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Han Jiecai: Cultivating More Top notch Innovative Talents for Chinese Modernization

October 12, 2023 16:00 | Source: People's Daily Online - Education Channel
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Shenyang,, October 12 (Reporter Liu Xin) Today, the forum of 2023 university presidents of was held in Shenyang, Liaoning, with the theme of "giving play to the leading role of higher education and tamping the talent base of building a strong country". Han Jiecai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Harbin Institute of Technology, attended the forum and made a keynote speech.

 Han Jiecai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Harbin Institute of Technology

Han Jiecai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Harbin Institute of Technology

In the new era and new journey, the key task is to comprehensively promote the construction of a powerful country and the rejuvenation of the nation with Chinese style modernization, and to realize new industrialization. Han Jiecai said that at present, China's industrial development is at an important juncture from big to strong. Development is facing multiple constraints such as tighter resource constraints and rising factor costs. We must accelerate structural optimization and upgrading and focus on improving total factor production efficiency. "The key to solving this problem lies in scientific and technological innovation, and the core lies in talents. We must focus on training a large number of new leading and top-notch innovative talents. This is a must for us to take root in Northeast China to run world-class universities."

How can we speed up the cultivation of leading and top-notch innovative talents? Based on the experience and specific practices of Harbin Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Harbin Institute of Technology"), Han Jiecai proposed that, on the one hand, we should break the barriers of "training cycle" and strengthen "penetration" vertically. Leading top innovative talents are primarily characterized by "leading". They are destined to have different innate qualities and unique abilities from conventional innovative talents, and need to design a "customized" exploration and training process.

"Colleges and universities need to comprehensively improve the exploration and training of talents with subversive innovation potential, explore and establish a full chain of unconventional talent exploration and training mechanism starting from high school and even junior high school, and continuing to master's degree." Han Jiecai said, "Harbin Institute of Technology has deeply implemented the integrated training of undergraduate and research, and accelerated the construction of an education and teaching management mechanism matching the flexible school system. In addition, an 'idea fund' was set up to support undergraduates and postgraduates to carry out exploratory innovation research independently. "

Han Jiecai said, on the other hand, we should break the circle of "cultivating resources" and strengthen "integration" horizontally. All kinds of innovative elements in the whole society are accelerating integration, and constantly injecting fresh activities into the cultivation of talents in higher education. The key to cultivating leading and top-notch innovative talents is to cultivate "leading" talents. It is necessary to break the "barrier of disciplines", expand the "position of the classroom", remove the "wall of the university", and create a "customized" training carrier.

According to Han Jiecai, in recent years, Harbin Institute of Technology has broken the serious disciplinary barriers caused by too narrow discipline setting, fully implemented the "1+1+X" outstanding talent training program, and built the first batch of future technical colleges and the first batch of outstanding engineering colleges in China at the undergraduate stage and graduate stage respectively.

(Editor in charge: Xu Jun, Liu Fan)

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