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Li Jiyong: It is of great significance for colleges and universities to strengthen the awareness of the Chinese national community

October 12, 2023 19:10 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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Shenyang,, October 12 (reporter Qin Di) With the theme of "giving play to the leading role of higher education and tamping the talent base for building a strong country", the forum of 2023 university presidents of was held today in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Li Jiyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Central University for Nationalities, attended the forum and delivered a speech.

 Li Jiyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Central University for Nationalities, attended the forum and delivered a speech

Li Jiyong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Central University for Nationalities, attended the forum and delivered a speech

When talking about the core topic of building an educational power, "who to train, how to train and for whom", Li Jiyong said that we should fully understand and grasp the urgent requirements for higher education from the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation, comprehensively understand and grasp the opportunities and challenges brought to higher education by the unprecedented changes in a century, and also fully understand the "two overall situations" The new characteristics and new situations of contemporary college students under the accelerated evolution.

"Building a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation is of great and urgent significance not only for ethnic universities, but also for all universities and schools." Li Jiyong pointed out that the current "post-00s" have become the main body of college students. To achieve the great cause of rejuvenating a strong country, we must let the "strong generation" firmly establish solidarity, sharing weal and woe, life and death The concept of a community with common destiny has constantly cast a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation.

How to understand the unique spirit of educators in China? Li Jiyong believes that in order to promote the high-quality development of higher education, we must build a high-quality teaching team, and in order to build a high-quality teaching team, we must adhere to the spirit of educators as the guide. Li Jiyong introduced that the Central University for Nationalities, as the pacesetter of ethnic universities, adheres to the "four word decision" in the construction of the teaching staff: standing, high, practical and strict. "Establishment" is based on politics, always taking political establishment as the first principle of school construction, and taking political quality as the first standard of teacher team construction. "High" means to be high in quality, build a school level teacher development platform, carry out various trainings for new teachers, young teachers, backbone teachers, etc. by category, promote organized scientific research and teaching, and constantly improve the ability and quality of teachers. "Being practical" means being practical in work, taking the building of a strong sense of the Chinese national community as the main line of school work, which runs through the whole process of running schools, teaching and educating people and all fields. "Strict" means to be strict in style, vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, educate and guide teachers to perform their duties well, do their duties well, act cleanly, and cultivate moral integrity.

In response to the question about "how colleges and universities implement the value leading role of ideological and political courses", Li Jiyong pointed out that in order to make ideological and political courses well understood, to explain the truth deeply, thoroughly, and to make them lively, the Central University for Nationalities insisted on "three combinations", that is, the combination of teachers' leadership and students' main body, the combination of in class and out of class, the combination of small ideological and political classes and social classes. At the same time, Attention has been paid to the three relationships, namely, the relationship between theory and practice, the relationship between history and contemporary, and the relationship between integrity and innovation. A "1+4+N" ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideological and political system with "Introduction to the Chinese National Community" as the backbone has been created.

"The Central University for Nationalities is the only university in Beijing with a full range of students from 56 ethnic groups. We strive to make patriotism education and the education of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community more emotional, sensitive and effective, so that students from all ethnic groups can truly become the new generation who can be the great task of national rejuvenation." Li Jiyong said.

(Editor in charge: Xu Jun, Liu Fan)

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