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Ni Hongwei: Whoever occupies the commanding heights of science and technology will win the future

October 12, 2023 22:26 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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People's Daily Online, Shenyang, October 12 (reporter Qin Di) On October 12, the People's Daily Online 2023 University Presidents Forum was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Ni Hongwei, President of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, attended the round table forum and delivered a speech.

 Ni Hongwei, President of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, attended the round table forum and delivered a speech.

Ni Hongwei, President of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, attended the round table forum and delivered a speech.

"Colleges and universities are both the main positions for talent cultivation and the front positions for scientific and technological innovation." Ni Hongwei said that the wave of emerging science and technology is reshaping the world. Whoever occupies the commanding heights of science and technology will win the future. Colleges and universities should actively adapt to the changes and earnestly shoulder the mission and responsibility of "four orientations" and self-reliance in science and technology.

Ni Hongwei pointed out in his speech that it is necessary for local colleges with distinctive industry characteristics to strengthen basic research in traditional disciplines. "Take the metallurgical industry as an example," Ni Hongwei said, "new industrialization requires high-end products, green and intelligent production processes. Without transformation at the basic theoretical level, it is impossible to complete the task of new industrialization, nor to achieve further improvement in product performance."

Ni Hongwei introduced that in order to make efforts in strategic emerging industries, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, on the one hand, strengthened the construction of basic disciplines, on the other hand, vigorously promoted the combination of basic disciplines with engineering and medical sciences, strengthened the construction of basic research platforms, and promoted the construction and intersection of science and engineering talent teams, "As long as we find the right direction and target, industry colleges can also make outstanding achievements in the field of cutting-edge technology".

How to break through the "choke" problem of key core technology? Ni Hongwei stressed that colleges and universities must go deep into the industry, understand the major needs of enterprises, industries and the country, and "see the problem right". He introduced the practical experience of Wuhan University of Science and Technology: first, build a multidisciplinary team guided by problems and major needs; Second, strengthen the construction of scientific research platform; The third is to strengthen the innovation of scientific and technological system, encourage teachers to cooperate effectively in the form of team assessment and long-term assessment, and carry out the research of "choke" technology.

(Editor in charge: Wang Xin, Liu Fan)

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