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Colleges and universities should provide practical and detailed employment guidance services

Carry out career education to help grow up (deep focus)

Our reporter Wu Yue
May 19, 2024 05:59 | Source: People's Daily
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Students of Zhejiang Anji Technician College practice in the training base to enhance their employment skills.
Photographed by Zhang Hui

Fudan University carried out career service market activities to promote talent supply and demand.
Photographed by Cen Danfeng

   Career education for college students aims to help students rationally plan their own academic and career development, establish a correct concept of career selection and employment, and enhance their career management ability and comprehensive employment ability. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has established and improved the career education curriculum standards, and colleges and universities have included career development and employment guidance courses in the teaching plan of public courses, laying a solid foundation for promoting high-quality and full employment of graduates.

On May 12, the first National Undergraduate Career Planning Competition ended. During the competition, the students described their career ideals, and the career guidance teachers shared the teaching practice of each school, which focused on the exploration of career education in colleges and universities in recent years and the youth style of the majority of students struggling for their dreams.

In this edition of education, we focus on the stories of several participating students and explore the educational practice behind their growth.



Two years ago, Xu Qiushi, a freshman, was a little confused when he was admitted to the ecological environment engineering technology major of Hebei University of Science and Technology and Engineering. "What should I do in college?" "Where will I work after graduation?"

Through learning and practice, Xu Qiushi's future planning is gradually clear. Standing at the final of the first National Undergraduate Career Planning Competition, Xu Qiushi spoke about his career ideal and said, "I am determined to become an environmental protection engineer in the direction of solid waste treatment and serve the construction of beautiful China."

From confusion to firmness, it is a reflection of the growth of some college students. With the help of career education and employment guidance of the school, students actively explore and take active actions to take the first step of career development.


Combine personal development with national needs and social development

In his freshman year, Xu Qiushi, with the idea of trying, participated in the skills competition related to sewage treatment, and also joined the school's solid waste recycling studio. He is good at doing things and loves to study. He feels the joy of creating a beautiful environment with both hands and is interested in working in the field of environmental protection.

Under the guidance of the course teacher of "College Student Career Planning", Xu Qiushi carried out a series of explorations around career goals: when consulting policy documents, he felt the importance of solid waste recycling; When interviewing college teachers, he had a deeper understanding of the professional development prospects and the job needs of the target occupation.

Since then, Xu Qiushi has made more attempts to practice in enterprises and organize teams to carry out solid waste recycling disposal practices in the countryside. "Environmental protection engineer in the direction of solid waste treatment is a career I am interested in and confident in doing well."

It is one of the teaching objectives of the career development and employment guidance course for college students to guide students to combine their personal development with the needs of the country and social development, and choose careers and jobs from reality.

Universities, research institutes, communication enterprises... Which employment direction is most suitable for you? Zhang Yaoyu, a doctoral candidate in the Institute of Cross Information Research of Tsinghua University, hesitated.

According to the tools and methods learned in the course of "Career Planning and Development of College Students", and with the help of the resources of the Career Development Guidance Center for College Students, Zhang Yaoyu lists a mind map for job hunting. After that, after the internship in investment, R&D and other posts, he realized that doing research and seeing the results come to fruition could bring him a great sense of achievement.

This graduation season, Zhang Yaoyu chose to work in a communication technology company. He said: "I hope to give full play to my professional knowledge and contribute my wisdom to the research and development of domestic operating systems."

On the scene of the final of the career planning contest, the reporter saw that the students' career goals were diverse: some were determined to solve problems in the semiconductor field with a sense of patriotism; Some hope to engage in cross-border e-commerce to help make Chinese products go global; Some want to go back to their hometown to help villagers become rich. What they have in common is the positive pursuit of value behind the goal and the adaptation of the goal to personal characteristics.

"When setting career goals, college students should combine their personal interests, abilities and personality characteristics with the development needs of the country and society." Qiao Zhihong, secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, said that the determination of career goals is not achieved overnight. It requires scientific guidance from teachers and continuous exploration, experience and trial from students.


