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Serving the countryside and revitalizing colleges and universities have great prospects

May 6, 2024 08:24 | Source: Guangming Daily
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Original title: [Guangming Current Review] Serve the countryside and revitalize colleges and universities

Not long ago, the first training class for stationmasters of Chinese modern rural workstations in Nankai University was held. 132 stationmasters of rural workstations from all provinces in China participated in the training, and achieved good results. The construction of the Chinese style modern rural workstation of Nankai University was launched last year, and 89 workstations have been built nationwide. This is an important measure taken by Nankai University to demonstrate its role and responsibility in the process of comprehensively building a socialist modern country in the new era, adhering to the tradition of "knowing China and serving China".

In recent years, many colleges and universities across the country are actively exploring a variety of ways to help farmers, and serve the overall revitalization of the countryside with heart and effort. China Agricultural University set up the first small science and technology academy in Quzhou County, Hebei Province in 2009. By 2023, 139 small science and technology academies have been set up in 91 counties, urban areas and banners in 24 provinces, autonomous regions and cities across the country; Tsinghua University started to build rural revitalization workstations in 2017, and by the end of 2021, it has set up 25 workstations in 16 provinces, autonomous regions and cities across the country.

The reason why colleges and universities can show their talents in the process of serving the rural revitalization is inseparable from their unique advantages. The fundamental task of colleges and universities is to establish morality and cultivate people, and shoulder the major mission of educating people for the Party and the country. Large scale cultivation of various high-quality talents is the fundamental task and advantage of colleges and universities. Colleges and universities play an important role in unblocking the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talents. In the new era, the most arduous and arduous task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way is still in the countryside, and the key to rural revitalization is people. Therefore, colleges and universities have both the responsibility and the ability to train all kinds of talents needed to promote the overall revitalization of the countryside. On the one hand, they can directly train and deliver a large number of new college students and graduate students to the countryside, and on the other hand, they can provide business training platforms for all kinds of rural personnel to continue their further education.

Universities have accumulated disciplinary and professional advantages in the process of talent cultivation for a long time. In the process of serving the revitalization of the countryside, the vast countryside provides a broad stage for college teachers and students to display their talents, and all disciplines and majors have a place to play. For example, chemistry, biology, medicine, environmental science and other disciplines and specialties can provide scientific and technological support in pesticide development, water and soil improvement, improved seed development, disease diagnosis and treatment, environmental governance and other aspects; Architecture, art design, computer and network, artificial intelligence and other disciplines and specialties can provide technical support in rural construction, smart agriculture, live broadcast e-commerce and other aspects; Economics, sociology, philosophy, history and other disciplines can provide theoretical support in rural industrial development, social governance, continuous agricultural civilization and rural culture.

Through all-round participation and service for the overall revitalization of rural areas, colleges and universities can help promote the high-quality development of rural areas, but also help colleges and universities to achieve high-quality development. The process of colleges and universities serving the rural revitalization is not only a process in which teachers and researchers can better focus on research topics, stimulate research inspiration, and test theoretical achievements, but also a process in which colleges and universities and rural areas realize the common education and cooperation of talents, so as to better cultivate talents in all directions and write essays on the motherland.

Of course, colleges and universities also have their own weaknesses in the process of serving the overall revitalization of rural areas. For example, there are problems such as the mismatch between the service supply of colleges and universities and the actual demand in rural areas, the unsmooth channel for scientific and technological transformation of colleges and universities, the limited resources and strength of single colleges and universities, and insufficient support funds. Some of these shortcomings and weaknesses can be solved in a relatively short time. For example, by building an information sharing platform, colleges and universities can better understand what is needed for rural development, and villages can also understand what colleges and universities can do for rural development. They can also realize mutual learning of experience models and mutual help and mutual assistance in resolving difficulties and pain points in a timely manner through exchanges. For another example, by building an inter university consultation platform, information sharing and business cooperation between colleges and universities can be realized, and problems in rural development can be solved through joint discussion. For those problems that need to be solved for a long time, they need not only the continuous exploration of colleges and universities, but also the active participation of the whole society to solve them together.

Promoting rural revitalization is not an overnight thing. Colleges and universities should also constantly summarize experience in the process of serving rural revitalization, make solid progress, make long-term contributions, and continue to play an important role.

(Author: Zhang Haipeng, Deputy Director and Associate Researcher of the Political Economy Research Center of Nankai University)

(Editor in charge: Li Fang, Sun Jing)

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