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Young people are returning to Lengjia Village, "hot"

February 27, 2023 08:11 | Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Original title: Young people are returning to Lengjia Village "hot"

"Three more young people have decided to return to their hometown to start their own businesses, and Lengjia Village is becoming more and more bustling." Leng Qinglin, secretary of the Party branch of Lengjia Village, Nanhuang Town, Rushan City, Weihai, Shandong Province, told reporters cheerfully at the first "two committees" meeting of the village after the Spring Festival.

At this meeting, the village decided to focus on the development of agricultural e-commerce in the new year, and the village collective would provide the site, cold storage, etc., to attract talents to return home to start businesses and drive the development of the village collective economy.

Previously, Lengjia Village mainly planted sweet potatoes, cabbage and other crops. The villagers' income was generally low, and most of the young people went out to work. Lengjia Village, like its name, became more and more desolate and once became a poor village. In May 2021, "post-90s" Leng Qinglin, after being elected as the secretary of the village party branch, tried to make the industry "hot" by adjusting the planting structure.

After several unsatisfactory project adjustments, Lengjia Village, with the help of Nanhuang Town Communist Party Building Alliance, introduced black sticky waxy corn cultivated by Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Leng Qinglin introduced that the project of developing black sticky waxy corn has low investment, high returns and quick results. "In 2022, we will try planting in two previously abandoned greenhouses and 40 mu of land, which will add 180000 yuan to the collective income of the village," he said.

Only with a promising development can we solve the problem of talent "cold".

Leng Weifang, who is doing e-commerce outside, returned to the village to develop after seeing the business opportunities of agricultural products in his hometown. Leng Weifang said: "In the year when he returned to the village, his e-commerce business revenue reached 450000 yuan, which also drove the villagers to sell high-quality agricultural products at good prices online."

Recently, many young villagers returned home. Leng Qinglin invited them from door to door and organized a forum for "outsiders". Let's make suggestions for the development of the village. After the symposium, more young people had the idea of returning to their hometown for development.

Only by gathering strength and talents can we gather our hearts.

In the past two years, the "two committees" of Lengjia Village have steadily promoted the revitalization of the village, and solved 15 problems for the villagers, such as salary arrears, mountain road renovation, road hardening, street lamp monitoring, with the system of "meeting on Thursday by the branch". The dilemma of "the branch cries out, the party members watch the excitement, and the villagers have nothing to do with themselves" has been broken.

Nowadays, more and more people are willing to hold the villagers' meeting, and the meeting place is also bustling. Villager Leng Chuanbiao said: "It's all about the work in the village, which is closely related to us, so everyone is very willing to come now."

"Lengjia Village has realized talent return and self hemopoiesis through working mechanism innovation. The collective economic income of the village has doubled in two years, realizing the great change of" backward to advanced ", stimulating the vitality of rural revitalization, and the village customs have taken on a new look," said Feng Meigui, secretary of the Party Committee of Nanhuang Town. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Yang)

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Li Yihuan)

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