• ★ Precautions before filling
  • 1. As per《 Regulations on Administration of Admission of Postgraduates in 2016 》And the enrollment brochure of the applicants requires that they review their qualifications and fill in relevant information;

    2. Carefully read the online bulletin of the enrollment unit, the site confirmation site and the provincial administrative department where the site is located to avoid invalid registration;

    3. If you have any questions about the specialty or examination subjects, please report to the enrollment unit as soon as possible;

    4. Candidates who have been accepted by the enrollment unit and are recommended to be exempt from the examination shall not register for the unified examination, otherwise they will be disqualified and listed as unified candidates;

    5. Active servicemen who apply for local or military postgraduate enrollment units, and local candidates who apply for military enrollment units, should carefully read and understand the relevant application regulations in advance, abide by confidentiality regulations, and fill in the application information according to the relevant regulations. If there is any ambiguity, contact the enrollment unit in advance;

    6. The email filled in by the user registration is an important way to retrieve the password, Please fill in the valid email address carefully and enter it in half width of English

    7. Please read carefully the online newspaper announcement displayed on the page when selecting the enrollment unit or the province or city where the enrollment site is located, the enrollment unit and the enrollment site; [Candidates for the separate examination and for the MBA, MPA, Tourism Management and Engineering Management must go to the registration point designated by the provincial education, enrollment and examination administration where the enrollment unit is located to go through online registration and on-site confirmation procedures. In principle, new graduates should choose the province (district, city) where their school is located Go through online registration and on-site confirmation procedures at the registration point of. Other candidates should choose the registration point in the province (district, city) where their work or residence is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures.]

    8. "Enrollment Unit", "Enrollment Site", "Examination Method" and other key information for enrollment are not allowed to be modified after submitting the information to generate an enrollment number, please select;

    9. Please close or uninstall software with window blocking function, for example: IE user must close "Pop up Blocker". (Closing method: Open Internet Explorer, point to Pop up Blocker in the Tools menu, and then click Close Pop up Blocker);

    10. The contents and requirements that need to be filled in or selected for online registration are required, except for the clear explanation that they may not be filled in. Candidates should prepare in advance to avoid registration failure due to the long stagnation time of a single page during online reporting. The online registration will be successful only after the registration number is generated.

  • ★ Fill in relevant questions
  • 1. Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit. After the end of the exam, the Ministry of Education announces the basic score requirements for entering the second round exam, candidates can learn about the vacancy information of the enrollment unit through the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" adjustment service system and fill in the adjustment application according to their own scores.

    2. The foreign language for the examination shall be selected according to the regulations of the enrollment unit.

    3. Candidates with the same educational level shall truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.

    Note: The examinee is required to fill in the online information truthfully. If the examinee fails to register according to the requirements of the announcement, fills in the online information incorrectly, wrongly or fills in false information, resulting in failure to take the exam or retest, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

  • FAQ Summary
  • ★ Fill in questions

    1. When filling in the form, what should we do if the recruitment unit, application site or examination method is wrong?

    Each registered user name can only be filled in once (that is, corresponding to an enrollment number). Candidates can modify some basic information, but can't modify the enrollment unit, enrollment site and examination method. If the selection is wrong, you can re register a user name and fill in the enrollment information again, and the system will generate a new enrollment number. [ detailed ]

    The page cannot be displayed normally

    1. It is recommended that candidates clear the browser cache or change the online environment. Due to the differences in the network environment, please test the speed of accessing the China Graduate Enrollment Information Network in advance and choose the best access method. Sometimes the page is slow to load. Please wait patiently for the page to load completely before submitting the next step, otherwise the registration may fail[ detailed ]

    Registration number and print registration information

    1. What should I do if I forget the registration number during the registration process?

    Use the registered user name and password to enter the weblog system for query; If the user name and password are also lost, re registration and re registration are required; If the password is lost, you can also find your own password through the "Retrieve Password" function on the registration page, provided that you must accurately fill in the e-mail address when you register the user[ detailed ]

    Online payment

    1. Under what circumstances must the registration fee be paid online?

    Only those who choose Beijing, Hebei and Sichuan as candidates can pay online, and others will pay when they are confirmed on site[ detailed ]

  • ★ Time of on-site confirmation
  • The specific time shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment and examination management agency according to the local application situation.

