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Is there a future after taking the exam

08:50, May 21, 2021 | Source: China Youth News
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Original title: "Examination" Is there a future in the last bowl

It is understandable that some young people are dedicated to "examination and compilation". In their view, entering the establishment means security, stability and a promising future. This idea may be influenced by their grandparents, and stems from the existing impression of government institutions and large enterprises in the "big pot" era.

However, when the "exam editing craze" has become a phenomenon, and even a group of "exam bowl clan" who must take the exam every time, it seems that the influence of grandparents is no longer the most important. Young people are greatly influenced by their peers, and their ideas often come from their peers - classmates and friends. Especially when the epidemic suddenly came last year, some small companies with poor risk resistance were defeated in the storm. Young people who just entered the society suddenly lost their economic resources. Some young people who worked in big cities may have difficulties renting houses.

At this time, peers looked at each other, and "stability" suddenly became the first demand.

In fact, this is only temporary. Is it sure to be stable when you enter the establishment or enter a large enterprise and get the so-called "iron rice bowl"? The answer is a solid negative. Units of any nature have their own management systems. Most government agencies and institutions have strict monthly, quarterly and annual assessment, and everyone is equal before the system. I tried my best to take the exam, but my actual working ability is poor, and I will definitely be eliminated; It is the same result to have the ability, not to be dedicated and not to make progress.

In addition, looking for a job is largely like looking for a lover. If you agree with each other and enjoy each other, you will enjoy your life in the future; If you just find someone to marry, no matter whether you have the same temper and personality, no matter whether the three views are consistent, you can imagine the future setbacks.

Everyone has his own strong points. If we can make this clear first, we may have less confusion and "follow the trend" when we apply for jobs. Young people go for what they want to do and what they can do. In time, they will be right.

In addition, both undergraduate and graduate students have their own majors. Some majors have high threshold and are irreplaceable. It is a pity that they give up their professional skills after studying for several years in order to get an iron job. Of course, some scientific research institutions need highly specialized talents, which is another matter.

In short, first think about what you want, then make a decision. Gold, silver, copper, and iron are too heavy to be used as rice bowls. Some people can handle them, while others have difficulty. In short, they are not suitable for everyone. Since ancient times, heroes have emerged as teenagers, which is true in all ages. Today, with the rapid development of information technology, new growth points, new opportunities, new jobs and new professions are always emerging. There are more and more choices. The first is that when you are young, don't bind yourself.

(Editor in charge: Hao Mengjia, Xiong Xu)

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