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Clarify three key points of regulation and rectification, and list twelve negative items

The "year of standardized management" of basic education is coming

May 15, 2024 08:28 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: "Standardized Management Year" of Basic Education Comes

The General Office of the Ministry of Education recently issued the Notice on Carrying out the Action of "Standardizing the Management Year" of Basic Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") to deploy and carry out the action of "standardizing the management year" of basic education. The Notice specifies the "three key points of regulation" and the "twelve negative lists", and requires the focus of regulation on three aspects, namely, the loss of safety bottom line, the disorder of daily management, and the loss of ethics and ethics of teachers.

Focus on standardizing three aspects and rectify prominent problems in basic education

The Notice adheres to the problem orientation and responds to social concerns. The Notice pointed out that in terms of losing the bottom line of security, the implementation of the ideological responsibility system in some places and schools was not in place, and the political security awareness of secretaries, principals, teachers, and teaching and research staff was weak, and their words and deeds were improper; The campus safety responsibilities are not implemented, the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards are not in place, student injuries, bullying and other incidents occur frequently, and even major safety accidents occur. In terms of the disorder of daily management, some places and schools failed to implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, which violated the requirements of quality education, and the phenomenon of only scores and only going to higher schools was repeatedly prohibited; The school management system is not perfect and implemented, and some of them adhere to the legal requirements and national regulations in a positive and negative way, compromise and make changes, and damage the good educational ecology. In terms of teachers' ethics and ethics, some teachers violate the professional code of conduct for kindergarten teachers in primary and secondary schools, deviate from the requirements of educating people, have bad manners and conduct, treat students unfairly and even infringe on their legitimate rights and interests, which seriously affects the healthy growth of students.

In response to the above problems, the Notice proposed the "five further" work goals, namely, to further enhance the political awareness, legal awareness and rule awareness of the basic education front cadres, teachers and researchers, and to further clean up and rectify the violations of laws and regulations, educational laws and utilitarian short-sighted behaviors in the field of basic education, We will further establish and improve the long-term mechanism of management according to law, strict management and standardized management, further improve the management ability of schools and the level of teaching and educating people, and further enhance the people's satisfaction and sense of gain in basic education.

"It is very necessary for the Notice to take the disorder of daily management as the key point of regulation and rectification. Fairness in enrollment is the fairness at the starting point of the whole education chain. At present, some illegal enrollment phenomena, such as" black box operation "and" pinching enrollment ", which undermine the fairness of compulsory education, damage the education fairness, destroy the education ecology, and affect the people's sense of education, need to be seriously addressed. It is necessary to put the whole basic education enrollment process under the sun to rectify the enrollment chaos. " Wang Dinghua, the state inspector and secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Foreign Studies University, said.

"For a long time, the theory of only scores, only famous schools, and only top scholars has prevailed in some places, which only values students' achievements and ignores their growth. Some places have issued college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination indicators at different levels, and carried out 'research and testing' regularly in primary school. The tendency of exam oriented education is deeply rooted. These places make adaptations and discounts to national policies, which seriously violate the laws of education, student growth and talent training, and are very detrimental to the healthy growth of students. " Feng Liucai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Taizhou Middle School in Jiangsu Province, believes that the Notice clarifies the management responsibilities of education administrative departments at all levels according to laws and regulations, compacts the main responsibilities of basic education schools, secretaries, principals and teachers, and improves the national, provincial, municipal and county-level linkage supervision and exposure mechanism, which can consolidate and expand the achievements of standardized governance, and truly give the majority of primary and secondary school secretaries Principals "untie" and constantly promote the healthy development of basic education.

Clearly put forward the negative list and build a long-term mechanism to standardize school running

The Notice clearly put forward the "Twelve Negative Lists", including the prohibition of wrong words and deeds such as anti party and anti socialism, distorting history, and beautifying aggression; It is strictly prohibited to bully students with more than one, the weak with the strong, the small with the big, or teachers ignore and connive at student bullying on campus; It is strictly forbidden for compulsory education schools to organize various examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or to use various competition certificates as the basis for enrollment; It is strictly prohibited for the school to start school ahead of schedule, postpone holidays in violation of regulations, and organize students to make up classes collectively in holidays, winter and summer vacations.

"Education administrative departments at all levels should strengthen the punishment of school running behaviors that violate the provisions of the negative list and touch the bottom line red line, and seriously pursue responsibility in accordance with laws and regulations." Zhang Zhiyong, a professor of Beijing Normal University and director of the National Education Situation Survey Center of the National High end Think Tank, introduced that the Notice requires improving the basic education management system, which is coordinated by provinces and cities and focuses on counties, and strengthening territorial management Move down the focus to ensure that the central policy requirements reach every school in a timely manner. The higher education administrative departments shall supervise and hold accountable the education administrative departments that ignore the school's violations, perfunctory and ineffective handling. Local education administrative departments should unblock and publish the acceptance channels such as standardized school running report telephone, mailbox and network platform, and widely accept the supervision of students' parents, deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members and all sectors of society on the school running behavior. Set up an exposure platform to publicly circulate a notice of criticism on the school's illegal school running behaviors that are verified to be true.

The Notice requires all localities to establish and improve the system, promote the standardized governance work for a long time, and constantly manage the school for a long time, so as to effectively improve the level of legalization, standardization and refinement of school management. Among them, a reputation evaluation system should be established, which requires that the non-standard school running and management behavior of local education departments and schools should be truthfully recorded, as an important reference for schools and teachers to evaluate and reward the best; To establish a capacity improvement system, it is required to establish a batch of standardized primary and secondary school kindergartens, organize secretaries and school (kindergarten) leaders to follow the post and study in the base school in an orderly manner, and strengthen specialized training for standardized school running.

"Educational administrative departments at all levels should truthfully record the negative behaviors of running a school, show the major negative events separately, and make the evaluation results public within a certain range. Through these consistent measures, efforts should be made to build an effective mechanism to guide schools to standardize their running for a long time. It is necessary to constantly summarize and improve the relevant policies and systems for standardizing school running." Jin Zhifeng, vice president of the China Education Policy Research Institute at Beijing Normal University, said.

With regard to the "year of standardized management" of basic education, the Notice proposes the implementation steps of "four steps" in 2024: from now on to the end of May, the provincial deployment will be launched; From June to September, all local schools conducted comprehensive self inspection and rectification; From September to October, the province focused self inspection and strengthened work guidance; From November to December, all regions summarized and fed back the action of "Standardized Management Year".

"The standardized management of basic education is a long-term and systematic project. The high-quality development of basic education urgently needs to establish a good long-term mechanism to fully guarantee it. The "Year of Standardized Management" is an important annual action nationwide, but it is not just an annual work, but will take a series of phased actions as an opportunity to promote the continuous development of standardized school running and the construction and improvement of long-term mechanism. " Jin Zhifeng said.

(Reporter Liu Bochao)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Li Yihuan)

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