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The 10th National University Student Energy Economy Academic Creativity Competition was held

May 22, 2024 07:03 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 22 (Reporter Li Yihuan) Recently, the 10th National University Students Energy Economy Academic Creativity Competition was held at China University of Geosciences (Beijing). The contest was launched in September 2023 and attracted students from 561 colleges and universities across the country, with 17994 application teams and nearly 100000 participants.

The reporter learned that 895 entries were recommended for the national competition after the selection of the university competition and the provincial competition, and 148 entries were finally determined to enter the final through the communication review and expert meeting evaluation stage, including 86 entries for the undergraduate team and 62 entries for the graduate team. The finals were divided into seven tracks, namely, college students/graduate students' energy economy, energy finance and management, research and big data, and college students' innovation and entrepreneurship.

Lei Yalin, Secretary of the Party Committee of China University of Geosciences (Beijing), said that green, low-carbon and high-quality development is an important path to promote Chinese style modernization, and also an inevitable choice to achieve a comprehensive green transformation of the economy and society. It is hoped that the experts and scholars attending the meeting will gather wisdom and cohesion to seek common development in the exchange and collision of ideas, guide the society to pay more attention to green and low-carbon development, and contribute wisdom and strength to promote the "double carbon" strategy and green and low-carbon development.

"Since its inception, the National College Students Energy Economy Academic Creativity Competition has provided a practical starting point for cultivating the innovative ability and scientific research literacy of college students." Jiang Enlai, vice president of the China Association of Higher Education, said that in the next step of development, the competition should focus on adhering to the high leadership and widely spreading the green and low-carbon concept; We should innovate the mode of running competitions, deepen the integration of production and education, and educate people in a coordinated way; We should aim at key areas and create a first-class academic innovation contest.

It is reported that this activity is jointly sponsored by the China Association for the Research of Optimal Law and Economic Mathematics, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and the Resources and Energy Education Branch of China Association of Higher Education, and undertaken by the Low Carbon Development Management Professional Committee and the School of Economics and Management of China University of Geosciences (Beijing). At the same time, the 11th National Academic Conference on Low Carbon Development Management was held on the same day with the theme of "developing new quality productivity and promoting green and low-carbon transformation".

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Xiong Xu)

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