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Haikou Launches "Trade Union Cup" Labor and Skills Competition

Covering 22 competitive types of work (projects)

Source: Haikou Daily
2024-05-31 15:38

Former title: Haikou launched the "Trade Union Cup" labor and skills competition (theme)

Covering 22 competitive types of work (projects) (subtitle)

May 30, Haikou Daily (Reporter Zhou Hui) On May 30, the 2024 Haikou "Trade Union Cup" Labor and Skills Competition Launching Ceremony and Pharmaceutical Industry Vocational Skills Competition with the theme of "Building a New Journey for a Successful Free Trade Port" was held in Haikou Convention and Exhibition Workshop to promote training through competition, promote the deep integration of skilled personnel training and industrial development, and vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit Craftsman spirit.

On May 30, at the pharmaceutical industry vocational skills competition site, participants were competing in the sterilizer competition area. Photographed by Kang Denglin, reporter of Haikou Daily

It is reported that this competition focuses on 12 industries such as biopharmaceutics, artificial intelligence, business environment, and covers 22 types of work (projects) of employee vocational skills competition. It is a competition with the widest coverage of industries, the most types of work and the most employees in all previous competitions. On the day of the activity, a professional skills competition in the pharmaceutical industry was also held. 326 chemical inspectors and disinfectors from 16 pharmaceutical enterprises competed fiercely in the form of professional skills competition and knowledge competition. "Our skills have also been improved in the preparation for the competition, which is a good opportunity to exercise," said Wu Huihui, a quality inspector of Qilu Pharmaceutical (Hainan) Co., Ltd. who participated in the competition.

At the pharmaceutical industry professional skills competition site, participants operate in the chemical inspection competition area. Photographed by Kang Denglin, reporter of Haikou Daily

"In the past three years, our city has successively held 22 municipal labor skills competitions, attracting nearly 4000 players to compete in the competition, leading more than 200000 employees to carry out on-the-job training and technical competition." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions said that the event was held to provide a strong talent guarantee for accelerating the rapid and sound development of the city's economy, Create a strong atmosphere of "respecting labor, knowledge, talents and creation" in the whole society.

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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