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Follow the General Secretary to see China | education power

April 8, 2024 13:32 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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"The fundamental issue of education is who, how and for whom to cultivate people. It is also the core issue of building an educational power."

Standing at the strategic height of the development of the cause of the Party and the country, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the way forward for cultivating new people of the times.

The red gene casts the soul and cultivates new people of the times, the spirit of flood fighting and disaster relief is integrated into the ideological and political classroom, and the scientific research force takes root in the front line to help the rural revitalization... All schools around the country keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, adhere to educating people for the party and the country, and a batch of students are growing up to be new people of the times who assume the responsibility of national rejuvenation.

The new journey, the clarion call loud and clear; New departure, firm step. Let's go forward with high spirit and great strides, gather the great power of building an educational power, speed up the transformation of the grand blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping into a vivid practice of building an educational power, plant the foundation of people's happiness, and consolidate the foundation of national prosperity. (People's Daily Online reporters Li Fang and Zhao Chen)

China Internet Development Foundation China Positive Energy Network Communication Special Fund.

(Editor in charge: Li Yihuan, Xiong Xu)

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