow sports", mainly focusing on the innovation achievements of the key special project of the national key research and development program "Science and Technology Winter Olympics", from hosting, participating The five dimensions of watching the games, safety assurance and comprehensive demonstration comprehensively demonstrate the scientific and technological support force necessary for carrying out modern snow and ice sports, show the remarkable innovation achievements in China's snow and ice science and technology field, popularize the cutting-edge snow and ice science and technology knowledge, record the highlights of the "Winter Olympics in Science and Technology", and tell the story of the new era of China's snow and ice sports development and scientific and technological innovation, Leave the historical archives of the "Winter Olympics of Science and Technology" panoramic fusion media.

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As an important part of public security during the Olympic Games, medical security plays an important role in supporting the success of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. As one of the key projects of the national key research and development plan "Science and Technology Winter Olympics", the research project of key technologies for smart medical security of the Winter Olympics integrates innovative applications in the medical security of the Winter Olympics, conscientiously does a good job in the security of smart medical services for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and promotes and applies the research achievements of the project to the fields of smart medicine, health management and other fields of similar domestic events or other regular events, Let the technological innovation achievements of the Winter Olympics benefit more people.

Recently, Wan Weiqing, the main subject leader of the project and chief neurosurgeon of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, visited the People's Ice Snow · Ice Snow Science and Technology Talk to introduce the smart medical security technology.

Wan Weiqing said that smart medical security technology is divided into five parts: first, smart medical security system research, mainly to build a middle platform for database research; Second, an integrated information integration platform based on 5G; The third is snow rescue technology, including research on key technologies of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Fourth, the research on the intelligent assistance and evaluation system of sports injury based on the ternary relationship of time, space and people; The fifth is remote, intelligent, multi-dimensional, multi scene robot and operating system research.

When talking about the role of the key technology of smart medical security in the application scenario of the Winter Olympics, Wan Weiqing proposed that the project mainly faces three scenarios: first, the interconnection of medical information, second, the auxiliary diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries, and third, the air ground integration of medical emergency assistance. "Based on these three scenarios, we independently developed 5G based emergency intelligent rescue platform, sports injury intelligent diagnosis and treatment system, intelligent expert recommendation system and other system platforms, aiming to provide efficient and intelligent integrated services for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Winter Paralympic Games through the high-tech power of artificial intelligence."

In Wan Weiqing's view, the project has formed four major achievements, namely, 5G based emergency intelligent rescue platform, sports injury auxiliary diagnosis and treatment system, intelligent expert recommendation system and navigation system based on augmented reality technology.

Later, he explained these four achievements in detail.

"The 5G based emergency intelligent rescue platform is a real-time connection between the terminal rescue site and the command center through 5G using a large amount of data from the middle platform. The terminal video capture platform has the functions of cluster intercom, positioning, sign in, etc. The command center can conduct scheduling, command, and communication across regions and distances."

"The auxiliary diagnosis and treatment system for sports injury includes two parts: facing the hospital and facing the hospital. The pre hospital part is to establish knowledge map data through research, and then carry out early intelligent diagnosis based on these data. In hospital first aid is based on accurate inference of imaging. After the two parts are combined, the intelligent diagnosis of sports injury can be realized through multiple dialogues based on the patient's medical history, clinical manifestations, symptoms, signs, severity and other information. "

"The intelligent expert recommendation system is a database that covers the information of hospitals and experts. It is an algorithm for multi-objective optimization based on information such as on-site emergency situations and patient conditions. At the same time, it recommends appropriate hospitals and experts based on multi-dimensional synthesis such as time and space, and provides the best diagnosis and treatment information for injured athletes at the first time."

"The concept of augmented reality navigation system has existed in neurosurgery and other departments. It combines the three-dimensional information of images with anatomical information through glasses, an augmented reality display device, to produce a seemingly real display. Especially when the nervous system, bone structure and brain are integrated together, it is very helpful for operation."

When asked how to promote and apply technology in the post Winter Olympics era, Wan Weiqing replied: "The Smart Winter Olympics project is not only to ensure the medical care of the Winter Olympics, but also to ensure that science and technology benefit more people, and can also play a major role after the Winter Olympics. This project is an achievement in the field of AI enabled medicine, and there are two main parts that can be applied in the future. One is an emergency intelligent medical rescue platform based on 5G, which can concentrate a large amount of information into a cluster intercom, and dispatch, command and communicate through real-time information. The other is the auxiliary diagnosis and treatment system for sports injuries. This system is a knowledge map database of 193 common ice and snow sports injuries covering eyes, brain, maxillofacial, visceral and other organs, which can be applied to the intelligent medical security of domestic similar events and related events in the future, and play a role in health management and other fields. " (Wang Lianxiang)

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(Editor in charge: Wang Lianxiang, Gao Lei)

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