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Beijing Launches 8 Actions of Sunshine Sports for Primary and Middle School Students

09:17, May 22, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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 Eight actions of sunshine sports for primary and middle school students in Beijing were launched. Courtesy of Beijing Municipal Education Commission
Eight actions of sunshine sports for primary and middle school students in Beijing were launched. Courtesy of Beijing Municipal Education Commission

People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 22 (Reporter Li Fang) "Let's run and move together and embrace a healthy and sunny life..." On the 21st, the 2024 sunshine sports campaign for primary and secondary school students in Beijing was launched.

Wang Pan, member of the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, introduced eight specific actions: carry out the action to improve the quality of physical education classes, implement one physical education class a day in the compulsory education stage, and 3-5 physical education classes a week in the high school stage; Carry out the plan of implementing the duration of physical exercise every day, and the school should implement the requirement of 1 hour physical exercise every day; Widely carry out sports class games, establish and improve the four level campus sports league mechanism of city, district, school and class; Carry out activities to improve the interest of physical exercise; Carry out the promotion action of characteristic brand to form a new situation of school sports development of "one school with one quality", "one school with multiple quality", "each school has its own brand and school has its own characteristics"; Advocate early exercise and afternoon exercise; Carry out sports culture infiltration action and strengthen sports culture construction; We will carry out the joint action of all staff in sports. The school sports venues and facilities will be opened to the teachers, students and parents of the school in an orderly manner on holiday days. We will encourage the school to guide parents to participate in fitness activities and parent-child exercises.

In order to implement the Sunshine Sports Action, Haidian District of Beijing took the lead in announcing the work plan for physical exercise of primary and secondary school students. Du Rongzhen, director of the Education Commission of Haidian District, said that all schools will carry out running, promote the development of ball games such as "three big balls", enrich extracurricular sports activities, and promote the development of school sports characteristics.

The reporter learned that throughout the year, Beijing will hold 159 sports competitions and activities in six categories covering primary and secondary school students, including track and field, football, basketball, and physical health tests. At the same time, Beijing will hold football and physical health class games for the first time. Each district will also hold a variety of sunshine sports activities for primary and secondary schools in combination with the actual situation.

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Xiong Xu) Share to let more people see

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