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Yang Jianwei: Colleges and universities have the foundation and resources to fulfill the mission of self-reliance and self-improvement through high-level science and technology

10:27, October 13, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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People's Daily Online, Shenyang, October 13 (Reporter Liu Xin) The People's Daily Online 2023 University Presidents' Forum was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province on October 12 with the theme of "giving play to the leading role of higher education and tamping the talent base for building a strong country". Yang Jianwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing Jianjian University, attended the roundtable forum and delivered a speech.

 Yang Jianwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing Jianjian University, attended the roundtable forum and delivered a speech.

Yang Jianwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Beijing Jianjian University, attended the roundtable forum and delivered a speech.

"Colleges and universities have the foundation, resources, and responsibility to fulfill the mission of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology." Yang Jianwei said that Beijing University of Architecture and Construction has built a training system for characteristic and innovative engineering science and technology talents based on the future transformation and development of the construction industry, facing smart, green, low-carbon and other fields. At the same time, innovate the basic research paradigm, promote new methods such as "calculation+experiment", "data analysis+experience summary", and expand their application in many fields of the construction industry through experimental observation, mathematical models, computer simulation, big data, etc.

Strengthening basic research is an urgent requirement for achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology, and is the only way to build a world science and technology power. "The orientation of basic research varies from school to school." Yang Jianwei introduced that Beijing Jianzhu University, relying on the construction industry, has carried out five major tasks in strengthening basic research in recent years: first, optimize the layout of basic research and strengthen support for basic disciplines and majors such as mathematics and physics; The second is to deepen the reform of the basic level teaching and research organization model, implement the operation mechanism of "institute managed research and department managed teaching", and improve the organization, declaration, review and decision-making mechanism of basic research projects; Third, building high-level shared research platforms, such as school level analysis and testing center, virtual simulation center, etc; Fourth, promote the integration of production and education, and improve basic research ability and talent training quality through "scenario" scientific and technological innovation projects and "cross" professional practice projects; Fifth, promote the construction of talent team, establish and improve the training mechanism and evaluation mechanism of basic research talents.

In today's world, with a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform in depth, how should colleges and universities promote the integration of science and education? Yang Jianwei shared three experiences of Beijing University of Architecture and Architecture: first, strengthen top-level design, carry out system and mechanism construction, improve assessment system, promote scientific research and education, and promote integration of science and education; Second, establish an industry university research cooperation mode of "one discipline focuses on docking with one industry, one team serves to support one leading enterprise"; Third, we should promote the "three early" education model of undergraduate early entry projects, early entry teams and early entry laboratories, deepen the reform of "introducing enterprises into education", support the joint development of training programs, courses, practice bases, textbooks and courseware, improve teaching design, and optimize the collaborative education model of government, industry, university, research and application with relevant departments, enterprises and institutions.

(Editor in charge: Qin Di, Liu Fan)

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