  • ★ Location confirmed on site
  • Candidates with different identities have different application sites Click to view the registration site
    (1) The recommended test free students shall go through the online registration and on-site confirmation procedures according to the requirements of the local provincial education enrollment and examination management organization of the graduation college.
    (2) Candidates for individual examination and MBA, MPA, tourism management and engineering management must go through online registration and on-site confirmation procedures at the registration point designated by the provincial education, enrollment and examination administration where the enrollment unit is located. The registration time and confirmation procedures shall be handled according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.
    (3) In principle, fresh undergraduate graduates should choose the registration point of the province (district, city) where they study to go through online registration and on-site confirmation procedures. Other candidates should choose the registration point of the province (district, city) where their work or residence is located to handle online registration and on-site confirmation procedures.
  • ★ What you need to bring
  • 1. My resident ID card

    2. Diploma (regular colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult college education held by regular colleges and universities)

    3. Online registration number (i.e. the 9-digit registration number displayed by the system after online registration is successful)

    4. Self study examination and network education undergraduates who can obtain the national recognized undergraduate graduation certificate before September 1 of the year of admission must hold the relevant certificate issued by the provincial higher education self-study examination office or network education university that issued the graduation certificate.

    5. Relevant materials specified by other enrollment units or application sites

  • ★ What needs to be done
  • 1. The examinee shall number his/her resident ID card, academic certificate (ordinary colleges, adult colleges, adult college education held by ordinary colleges and universities, fresh undergraduate graduates holding student cards) and online registration, which shall be checked by the staff of the registration point.

    2. Candidates themselves should carefully check and confirm the online registration information. The application information confirmed by the examinee will not be modified during the examination, reexamination and admission stages, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by the examinee.

    3. Candidates shall pay registration fees according to regulations.

    4. Collect examinee image information.

  • ★ Friendly tips
  • Candidates log in with their online username and password China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network Download and print the Admission Card (available 24 hours). The front and back of the admission card must not be altered!

    1. The "examination permit" shall be provided by the examinee using A4 copy paper within the specified time( From December 14 to December 28, 2015 )Self printing on the Internet. The front and back sides of the Examination Permit shall not be altered during use.

    2. Candidates can enter the examination room at the specified time with their "admission card" and resident ID card, and take their seats according to their number. Put the above certificates on the top left corner of the table for inspection after taking a seat.

    3. The examination place is designated by the registration place. Candidates should go to the examination place one day before the examination to learn about the precautions of the examination place.

  • ★ Printing time of admission card
  • From December 14 to December 28, 2015

    Candidates can log in to the China Graduate Enrollment Information Network to download and print the Admission Certificate with their online username and password. Open 24 hours without any alteration!

    Please keep your user name and password!

  • ★ What are the requirements for the qualification of candidates to apply for the national unified entrance examination?
  • 1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China. 2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, be willing to serve the socialist modernization drive, have good moral character, and abide by laws and disciplines. 3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the state and the enrollment unit. 4. Candidates must meet one of the following qualifications[ detailed ]

  • ★ How do active servicemen and people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan apply for postgraduate education?
  • The enrollment of active servicemen for master's degree and the enrollment units of the military system for master's degree shall be handled according to the regulations of the General Political Department of the PLA. The management measures for recruiting people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners as master students shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Education[ detailed ]

  • ★ About examination and proposition
  • Generally, there are four unit examination subjects in the preliminary entrance examination for postgraduate students, namely, Ideological and Political Theory, Foreign Language, Business Class I and Business Class II. There are three unit examination subjects for the preliminary examination of pedagogy, history and medicine[ detailed ]

