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The cluster mechanism of China Belarus University Alliance was established

May 22, 2024 14:25 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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Dalian,, May 22 (Reporter Li Yihuan) Today, the 2024 general meeting of the China Belarus University Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "China Belarus University Alliance") and the founding meeting of the alliance cluster mechanism were held in Dalian, Liaoning Province. Representatives of more than 40 Chinese universities and nearly 20 Belarusian universities attended the meeting.

Chen Jie, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education of China, said that the China Belarus University Alliance is a solid platform jointly created by the two countries in the field of education for the education exchange and cooperation of first-class universities. It will further help the bilateral cooperation focus sink, improve quality and efficiency, and accelerate development. It is expected that the Alliance will create a new situation of China Belarus university cooperation, improve the new cooperation mechanism It plays an important role in shaping a new future through digital cooperation.

Andrei Ivanetz, Minister of Education of Belarus, said that with the efforts of the leaders of China and Belarus, great potential has been formed for the development of bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of education. The active implementation of the "Belt and Road" education will bring great benefits to the people of both countries. He hoped that the universities of both countries will cultivate innovative professionals, establish joint educational and scientific research institutions New achievements have been made in promoting youth exchanges.

Wang Libo, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Liaoning Provincial People's Government and vice governor of Liaoning Province, pointed out that the universities of the two countries should increase "frequency" in exchange and cooperation, tap "depth" in talent training, broaden "breadth" in cultural integration, deepen talent training, expand cultural integration, and make the alliance a new link in the friendly relations between China and Belarus It has become a new model of international education exchange and cooperation.

Jia Zhenyuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Dalian University of Technology, said that the alliance cluster mechanism has created a new dimension for inter university cooperation. Dalian University of Technology will continue to work with the secretariat units of Belarus and the leading universities of the alliance cluster to make the top-level planning of the alliance work, and continue to contribute to the in-depth development of all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus in the field of higher education.

Vadim Bogushi, president of the Belarusian State University of Information and Radio Electronics, said that expanding cooperation in the fields of education and culture would enable the people of Belarus and China to better understand each other. The universities of the two countries will work closely within the framework of the China Belarus University Alliance to make due contributions to the development of Belarus and China.

It is reported that the China Belarus University Alliance is jointly guided by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, and Dalian University of Technology and the Belarusian National University of Information and Radio Electronics are the leading units of China and Belarus. It was officially established in Minsk, Belarus, on November 21, 2023. The alliance is composed of 45 Chinese universities and 41 Belarusian universities. It aims to promote higher education exchanges and academic research cooperation between the two countries, create a new model of international education cooperation, and help build an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus.

The event was guided by the Ministry of Education of China and the People's Government of Liaoning Province, and hosted by Dalian University of Technology and Belarusian State University of Information and Radio Electronics. On the same day, several parallel forums were held, and many university experts and scholars from China and Belarus exchanged views on hot issues such as human society development, higher education digitization, and people to people and cultural exchanges.

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Xiong Xu)

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