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Qingdao: Build a "Strong Magnetic Field" for Internet Talents

08:30, December 11, 2023 | Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Original title: Qingdao: Creating a "Strong Magnetic Field" for Internet Talents

"Look at the green and white, Beier Bang, which makes people want to dazzle!" "As Shandong people, how can we resist the temptation of green onions?"...... Recently, in Chenggezhuang Village, Duan Bolan Town, Jimo District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, two members of the Qingdao "Cyber Red Sky Group" worked hard in front of the camera to launch live broadcast of agricultural aid and goods, and introduced the special agricultural product - Tiebo Scallion to netizens.

Since the middle of November, under the organization of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, the "Cyber Red Sky Group" has successively carried out live broadcast activities of public welfare assistance to farmers in Nancun Town, Pingdu City, Dianbu Town, Laixi City, and Duanpolan Town, Jimo District, and set off relay competitions of assistance to farmers.

From the propagators of Qingdao stories to the practitioners of Internet civilization, the Internet talents represented by the "Internet Red Sky Group" in Qingdao have continued to speak out and cheer for Qingdao on the big stage of urban development.

In recent years, the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Cyber Information Office has focused on the construction of the Internet talent team represented by online celebrities. It has continued to make efforts in precise talent introduction, fine talent education, careful talent retention, and precise talent use, comprehensively stimulating the vitality of the Internet talent team, and promoting the "circle" and "surge" of positive energy of Qingdao's good stories.

Cultivate talents in a proper way

In April this year, the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Cyber Information Office launched the campus recruitment activity of "Qingdao talent chain", organized the head new media enterprises in the region to promote recruitment in colleges and universities, and targeted to introduce new media talents.

In order to further meet the characteristics of young people's pursuit of novelty and actual employment needs, the first high-end platform in Shandong Province to link talents in the "meta universe" way - the "meta dream" platform for Internet talents in Qingdao was launched simultaneously in the event. Through the "Meta Universe+" digital application scenario, we will link the local and domestic colleges and universities in Shandong Province, help enterprises to establish links with Internet talents, make good talent introduction "first hand chess", and expand the growth of new media talents in Qingdao.

In order to further tap the talent pool, the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, on the basis of in-depth research, held a symposium on the city's Internet industry talent cultivation and school enterprise co construction, invited representatives of colleges and enterprises stationed in Qingdao to discuss and exchange around talent cultivation and reserve, built a school enterprise cooperation platform, and explored the establishment of a talent re training education mechanism, Promote the orderly flow of talents in the industry chain.

Relying on the Party Mass Service Center, Qingdao held more than 100 exchange and training activities such as "Red Sail Forum", "Big V Sharing", "New Media Lecture", and invited experts in relevant fields to give lectures on policies and regulations, business management, cutting-edge science and technology, reaching more than 140000 people. By carrying out skill training and providing flow support for employees, the professional skill level and professional quality of Internet employees have been effectively improved.

Industry incubates talents, and talents feed industry back. With the continuous improvement of the skills and qualities of the employees, Qingdao's new media enterprises are emerging in an endless stream of brilliant ideas. Positive energy works have repeatedly hit the hot list, promoting the vigorous development of Qingdao's "online celebrity" industry and attracting more new media talents.

"Tao" is retained to stimulate talent energy

At the just concluded 2023 Qingdao Online Celebrity Ceremony, members of the "Online Celebrity Sky Group" in Qingdao launched an initiative to the society to guide netizens to use the Internet in a civilized manner, in accordance with the law, in a safe way, and in a civilized manner, so as to jointly build and share a beautiful spiritual home that is clean, upright, and good. Many online celebrities were awarded the "Warm City Original Award".

Gather talents from all over the world and use them. "Use" is the core. The more a stage is built for talents to display their talents, the more talents can be attracted. According to the working idea of "making talents grow with direction, showing with stage, and making progress with steps", the Qingdao Municipal Committee Cyber Information Office actively innovates working methods, selects positive energy network celebrities, and sets up "Cyber Star Group", and regularly carries out activities such as "directors and big V tea houses", "witnessing Qingdao", and "big V sees Qingdao", Organize and guide well-known bloggers and other online celebrities to play a role in urban governance, urban renewal and other work, and help Internet talents realize their individual value and social value.

In order to better listen to the voice of talents and further enhance the sense of belonging of talents, the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, based on the characteristics of young Internet practitioners, actively explores a new model of party building in the Internet industry. By regularly holding party day activities with the theme of "party building+league building", it integrates the forms of participation, experience, competition, interaction, etc., to build a tour, volunteer service Service platforms such as experiential learning, fellowship and exchange, and actively create a talent environment that ties people's hearts and minds.

(Reporter Song Yingying)

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Li Fang)

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