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Cultivate digital engineers to gather new development momentum

08:31, May 27, 2024 | Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Original title: Cultivating digital engineers to gather new momentum for development

 In the workshop of Haixing Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd., Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, engineers trained trainees. Photographed by Jiang Han, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

In the workshop of Haixing Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd., Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, engineers trained trainees. Photographed by Jiang Han, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

The Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Sichuan Province recently issued the Implementation Plan of Sichuan Digital Technology Engineer Cultivation Project (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). The Plan proposes to cultivate more than 50000 digital technology skilled talents by the end of 2030.

Not only Sichuan Province, but also many places in China have launched digital technology engineer training projects.

Digital technology engineers are professionals in big data, intelligent manufacturing, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other fields.

In 2021, the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Implementation Measures for the Digital Technology Engineer Training Project of the Professional and Technical Talents Knowledge Renewal Project (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Measures), which opened the prelude to the training of digital technology engineers in China. The Implementation Measures make it clear that from 2021 to 2030, China will train about 80000 digital technology skilled personnel every year around the fields of digital technology skills such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, etc.

So, what specific measures have been taken nationwide to train digital technical engineers?

Layout in multiple places

At present, the new generation of information technology, such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain, is accelerating its development, and China is becoming one of the fastest growing countries in the global digital economy. By the end of 2022, China's digital economy has reached 50.2 trillion yuan.

"The key to developing the digital economy is to speed up the cultivation of digital talents," said Li Jinsheng, director of the Department of Professional and Technical Personnel Management of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

The demand for digital technology practitioners in all walks of life in China is increasing year by year, but the supply of such talents is seriously insufficient.

In this context, the Implementation Measures came into being.

The cultivation project of digital technology engineers is a key project in the new round of national professional and technical talent knowledge update project. The goal is to focus on high-quality development of strategic emerging industries, cultivate a batch of high-level digital technology engineers, and promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy.

At present, in addition to Sichuan, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang and other places have also issued documents related to the training of digital technical engineers.

"The orientation of the cultivation project of digital technical engineers is to cultivate engineering and technical talents with good scientific literacy, proficient in practical application, and able to solve complex problems." The relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Department of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau introduced that Chongqing issued the Notice on the Implementation of the Cultivation Project of Digital Technical Engineers in 2022. The notice clearly stated that Chongqing will implement the identification and connection of professional technical grade certificates and professional titles, and carry out the professional title review of digital technology professionals.

At the beginning of 2024, Chongqing announced the first batch of digital technology professional title recognition and review results, and 25 people who have obtained the junior professional technical grade certificate of digital technology engineers were directly identified as assistant engineers.

"I am very honored to be recognized as an assistant engineer." Zhu Chenyu, a graduate of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, said that the relevant training enabled him to understand in advance the problems he might encounter in his future work and improved his ability to solve practical problems.

In August 2023, Zhejiang Province issued the Implementation Plan of Zhejiang Digital Technology Engineer Cultivation Project, which proposed to adopt the method of "standardized training, standardized evaluation, and diversified cultivation" to cultivate digital technology professionals around cloud computing, industrial Internet, virtual reality and other fields. It is estimated that by the end of 2030, more than 10000 digital technical engineers will be cultivated.

"One of the highlights of Zhejiang's plan is that the speed of talent cultivation is faster." Chen Lijun, president of Zhejiang Talent Development Institute and professor of the School of Public Management of Zhejiang University, said that digital talent is far from relying on "natural growth". The plan of Zhejiang Province proposes to "diversify training", explore and hold digital skills competition, digital economy and technology talent forum, digital talent special research and training and other activities. These activities can shorten the training time of digital technology engineers by one to two years.

Play the policy combination fist

In order to cultivate digital technology engineers more quickly, Sichuan Province has played a combination of boxing.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Department of Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, Sichuan Province will provide policy guarantee for the implementation of the cultivation project of digital technical engineers by means of identifying continuing education hours and establishing a socialized training mechanism.

"Those who have participated in the training of digital technical engineers training institutions authorized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and passed the examination can register the training hours as continuing education hours. In addition, college graduates who meet the conditions and have graduated within five years can receive a one-time entrepreneurship subsidy of 10000 yuan after obtaining the professional technical grade certificate of digital technical engineers and starting their own businesses." The person in charge said.

At the same time, the Plan specifies that those who participate in the training project of digital technical engineers and meet the requirements of Sichuan Province for the application and review of professional titles can be recognized as having obtained the corresponding professional titles after obtaining the primary and intermediate professional and technical grade certificates.

In terms of talent evaluation, Sichuan Province will set up a digital technical engineer title review committee, establish a green channel for professional title review, and dynamically carry out the evaluation of digital technical engineers in accordance with the principle of "one batch of training, one batch of assessment, one batch of accreditation review". At the same time, relevant units in Sichuan Province can carry out the employment of digital technical engineers in accordance with relevant regulations.

"Sichuan Province has promoted the cultivation project of digital technology engineers, continued to strengthen the cultivation and supply of digital engineering talents, helped the high-quality development of strategic emerging industries in the province, built an influential digital talent highland in China, and provided strong talent support for the development of the digital economy in the province," said the person in charge.

The most important thing is to implement details

At present, the public's understanding of digital technology engineers is limited, and the relevant training and assessment process is still unclear. Nationwide, most of the digital technology engineer training projects are in the promotion period, and the relevant units lack training experience.

How to solve these problems?

"First of all, we should improve our ideological understanding." The relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of the Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department said that, taking Sichuan Province as an example, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department will guide the relevant units of the provincial human resources and social security system and the competent departments of the industry to carefully study and understand the spirit of relevant documents, strengthen publicity, guidance, communication and coordination, and make full use of various mainstream media platforms, Extensive interpretation of policies and measures and active response to social concerns.

At the same time, relevant training institutions should, in accordance with the training hours, contents and requirements proposed in the national vocational standards and training programs, scientifically formulate training plans and programs, innovatively carry out "online+offline" "theory+practice" training, and scientifically, objectively and impartially assess the completion of students who have completed the specified hours and contents. In addition, as the main training ground, colleges and universities should deeply understand the characteristics of digital technology engineers, make full use of the resources of famous teachers' teams, establish relevant curriculum systems, and achieve a high degree of integration of production, learning and research.

In addition, human resources and social security departments at all levels should also work with relevant units to strengthen the supervision and security services for digital technology engineer training projects, conduct spot checks on training institutions and training activities through access to data, on-site inspection and other ways, and build a supervision system composed of government supervision and industry self-discipline.

"The key to training digital technical engineers is to implement detailed policies." The relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Sichuan Province said that the relevant departments should strengthen organizational leadership, make scientific overall planning, develop more detailed and clear measures, establish a scientific and perfect working mechanism, and ensure that continuing education hours, professional title evaluation and employment Policies such as entrepreneurial assistance and training subsidies have been implemented in detail.

(Deng Ailing, Gou Wenhan, intern reporter Liu Xia)

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Li Yihuan)

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