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Implementing the overall national security concept and cultivating foreign-related security and legal talents

Ye Qing
May 11, 2024 08:24 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: Implementing the overall national security concept and cultivating foreign-related security and rule of law talents

At present, the world's biggest change in a century has accelerated its evolution. China's development has entered a period when strategic opportunities and risks coexist, and uncertainties and unpredictable factors increase. Security issues are more interconnected, transnational, and diverse, and foreign-related security plays a special important role in the overall national security situation. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that strengthening the foreign-related rule of law is not only a long-term need to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation with Chinese style modernization, but also an urgent task to promote high-level opening up and address external risks and challenges. From the perspective of discipline construction, national security is the core theoretical cornerstone of foreign-related rule of law research; The study of foreign-related rule of law is an important measure to ensure national security, especially foreign-related security.

The training of foreign-related security and rule of law talents is an important part of the discipline construction of national security, and plays a basic and leading role in the security of national overseas interests. With the increasing frequency of Chinese enterprises' overseas investment, China has more and more assets overseas, overseas interests spread all over the world, and its position in national interests is becoming increasingly important. Under the international situation of high winds and high waves, China's overseas interest security is facing many challenges, and it is urgent to use legal tools to strengthen protection. At the same time, in recent years, some western countries and organizations are unwilling to see, recognize and accept the reality of China's tremendous development and progress. They frequently use international rules and their domestic laws to impose sanctions, interference and long arm jurisdiction on China, strengthen "export control", promote "decoupling and disconnection", and challenge the bottom line of China's sovereign security through a series of Taiwan related, Hong Kong related and border related laws.

To build a strong legal and security chain to protect China's overseas interests, the training of foreign-related security and legal personnel is the foundation. Implementing the overall national security concept, focusing on the need to protect overseas interests, cultivating a group of high-quality foreign-related security personnel with firm political stance, excellent professional quality, familiar with international rules, and proficient in foreign-related legal practice, and better safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests with the rule of law, are the important tasks of the times to run a law education satisfactory to the people.

From the training content, we should strengthen the training of the ability to apply international rules. The ability to apply international rules is the most important training goal for foreign-related security and rule of law talents. The main content of training is the construction of long-term mechanisms for overseas interest protection, anti sanctions, anti intervention, and anti long arm jurisdiction. It is necessary to equip students with international vision and global strategic thinking through global curriculum teaching, foreign academic exchanges, etc., and improve their ability to put forward valuable countermeasures and suggestions for global security issues and foreign-related security affairs. We should strengthen the ability of our foreign-related security and rule of law talents to participate actively in international rule making in international organizations, actively participate in global governance, and make contributions to improving the global governance system with the United Nations Charter as the core.

From the perspective of training path, on the one hand, we should strengthen the cooperation with international organizations, overseas institutions, multinational companies, overseas enterprises, foreign-related law firms, arbitration institutions and other institutions to build a practical platform for educating people, jointly develop core courses, compile high-quality textbooks, jointly build a high-end forum and other academic communities, and jointly examine the pain points and difficulties of foreign-related safety and rule of law talent training, Continuously improve the suitability of professional talent training; On the other hand, we should thoroughly implement the requirements of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on "strengthening international exchange of talents and making good use of all kinds of talents", earnestly promote the construction of an international teaching team, innovate the talent introduction mechanism, speed up the "introduction" of first-class teachers, and create conditions to "send out" more excellent students, Improve the international level of foreign-related security and rule of law personnel training. It is necessary to focus on training foreign-related security and rule of law talents in key areas such as economic security, financial security, scientific and technological security, data security, network security, marine security, biological security, and energy security to serve the urgent needs of the country and society.

From the perspective of knowledge structure, foreign-related security rule of law talents trained under national security science should be comprehensive, innovative, strategic and compound high-quality talents who are proficient in the overall national security concept, Marxist national security theory, and have a comprehensive and profound understanding of contemporary Chinese security practice. They should not only be proficient in international politics, international relations, international communication, domestic law, national law, international organization law, international conventions and other fields of knowledge, but also have strong foreign language information retrieval ability, reading ability and foreign law ascertaining ability to form a complete complex knowledge system.

From the perspective of reform direction, to establish a practice oriented talent training mechanism for foreign-related security and rule of law, we must highlight the characteristic advantage direction of "foreign-related security and rule of law", and actively serve the high-level opening of the country, security governance of international metropolises, and foreign-related legal struggle. First, actively integrate into the national strategy, and cultivate high-quality talents to serve the legislation in national key areas, emerging areas, and overseas interest security. The second is to cultivate high-quality talents and serve to build a coordinated and efficient foreign-related law enforcement system, so as to improve the judicial efficiency of foreign-related law enforcement. Third, strengthen the awareness of compliance, and help Chinese "going global" enterprises and institutions to safeguard overseas interests through the rule of law by holding training courses and targeted talent training for multinational companies, overseas enterprises, foreign-related law firms, arbitration institutions and other means; The fourth is to focus on cultivating high-level theoretical talents and make positive contributions to enhancing China's voice and influence in international legal affairs and global governance.

(Author: Ye Qing, Vice President of Law Education Research Association of China Law Society, President and Professor of East China University of Political Science and Law)

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Li Yihuan)

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