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Make good use of excellent cultural resources to polish the background of education

08:39, May 21, 2024 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: Use excellent cultural resources to polish the background of education

The meeting for promoting the construction of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era was held recently, conveying the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools. General Secretary Xi Jinping positioned the important role of the three cultural forms of Chinese excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture in the process of ideological and political course construction with the "strength foundation", once again defined the clear direction of cultural empowerment of ideological and political course construction, pointed out the direction of the construction of ideological and political course in the new era and new journey, and provided the fundamental guidance.

Excellent cultural resources are the essence of the inherent culture of the Chinese nation, including excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture. The ideological and political course is a key course to implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, which is related to the fundamental issues of "who, how and for whom to cultivate people". Vigorously explore the coupling point between excellent cultural resources and the content of ideological and political courses, help students visualize excellent cultural resources into concrete people, things, things, etc., and then rise to the construction of spiritual beliefs, beliefs, and confidence, which can make them produce emotional resonance, gather value consensus, gather spiritual strength, and condense cultural consciousness, cultural self-confidence, and cultural self-improvement.

Making good use of excellent cultural resources in ideological and political courses is, on the surface, an "extension expansion", but in fact, a "connotation regression" focusing on curriculum attributes. By specifying abstract theories and systematizing curriculum content, we can break through teaching priorities and difficulties, transform excellent cultural resources into knowledge systems and value systems, and constantly improve the cultural taste and ideological charm of ideological and political courses, Close the distance between students and theories. Ideological and political courses make good use of excellent cultural resources, rely on unique humanistic charm, polish the background of education, help students accept the cultivation and nourishment of excellent cultural resources, consciously stay away from and resist the erosion of wrong thoughts and vulgar culture, build a "fire wall" against the infiltration of western ideology, and forge a love for school, patriotism, and the party, Realize the advancement from cultural identity to cultural self-confidence and then to cultural self-improvement, and strive to grow into a socialist builder and successor with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

Classroom is the main channel to enable the construction of ideological and political courses with excellent cultural resources. Closely adhering to the educational mission of the new era and new journey, we should scientifically develop new plans for the construction of ideological and political courses, open core courses of excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, deeply tap the ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, moral norms, etc. contained in them, fully integrate excellent cultural resources into ideological and political courses, and effectively respond to students' cultural and theoretical concerns, Create more "golden lessons" in ideology and politics, promote the latest achievements of the Party's innovative theory into the mind, and help students understand "why the Communist Party of China can", "why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good", and "why Chinese and contemporary Marxism works".

To enable the construction of ideological and political courses with excellent cultural resources, we should guide students to combine "reading thousands of books" with "traveling thousands of miles". Cultural relics collected in museums, heritage displayed on the vast land, and characters written in ancient books bear the long history of the Chinese nation and are rich resources for teaching and educating people. The school's ideological and political course should make good use of excellent cultural resources to lead students to better understand the national conditions, social conditions and people's conditions. Through field research, scene infiltration, aesthetic embedding, voluntary interpretation, walking class and other on-site teaching, the excellent cultural resources should be flexible, so that every place, every place and every scene that students go, will bring spiritual baptism, Deeply understand the unremitting pursuit of the Chinese Communists over the past century, cherish the hard won today, and deeply understand "how China's destiny has been fundamentally reversed", "China's comprehensive national strength has been significantly improved", and "China's approach to the center of the world stage", so as to strengthen the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Empowering the construction of ideological and political courses with excellent cultural resources should make full use of new media and new technologies. It is necessary to activate "traditional ideological and political" with "digital ideological and political", let excellent cultural resources "speak", spring breeze and rain, moisten things silently, enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of teaching content, and make students happy with excellent culture in the real world.

It should be noted that we should make good use of excellent cultural resources to stimulate the vitality of the ideological and political course construction. We should not follow the "taking principle", simply transplant and mechanically transport, and avoid formalism and superficiality. According to the content and theme of the ideological and political course, under the guidance of Chinese and modern Marxism, it is necessary to re interpret and interpret the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture, awaken the spirit gene of Chinese excellent traditional culture deep in the blood of each young person, and let students know "where to come from" and "where to go", We will be more confident and determined to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This needs to avoid the "teaching according to the book" style. Teachers of ideological and political courses should make great efforts to prepare lessons, enrich the teaching content of ideological and political courses in the unity of theory and practice, tell the story of Chinese revolution, construction, reform and opening up and the new era in the prosperity and development of advanced socialist culture, and enhance the historical self-confidence of students to "stand up" and "get rich" The realistic self-confidence and the goal self-confidence of "getting stronger" guide students to feel the great practical power of the Party's innovative theory.

(Author: Wang Xiuliang, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Nanjing Normal University, and a researcher of Nanjing Normal University, the first base of the Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era of Xi Jinping, Jiangsu Province)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Hao Mengjia)

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