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Promote the construction of an integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools

May 23, 2024 08:29 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: [Guangming Forum] Promoting the Construction of an Integrated Community of Ideological and Political Courses in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should cultivate people with socialist core values, improve the ideological and political work system, and promote the integration of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools, and primary schools. This major deployment is related to the national plan, the party's plan, the education of people for the party and the country, and it is an integral part of accelerating the construction of a strong educational country. Building an integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and giving full play to the key role of ideological and political courses in building morality and cultivating people are the key links to implement this major deployment.

The integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools means that on the basis of adhering to the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, taking school education as the core, adhering to the same direction of ideological and political courses and courses, fully mobilizing the forces of society, schools, families, networks and other aspects, establishing an integrated development community, and promoting the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools with the power of the community, Enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education. To be specific, we should build a community of ideological and political curriculum integration in universities, middle schools and primary schools, including a community of educational subjects, a community of curriculum construction, a community of resource integration, and a community of organizational security.

On March 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed at the school's ideological and political theory teachers' symposium that "it is an important project to comprehensively promote the integration of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and promote the connotative development of ideological and political courses." This symposium made clear requirements on the integration of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, as well as the basic requirements for ideological and political teachers, It points out the direction for ideological and political education in the new era. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has clearly proposed the construction of a national integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, which has deepened the connotation construction of the integration of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and has achieved remarkable results. The construction of an integrated community has entered a new historical stage.

The construction of the integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools focuses on "cooperation", and plays a "joint force" through "cooperation". The key to solving the problems in the construction of the integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools is to focus on efforts and breakthroughs. First of all, strengthen the political position of the educational community. The nature of the ideological and political course requires strengthening students' political concepts and awareness. The construction of educational community needs to improve the political position, raise awareness, give full play to the role of ideological and political courses in moral cultivation, organize each learning stage orderly, and form a joint force in education. The key to running a good ideological and political course lies in the teachers, whose political literacy has a great impact on the development of students. Teachers of ideological and political courses should have political thinking, firm political stance, strengthen political identity, and effectively guide students to learn, understand, trust, and use Marxism. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the exchange of teachers and talents, establish and improve the preparation mechanism for ideological and political lessons, carry out the heterogeneous system of the same lesson, organize teachers from different stages to prepare lessons collectively under the same topic, according to the characteristics of students of different ages, and discuss communication through class, listening to and evaluating lessons together, so as to achieve the effect of complementary advantages.

Secondly, strengthen the supporting role of the curriculum community. Integration not only enriches and develops the teaching contents and methods of traditional ideological and political courses, but also makes full use of social life to expand the teaching space and strengthen the community construction in the form of life. Specifically, we need to create a featured ideological and political curriculum group, integrate the innovative theory of the Party and the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the whole process of education and teaching, continue to enrich the content supply, continue to explore library school cooperation courses, and create a three-dimensional curriculum system; We should strengthen the explicit education of ideological and political courses, run ideological and political courses with confidence, and at the same time pay attention to the implicit education, fully tap the ideological and political resources of other courses, so as to lead the construction of ideological and political courses in different schools.

Thirdly, strengthen the integration role of the resource community. Historical accumulation and social development have brought rich educational resources to the construction of "Great Ideological and Political Course". Therefore, it is very important to make full use of various educational resources and stimulate the educational function. By creating a comprehensive application belt of regional resources, based on the actual situation of students and schools, it can effectively integrate various teaching resources in the region, such as red cultural resources, ecological civilization resources, etc., and make full use of resources in ideological and political courses and curriculum ideological and political education around the education and teaching themes of "Chinese modernization" and "people's democracy in the whole process". It is also necessary to promote the internal and external linkage projects, cluster moral education projects, strengthen the connotation construction of the regional "big ideological and political courses" practice education base, and promote the construction of educational practice courses by strengthening the joint construction of universities, primary and secondary schools and relevant units in the region.

Finally, strengthen the safeguard role of the institutional community. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We should establish a working pattern of unified leadership by the Party Committee, joint management by the Party and the government, respective responsibilities of relevant departments, and coordinated cooperation of the whole society, and promote the formation of a good atmosphere for the whole party and society to work hard to run ideological and political courses, teachers to seriously teach ideological and political courses, and students to actively learn ideological and political courses." Specifically, It is to give full play to the guiding role of educational administrative departments at all levels, emphasize the policy construction at the macro level, the platform construction at the meso level, and the implementation suggestions and support at the micro level, strengthen the top-level design and institutional guarantee of community co construction and sharing, and establish a cross discipline, cross school period, cross school district and cross school district collaborative linkage mechanism for ideological and political teachers in relevant regions; Establish a good assessment and evaluation mechanism and strengthen the supervision of community building. At the same time, with the promotion of typical cases and excellent achievements in the university area, the organizational guarantee mode will be continuously promoted through a good public opinion atmosphere.

To promote the construction of an integrated community of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools across the country, we need to continue to adhere to the integration of theory with practice, uphold systematic thinking, practical thinking, innovative thinking, and development thinking, expand the space for education, integrate educational resources, pool the joint forces of education, and play the innovative spirit to maximize the effectiveness of ideological and political education in schools.

(Author: Zhang Zhidan, Dean and Professor of the College of Marxism, Shanghai Normal University, and Distinguished Researcher of Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Li Yihuan)

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