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Inherit ingenuity and build a dream future

"Model workers and craftsmen entering the campus" lights up the dream of Ningxia vocational school students to become skilled talents

09:06, June 12, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 12 (reporter Qin Di) Recently, the "Inheritance of Craftsmanship · Building a Dream for the Future" - "Model Worker Enters the Campus" demonstration lecture activity in 2024, sponsored by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Education Department, was held in Ningxia Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce. A number of model workers from the autonomous region walked into the campus to share their growth experience, demonstrate practical skills, and interact with vocational school students at zero distance.

Gao Jinxi, a representative of the propaganda group and the first "famous craftsman of scientific innovation" in China, is a senior engineer of Liupanshan Laboratory (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Equipment Manufacturing Laboratory) Intelligent Casting and Equipment Technology Research Center. He told the story of his growth from an ordinary foundry worker, "sand maker", to an excellent foundry technology worker, based on the firm belief that "it is almost impossible" to cast beams for big country industries, and the "truer" spirit of carefully polishing and strictly controlling each casting.

"Happy public transportation is created." Yang Yanfeng, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the model worker of the autonomous region, the part-time vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the autonomous region, and the No. 102 driver of the third operating company of Yinchuan Public Transportation Company, spoke passionately about his favorite cause. She said: Although the ten meter carriage is small, it is important to serve the masses. Only by doing what one does, loving what one does, and drilling what one does, can we drive the bus well, drive more than 800000 kilometers safely, and achieve zero accidents and complaints.

Zhang Yuchuan, the class leader of Guodian Ningxia Shizuishan Power Generation Co., Ltd., was nominated as a craftsman of two great powers, a model worker of the autonomous region, and the first "craftsman on the frontier", and passed on the craftsmanship spirit with a welding gun. At the branch venue of the welding operation training base of Ningxia Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Commerce, he personally demonstrated the welding skills. Through the large screen, the branch venue interacted with the main venue in real time, and the students in the two venues watched carefully for fear of missing the demonstration operation.

Guo Congxi, a senior technician of NFC (Ningxia) Oriental Group Co., Ltd., is a candidate for the annual figure of a great craftsman and the first "craftsman on the frontier". He tells students his story of growth and his journey of mind. As a senior technician in the production line, Guo Congxi and six colleagues participated in the processing of rocket launch nozzles for aerospace. The wall thickness of the nozzle they processed is only 0.8MM, and the tolerance range is only ± 0.02MM, that is, one third of a hair. Moreover, after high-temperature coating, the coaxiality and perpendicularity are both 0.02MM. "As expected, every miracle is written by struggle." The students listened and praised each other, exchanging their feelings.

At the branch venue of the Coal Chemical Industry Training Base of Ningxia Vocational and Technical College for Industry and Commerce, Li Jianming, a craftsman of Ningxia Coal and a team leader of the Instrument Management Center of the Coal to Liquid Branch of Ningxia Coal Industry Company of Guoneng Group, shared his experience through the connection. "Everyone is likely to be a master of skills, and every craftsman is growing up slowly." He encouraged students to "do the most difficult things, and you can only succeed".

This activity was broadcast live through the video number of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and a total of more than 15000 people from vocational colleges in the region watched it simultaneously. It is reported that this year, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region organized model workers to go to cities, counties (districts), go to the "cloud" of government agencies, enterprises and institutions, workshop teams, campus classrooms and websites, and carried out more than 20 offline propaganda activities, including 10 model workers to go to the campus to preach, and each activity will have different master craftsmen "hand in hand" teaching skills.

(Editor in charge: Cui Jingwen, Liu Fan)

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