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Strengthen Cultural Self confidence and Promote Cultural Quality Education in Colleges and Universities

09:01, May 8, 2024 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: Strengthen cultural confidence and promote cultural quality education in colleges and universities

When attending the forum on cultural heritage and development in Beijing, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should be firm in cultural confidence, shoulder our mission, and work hard to create a new culture that belongs to our times and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation." Cultural confidence is the conviction and pride that Chinese culture can maintain its own characteristics and benefit human civilization, Strengthening cultural confidence is an important spiritual force in building a socialist cultural power. College students, bearing the high hopes of the country and the nation, must strengthen their cultural self-confidence and strive to be the builders of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation who are ambitious, innovative, and future oriented. As the "trinity" of education, science and technology, and talents, colleges and universities should give full play to their advantages in the field of knowledge and culture, attach importance to cultural education, and effectively strengthen cultural quality education.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence is the fundamental principle for colleges and universities to promote cultural quality education

Cultural quality education is an important part of the localization and innovation of China's higher education. Strengthening cultural self-confidence points out the direction of the cultural quality education in colleges and universities in the new era, and provides a fundamental basis for it. At the end of the 20th century, the Ministry of Education proposed to strengthen the cultural quality education of college students in view of the fact that higher education pays more attention to science than literature, and humanities education is weak. After that, cultural quality education began to be comprehensively promoted in colleges and universities, and has made remarkable achievements in improving the cultural quality of college students, improving the cultural quality of university teachers, and improving the cultural taste and style of universities, It has played an important role in promoting the transformation of the concept of higher education. In practical exploration, Academician Yang Shuzi, the former president of China University of Science and Technology, placed the orientation of cultural quality education on the height of inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture and cultivating modern Chinese people, emphasized that cultural quality is the basis of all qualities, opened elective courses in humanities, implemented language proficiency test, held lectures on humanities and social sciences Various forms of campus cultural activities have produced good responses. This practical exploration shows that since its inception, cultural quality education in colleges and universities has adhered to the functional orientation of maintaining cultural blood, and has become a powerful means to guide college students to strengthen their cultural self-confidence.

In the new era, facing the hot practice of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, colleges and universities should concentrate on cultivating high-level talents, first-class talents and top-notch innovative talents who are responsible for national rejuvenation. The cultural quality education in colleges and universities should be based on the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the great changes that have not happened in the world in a century, guide college students to strengthen their cultural self-confidence, form a firm belief in the vitality of the Chinese nation's culture, have both integrity and talent, lead talent with virtue, and be good at consciously learning from the excellent cultural nutrients accumulated by the Chinese nation after going to society, Then make the right choice of life, shoulder the heavy task of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics in the down-to-earth practice, and create your own wonderful life in the great practice of realizing the Chinese Dream.

2. Strengthen cultural self-confidence and put forward higher requirements for colleges and universities to promote cultural quality education

When it comes to cultural quality education in colleges and universities, some people will simply confuse it with general education, while others will regard it as the localization of general education in contemporary Chinese higher education. In fact, cultural quality education and general education have their own starting points and priorities. As far as cultural quality education is concerned, its core carrier is curriculum, but the goal of curriculum teaching is quality. Compared with knowledge transmission, more attention is paid to the cultivation of students' personality and the overall development of students' quality. General education is mainly aimed at the problem of knowledge fragmentation caused by the division of disciplines in higher education. It advocates broadening students' horizons through courses of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences outside of professional education, and strives to enable students to have a comprehensive and comprehensive understanding of the overall situation of knowledge before committing to learning a special and specialized knowledge, Deeply experience and feel the richness and diversity of human civilization, cultivate students' ability to think effectively, exchange ideas, make appropriate judgments, identify values and even form stronger innovation ability.

Compared with general education, cultural quality education emphasizes moral quality, especially great morality, and leads small morality. "Those who stand on the big first, then the small can't win", with a higher position, broader connotation, and greater significance. This is the higher requirement of strengthening cultural self-confidence for cultural quality education in colleges and universities. Our cultural quality education in colleges and universities is guided by socialist core values, developing advanced socialist culture, carrying forward revolutionary culture, inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture, with local originality, attaching great importance to the guidance of values, and guiding students to be confident and proud modern Chinese based on the sociality and nationality of values and culture.

3. To promote cultural quality education in colleges and universities, the curriculum system should be optimized and improved

After nearly 30 years of exploration, many colleges and universities have set up a considerable number of cultural quality education courses, but to varying degrees there are problems such as the low status of cultural quality education courses, lack of vitality, and outdated teaching methods. Cultural quality education in colleges and universities needs to improve its connotation and achieve high-quality development.

Colleges and universities should develop special courses of cultural quality education with profound cultural connotation and excellent content form with high standards. Specialized courses should closely follow the advanced socialist culture, revolutionary culture and excellent traditional Chinese culture, and comprehensively improve the systematicness of content, the profundity of theory, the vividness of language, the infectivity of context, and the richness of means. High quality curriculum development requires systematic planning, fine grinding, reflection in practice, and improvement in reflection, until high-quality courses and first-class courses are formed. The national cultural quality education base for college students should play the role of a pilot field and a source, concentrate on developing a high-quality cultural quality education curriculum system, and promote it by means of intercollegiate exchanges, digital courses, etc.

The cultural quality education in colleges and universities should also implement the principle of combining explicit education with implicit education. The curriculum penetration should be tailored to the class conditions, taking into account the teaching content and teaching methods, and cultivate students' profound cultural quality and firm cultural self-confidence on the basis of learning knowledge and skills through the combination of reason, online and offline, and in and out of the classroom and campus. The university cultural environment is a hidden classroom that imperceptibly conveys the core socialist values and cultivates the sincere Chinese heart. It should highlight the close relationship between the development of universities and the development of Chinese society, tell the touching stories of our teachers and students who wrote their papers on the land of the motherland, and serve the motherland with wisdom and sweat, and guide students to aspire to greatness, show great virtue, become great talents, and assume great responsibilities.

To promote cultural quality education in colleges and universities, it is necessary to promote construction through evaluation and increase efficiency through research

Cultural quality education aims at cultivating cultural self-confidence, and its effect evaluation needs to be rigorous and comprehensive. Based on the requirements of improving result evaluation, strengthening process evaluation, exploring value-added evaluation, and improving comprehensive evaluation, colleges and universities should improve the evaluation methods of cultural quality education, comprehensively use students' classroom participation and daily action data, and make efforts to creatively carry out the evaluation of college students' cultural quality level. Cultural quality education focuses on cultivating "faith" and guiding "action". Colleges and universities must attach great importance to students' "action responses". While providing opportunities for students to engage in social practice, carry out social services, and participate in scientific research projects related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, they should also carefully examine students' patriotism and patriotism reflected in the real situation, and give strong guidance and guidance.

To promote cultural quality education, we need to strengthen research, attach importance to experimental exploration, and gradually improve the scientific, normative and systematic level. High level universities should play a leading role in deepening cultural quality education research, developing cultural quality education courses, implementing cultural quality education evaluation and other aspects, and play a radiation and driving role by holding seminars, experience exchange meetings, sharing high-level courses and other ways. At the same time, the achievements of cultural quality education in colleges and universities can be actively connected and integrated into different segments, helping to promote the integration of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

(Author: You Zheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Sun Jing)

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