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Special research activities for the training plan of famous teachers (famous craftsmen) and principals of the new era vocational school were held

May 23, 2024 08:20 | Source: Website of the Ministry of Education
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Original title: Special research activities held for the training plan of famous teachers (famous craftsmen) and principals of the new era vocational school

In order to adapt to the new situation and new requirements of high-quality development of vocational education and ensure the high starting point implementation and high-quality promotion of the training plan for famous teachers (famous craftsmen) and presidents of vocational schools in the new era (hereinafter referred to as the "three" plan), the Ministry of Education recently organized the training plan for famous teachers (famous craftsmen) and presidents of vocational schools in the new era (2023-2025) in Shenzhen Polytechnic University Special research activities.

In July 2023, the Ministry of Education launched the training plan for famous teachers (famous craftsmen) and principals of national new era vocational schools. Every year, a group of principals of secondary vocational schools and higher vocational colleges (including undergraduate level and junior college level) engaged in front-line education and teaching of in-service backbone teachers or skilled masters with unique skills will be selected for a three-year centralized training, The aim is to create a group of famous teachers (famous craftsmen) with strong ideals and beliefs, noble teachers' morality, outstanding educational and teaching ability and professional practice ability, and a group of famous educator principals with advanced school running concepts, accurate school running positioning, courage to explore and innovate, and proficient in modern vocational school governance. With the recommendation of the provincial education administrative department and the comprehensive evaluation of experts, the Ministry of Education has determined the first batch of "Three Top" plan to train 210 famous teachers (famous craftsmen) in higher vocational colleges, 50 famous principals in secondary vocational schools, and 23 training bases.

This research activity focused on the deployment and arrangement of the implementation of the "Three Top" Plan, made special interpretation of the key and difficult issues of project implementation and relevant policy documents, introduced experience and shared cases around training program design, studio construction and other contents, organized group discussions on training bases and training objects, and deeply connected with training needs. Through the research and training activities, we further deepened the understanding and grasp of the significance of the implementation of the "Three Famous" Plan by the training objects and training bases, clarified the division of labor and cooperation mechanism for the training tasks and the implementation of the plan, and strongly promoted the construction of a hierarchical, classified and stepped teacher growth and development system.

More than 300 people, including the leaders of the Department of Teacher Affairs of the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, and the first batch of "three top" training objects and leaders of the training base, participated in the training activity.

(Editor in charge: Li Yihuan, Sun Jing)

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