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Expect more young scientific and technological talents to "pick the beam"

Hou Jinliang, Wang Guijiang
08:20, May 10, 2024 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: [Guangming Review] Expect more young scientific and technological talents to "pick the beam"

More than 80% of the national key R&D program participants are under the age of 45; Many project teams with major strategic scientific research tasks, such as Beidou navigation and lunar fire exploration, are in their 30s on average; Among the winners of the Future Science Award and other awards, there are not only the "post-40" and "post-50", but also the "post-80" and "post-90" figures... In many industrial fields, especially in new tracks such as artificial intelligence and future industry, outstanding young scientific and technological talents are accelerating to become the main force of scientific and technological innovation, and they are expanding their strength and speed up their run, To speed up the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement by injecting surging strength.

Young talents are at the peak of innovation and creativity, which is an important part of the national strategic talent force. Cultivating and utilizing young scientific and technological talents is of great significance to the construction of a scientific and technological power and a talent power. In recent years, China has built an increasingly perfect policy system to support young scientific and technological talents to grow better. In August 2023, the Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the State Council issued Several Measures on Further Strengthening the Cultivation and Use of Young Scientific and Technological Talents, proposing to support young scientific and technological talents to "pick the main beam" and "play the leading role" in major national scientific and technological tasks, and made deployment from aspects such as improving the ability of independent evaluation of talents in scientific research institutions and increasing the life service guarantee of young scientific and technological talents. All local departments have also successively improved supporting policies and systems to build a broader stage for young scientific and technological talents and create a more friendly growth atmosphere, such as emphasizing that the proportion of young scientific and technological talents under 40 years old serving as project (project) leaders and backbones should not be less than 50% in principle, and increasing the scale of funding for young scientific and technological talents.

To enable young scientific and technological talents to run faster, more stable and farther on the new track, we also need to improve the system and mechanism, and continue to remove the obstacles that affect the growth of young scientific and technological talents; We will work hard to create a better environment for development, so that the innovative and creative vitality of young scientific and technological talents will continue to burst.

Build a ladder to pave the way for young scientific and technological talents. Abandon the "hat" thinking, get rid of the "four only" phenomenon, and promote the reduction of transactional burdens, so that young talents can open their hands and feet to explore boldly and devote themselves to scientific research. We will continue to improve the inspection and incentive mechanism, use personnel in a scientific manner, optimize the assessment standards, and constantly open the growth channels for young talents and broaden the development space. Create a flexible and open talent environment, accelerate the establishment and improvement of major science and technology innovation platforms, support their original innovation, technological breakthroughs, and achievements transformation, and let young scientific and technological talents bloom on the stage of scientific and technological innovation. For example, Guangxi has continued to set up the special project of "training young scientific and technological innovation talents" in the science and technology plan, and has issued more than 700 three types of projects in the past three years, with nearly 80 million yuan of funding; In the Bagui Scholars Project, Bagui Young Scholars will be set up, and outstanding young talents will be included in the high-level talent plan, with stable financial support for three consecutive years. The constantly improved funding system and continuously increased training support have given young scientific and technological talents greater scientific research autonomy, enabling them to better concentrate on research, growth and progress.

In order to cultivate a fertile land for talent innovation and creation, we also need to pay attention to the "difficulties and hopes" of young scientific and technological talents, effectively help the group solve the practical difficulties in housing, medical care, children's schooling and other aspects, and do a good job in learning and training, cooperation and communication, mental health and other aspects, so as to enhance their determination and confidence to sit on the "bench" and dare to enter the "no man's land".

Scientific and technological innovation is changing with each passing day, which requires a large number of young scientific and technological talents with courage, ability and responsibility to work hard for it. Let's work together to provide more convenient scientific research conditions for young scientific and technological talents, create a better growth environment, and let more young scientific and technological talents "pick the main beam" and "play the leading role", forming a vivid situation where talents come forth in large numbers, make full use of their talents, and burst out of vitality.

(Author: Hou Jinliang, Wang Guijiang, a researcher of Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group Branch, Chongqing Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Li Yihuan)

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