  • ★ Matters concerning admission
  • The enrollment unit shall determine the list of candidates according to the enrollment plan issued by the state, the scores of the candidates' entrance examination (including the first and second examinations) and their usual academic performance, ideological and political performance, professional quality and physical health[ detailed ]

  • ★ About handling violations
  • Any candidate who violates or cheats in the national postgraduate entrance examination shall be severely punished in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination. If the circumstances are particularly serious, they may be suspended from participating in various national education examinations for one to three years[ detailed ]

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Sina Postgraduate Examination Official WeChat

Push you the latest information and dry goods for the postgraduate entrance examination every day, and join in the preparation with tens of thousands of postgraduate friends!

Postgraduate Entrance Examination Registration Schedule

New graduates' online forecasters

September 24-27, 2015 (9:00-22:00 every day)

>>Forecast name entry (opened)

Official registration of national online newspaper

October 10-31, 2015 (9:00-22:00 every day)

Online message entry: Click to enter

On site confirmation

The provincial education enrollment and examination management institutions shall determine and publish the examination according to the local application conditions.

Number of applicants and admission statistics over the years

particular year
Number of applications (10000)
growth rate
Number of admissions (10000)
Reporting proportion
two thousand and fifteen
one hundred and sixty-four point nine
two thousand and fourteen
one hundred and seventy-two
two thousand and thirteen
one hundred and seventy-six
fifty-three point nine
two thousand and twelve
one hundred and sixty-five point six
fifty-one point seven
two thousand and eleven
one hundred and fifty-one point one
forty-nine point five
two thousand and ten
one hundred and forty point six
forty-seven point four
two thousand and nine
one hundred and twenty-four point six
forty-four point nine
two thousand and eight
one hundred and twenty
thirty-eight point six
two thousand and seven
one hundred and twenty-eight point two
thirty-six point one
two thousand and six
one hundred and twenty-seven point one two
thirty-four point two
two thousand and five
one hundred and seventeen point two
two thousand and four
ninety-four point five
twenty-seven point three
two thousand and three
seventy-nine point seven
two thousand and two
sixty-two point four
sixteen point four

Flow chart of online enrollment for postgraduate entrance examination in 2016

Log on to China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network
Public network yz.chsi.com.cn
Education Network yz.chsi.cn

Free registration

Enter the postgraduate online registration system
1. Please read carefully“ Flow Chart of Online Registration for National Postgraduate Entrance Examination ”;
2. Please read the notes carefully and register online as required;
3. All candidates can register online only after using the free registered user name and password to log in the website;
4. A registered user can only select a unique enrollment unit, registration point and examination method. If it really needs to be modified, please register a new user to re register.

★ The examinee will no longer issue the certification materials of his/her unit when registering. (Graduate students in school must obtain the consent of their training unit before applying.) Problems caused by graduate students and their unit should be handled by the candidates themselves. If the enrollment unit is unable to access the examinee's file due to the above problems, which results in the examinee being unable to retest or be admitted, the enrollment unit will not be responsible.

★ Self study examination and online education undergraduates who can obtain the nationally recognized undergraduate graduation certificate before September 1 of the year of admission must present the relevant certificate issued by the provincial self-study examination institution or online education university that issued the graduation certificate before going through the online registration on-site confirmation procedures.

★ The registration point only checks the resident ID card of the candidate, the academic certificate of non recent undergraduate graduates, and the student ID cards of recent undergraduate graduates and adult recent undergraduate graduates. The comprehensive examination of the candidate's registration qualification is conducted by the enrollment unit during the re examination. Please read the announcements issued by the province, the enrollment unit and the registration point carefully.

★ Candidates who fail to pass the online education (student status) verification shall provide the education (student status) certification report when confirming on site.

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