Take the path of learning and life step by step

As graduation approached, Wu Hao, a student of the Second Clinical Medical School of Guangxi Medical University, recalled his experience of returning to his hometown for employment training during the summer vacation of his sophomore year. "Now, I have brought my learning achievements back to my hometown and realized my dream of becoming a doctor!"

Last November, Wu Hao successfully signed a contract with Guangxi Pingguo People's Hospital, which is also the hospital where he participated in employment training.

"During the training, I saw the improvement of the hospital conditions in my hometown and felt the hospital's demand for talents, which strengthened my determination to contribute to the medical cause in my hometown," Wu Hao said.

At Guangxi Medical University, the course of "Career Development and Employment Guidance for College Students" includes 14 theoretical hours and 24 practical hours. Among them, employment training is a practical link that sophomores must complete. "During the two-week training, the students felt the real workplace environment as observers and experiencers, and had a more intuitive understanding of the work of grass-roots hospitals," said Li Yunfeng, the instructor.

The relevant person in charge of the Department of College Students of the Ministry of Education said that the career development plan is closely linked with real life, and the teaching content should highlight the integration of theory with practice, effectively enhance the pertinence and focus on effectiveness. Colleges and universities actively create conditions to carry out various forms of career development planning counseling activities to help students grow in practice.

At Dalian Maritime University, students have the opportunity to practice on the teaching practice ships "Yukun" and "Yupeng". The huge ship is towering and chopping through the waves. The bridge, deck and engine room are all teaching places. "Students can immerse themselves in jobs such as shipping, gain overall industry awareness, and conduct full process job exploration," said the relevant person in charge of the student employment guidance center of the university.

At Renmin University of China, students of different majors can choose their own practical activities provided by the Enrollment and Employment Office, colleges and academies according to their personal career development needs to complete the practical link of the "Career Planning" course. Li Yifei, a graduate student of the School of Finance and Economics, participated in the student career guidance plan and gained a lot. "Under the guidance of career development instructors and in the communication with the seniors, I saw a broad stage for future employment."

"Career education not only includes career courses, but also is an all-around activity that runs through the whole talent training cycle." Zhou Wenxia, a professor of the School of Labor and Personnel of Renmin University of China, found that college students' experience in school is closely related to their employment results. "To plan a career, you should start from planning the learning life of the university. We should guide students to think and practice diligently, and guide them to better grasp the present and achieve the future. "


Carry out professional and personalized services in combination with students' personal characteristics

"Zhang Hua, a student, wants to ask you: 'During the interview, the interviewer often asks me to talk about my shortcomings. If I say too much, I'm afraid that the other party thinks I'm not good enough. If I say too little, I'm afraid that the other party thinks I don't know enough about myself. What should I do?' Please conduct a scenario simulation." When participating in the final of the course teaching track of the career planning contest, Kong Jiejun, a teacher from Northeast Normal University, got a situation simulation question.

"I will brainstorm with students to guide them to think in other places: for example, is the employer concerned about the number of shortcomings or the attitude towards them..." Kong Jiejun said in a clear voice, describing her own ideas.

"In fact, answering students' questions is not the end of consultation." Kong Jiejun said, "Teachers should find out students' deep needs through their questions and give them targeted guidance." Some words aroused the resonance of teachers.

Approaching students can better serve the growth of students. How can career guidance teachers carry out professional and personalized services in combination with students' personal characteristics to help them solve practical difficulties in the process of employment?

At Capital Normal University, career guidance teachers adjust teaching content according to students' professional and learning characteristics. "For example, in the College of History, I will lead students to interpret employment information by using the method of historical data analysis," said Cai Jia, counselor of the College of History of Capital Normal University.

After serving as a counselor for seven years, Cai Jia believes that career education and career guidance are not only to help students change resumes and conduct mock interviews, but also to serve students' all-round and lifelong development.

"Teacher, I come here to report my happiness. I have joined the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum" "Teacher, I am investigating ancient rock paintings in Gansu, and the choice to return to the west is very correct"... Many students will still share new news with Cai Jia many years after the end of the course.

"The effect of career education and career guidance may not be shown soon," Cai Jia said. "But looking forward to the future, what students have learned in class will certainly help them when facing a variety of life choices."

People's Daily (May 19, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Bai Yu, Wei Jia)

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