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Experts discuss "Adapted from Sanwan": looking for poetry in history with people

19:48, June 11, 2021 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 11 (Jiang Bo) Recently, a seminar on the major revolutionary historical film adaptation of Sanwan was held in Beijing. Experts and scholars discussed how mainstream films in the new era should carry out artistic innovation and breakthrough from multiple perspectives such as the theme and narrative style of the film. Director Yang Hu shared his creative experience: "Based on the principle of 'big things are not empty, small things are not scrupulous', we have made an in-depth and solid study of the history of the Party, history and military, and strive to make every character real, three-dimensional, flesh and blood, as far as possible to show the energetic young people of that period."

Workshop site. Piece square drawing

Relying on real historical events, the film mainly tells the story that after the failure of the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927, Mao Zedong led the "Sanwan Reorganization" in Sanwan Village, and created a whole set of new military management strategies of "branch building on the company" and "equality between officers and soldiers", which ensured the CPC's absolute leadership over the military politically and organizationally.

The film is constructed with a new "prose style" narrative method, integrating artistic expression with historical stories. Experts at the meeting believed that the film grasped the main line of "party spirit and military spirit", not only did it "tell the whole" of history, but also "tell the good" into it, opening up a new horizon for historical films.

Heavy innovation attempt Mainstream film creation new pattern

Zhou Baolin, the deputy general manager of China Film Corporation, said, "The film traces back to the source and reviews how the Chinese revolution came to life and regained its vitality. The film uses novel prose style narration to restore the historical scenes in a true way and extract the party spirit and military spirit of the characters."

Kang Wei, the chief editor of China Arts Daily, mentioned that the expression of prose culture in the film "Adapted from Sanwan" is innovative, and "the form is scattered but the spirit is not scattered" has added a certain degree of drama.

Liu Xiaowei, the director of the Culture Office of the PLA Daily, believes that the film "Adapted from Sanwan" tells the historical stories that everyone is familiar with, explores a new way for military history films, and brings inspiration to film creators, with more artistic expression rich in temperature and texture.

heavy Interpretation of historical facts and stories written in multiple ways

Different from the past, The Adaptation of Sanwan starts from the three perspectives of source, history and the present, and tells the historical story with human beings leading the history, finding poetry in the history. In response, Zhong Chengxiang, the former vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and a member of the Central Museum of Culture and History Research, said: "It shows a truth that the Party's leadership over film art depends on artists and respects the laws of art. On this basis, it has optimized the combination of creators, clothing, music and other factors, thus ensuring the artistic quality of the film."

Yuan Xinwen, director of the Literature and Art Department of the People's Daily, pointed out in particular that The Three Bay Adaptation is a work that represents a major historical node in the centennial struggle of the Party. "First, writing history focuses on the context and the narrative is clear; second, writing people focuses on conflict, which is more ornamental; third, writing theory focuses on logic, which explains the historical basis and practical logic of" Sanwan Adaptation ", showing the important significance of this historical node."

heavy quality Interpreting the political height of art with ingenuity

The film not only relies on real historical events, but also combines the artistic creation of the film with the interpretation of political theory, which is full of educational significance. Zhang Wei, executive vice president of the China Film Critics Association, said: "The film has certain documentary value in finding out where the soul of the Chinese army is."

Chen Xianyi, the former deputy director of the Literature and Art Department of the PLA Daily, commented that the film "Adapted from Sanwan" is a work that eulogizes the glorious history of the people's army, reflects the exploration of the road of building the army by the Communists represented by Mao Zedong, and also represents the production process and significance of the theory of "branches built on the company".

Zhang Jinfeng, deputy editor in chief of China Film Daily, said that the film "Adapted from Sanwan" respects history, audience and art. "The film is rich in content, which well reflects the historical law of coming from the masses, for the masses and relying on the masses, and also reveals that the leadership of the Party is the guarantee for the success of the revolution, which is still instructive for the present."

It is reported that The Adaptation of Sanwan is directed by Yang Hu, written by Xiao Yusheng and Wang Wei, and starred by Hou Jingjian. The film will be released in the near future.

(Editor in charge: Liu Jia, Lv Qian)

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