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"Empowerment+Service" Achieves "Three Jumps" in Achievements Transformation

——Shanghai Jiaotong University constructs the "from 0 to 1 to 100" scientific and technological innovation ecological chain

May 16, 2024 08:25 | Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Original title: "Empowerment+service" to achieve "triple jump" in achievements transformation

The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is an important link in cultivating and developing new quality productive forces, but it is also a worldwide problem.

"This matter must be pushed forward, and it is' 0 'without transformation." Zhu Xinyuan, vice president of Shanghai Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Jiaotong University"), said that his words were full of determination and responsibility for the transformation of achievements.

"Solve problems when you encounter problems!" The solution of Shanghai Jiaotong University is very "science and engineering": through the implementation of "Jiaotong University 2030 Plan" and other projects to support basic research and innovation, and then support professors' entrepreneurship with the reform of science and technology empowerment, introduce social capital to help professors finance entrepreneurial achievements, and open up all key links of achievements transformation.

At Shanghai Jiaotong University, a scientific and technological innovation ecological chain "from 0 to 1 to 100" has been initially constructed.

The first "empowerment before transfer" model

In China, the transformation of university achievements has long faced the big problem of maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets, which also makes researchers "unable, afraid and unwilling to transfer".

More than a decade ago, Shanghai Jiaotong University, which specializes in engineering, only had one or two projects to put forward transformation needs every year. In order to improve the transformation rate, Shanghai Jiaotong University continued to innovate the transformation model of achievements.

In 2020, Shanghai Jiaotong University was approved as one of the first national pilot units to "give scientific researchers the ownership or long-term use right of scientific and technological achievements", explore the first new way of "empowerment+implementation of completion people", and support teachers to accelerate the transformation of achievements through entrepreneurship.

"For this reason, we have formulated a detailed implementation rules for achievement transformation of more than 50000 words, and established a" one door "achievement transformation service system to improve the transformation efficiency." Zhu Xinyuan introduced that 70% of the ownership share of scientific research achievements after the reform was given to the scientific research team, and 30% of the share was owned by the school. The university will transfer 30% of its share to the scientific research team according to the agreement. After the team has obtained all the property rights of the scientific research achievements, it will invest in the start-up company to attract social capital and transform the achievements.

These explorations enabled Shen Guofeng, a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, to successfully transform the major scientific research achievements of Chen Yazhu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, into industry, and launched domestic magnetic wave knives, filling the gap in the domestic market.

Shen Guofeng is the epitome of the "entrepreneurial scientist" of Shanghai Jiaotong University. More and more scientists have reached the "last mile" of industrialization through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. So far, there are 162 scientific and technological innovation enterprises directly held by school teachers, with an overall market valuation of more than 100 billion yuan.

From 2020 to 2023, the number of scientific and technological achievements transformation projects of Shanghai Jiaotong University exceeded 500, and the total amount of achievements transfer, licensing, and pricing investment contracts exceeded 4 billion yuan, six times that before the reform.

Zero distance between scientific research and entrepreneurship

In Zhu Xinyuan's view, there are two gold standards for world-class universities: one is to contribute to human civilization and innovate in the field of basic research; The second is to transform these innovations into new quality productivity. "To become a world-class university, these two standards cannot be circumvented. No matter how difficult, we must do it!" Zhu Xinyuan said.

Shanghai Jiaotong University chose to reform actively. First of all, there must be source innovation in the field of basic research, so that innovative achievements can be produced continuously, and even cluster entrepreneurship projects can be generated.

To this end, Shanghai Jiaotong University has integrated 100 million yuan of funds for independent innovation on campus, set up the "Jiaotong University 2030" independent innovation plan, and encouraged professors to develop their imaginations in the field of basic research.

The industrialization road of "from 1 to 100" is not smooth. Shen Guofeng, who has started his business for nearly ten years, was deeply impressed. The Shanghai Shende Noninvasive Time Medical Technology Co., Ltd. he founded was faced with the dilemma that the capital chain was about to break six times. He believes that scientific research is addition, but entrepreneurship is multiplication. As long as a certain stage or link is not well done, the whole result is multiplied by zero.

So, how can we help scientists "survive" in the near death of entrepreneurship?

In 2022, Shanghai Jiaotong University launched an imaginative plan - "Tiangong Plan" to hire experienced "entrepreneurial mentors" for scientists, carry out entrepreneurial training, help scientists obtain financing... A series of services have greatly improved the success rate of scientists' entrepreneurship.

Today, professors from Shanghai Jiaotong University can work on projects in the "Big Zero Bay" opposite the school in the daytime, and can also go back to school to eat a hot meal in the evening. Here, it only takes "a bowl of soup" to transform scientific and technological achievements.

Since the end of 2020, when Shanghai Jiaotong University launched the special reform pilot of scientific and technological achievements transformation, more than 70 enterprises founded by teachers and students of Shanghai Jiaotong University have settled in the "Big Zero Bay", with a total valuation of more than 60 billion yuan.

(Lu Liyuan, Wang Chun)

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Li Fang)

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