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"Red Descendants Talk about the Long March" Series Feature 4

Luo Jian, son of Luo Ruiqing: Following the Party is the only belief support of the Long March

Huang Ceyu

10:37, October 12, 2016 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

As a general, he was injured only once in his life - he survived a bullet in his temple.

The Ministry of Public Security was set up without any privileges. At the age of seventy-two, he was still a "desperate Sanlang" for the country.

As a famous commander of the Red Army during the Long March, General Luo Ruiqing participated in the Long March at the age of 28. He led his troops to fight against the Xiangjiang River, cross the Wujiang River, and fly to the Luding Bridge. Later, he served as the vice president of the Anti Japanese Military and Political University. Luo Jian, the son of Luo Ruiqing, told his father's story of the Long March at the recording site of the program "Later People on the Long March" on People's Daily Online.

On the Long March, two soldiers died on an average of one kilometer

"My father was just 28 years old during the Long March," Luo Jian said. Xu Teli, the oldest at that time, was 51 years old. Yang Chengwu, Yang Dezhi, Yang Yong and other Red Army cadres are all in their 20s. The first three blockades were basically broken through smoothly. Only when we reached the Xiangjiang River did we encounter great difficulties.

"In the first battle of the Xiangjiang River, there were 86000 Red Army troops, and only 30000 left after crossing the river," Luo Jian said. The wrong command of the Li De Three People's Regiment turned the strategic transfer of the central government into a move type transfer. The X-ray machines of hospitals and the coin mints of the People's Bank of the Soviet Republic of China were all heavy equipment that were carried by migrant workers and marched 20 to 30 kilometers a day. As a result, the time was delayed. The Kuomintang had a big shelling and aircraft bombing, and the Red Army was purely a target. After crossing the Xiangjiang River, Chairman Mao lost his temper on the other side of the river. In the name of the President of the Chinese Soviet Union, he ordered the migrant workers to throw away all the heavy equipment. The migrant workers did not want to carry this. They threw it away when they heard the order, and the troops came.

Luo Jian said that when he crossed the grassland on the Long March Road again in 2006, all he saw were flowers and sea of flowers. However, in the hard years of the Long March, the Red Army sacrificed more than 10000 people on this grassland alone. Looking back at the whole Long March, the Central Red Army had 86000 people from the time of departure, passing through Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan, and many more people were recruited along the way. In general, there were more than 100000 people, and only 6000 people left in Yan'an. What's the concept? Less than 5%, more than 95% of the Red Army soldiers left their bodies on the Long March. He sighed that "on the whole Long March, two soldiers were sacrificed on average for one kilometer". With such a small number of people, the Red Army conquered the country and established New China.

History cannot be repeated, but details determine history

"History cannot be repeated, but details determine history", Luo Jian emphasized many times in the interview: "Many seemingly small and accidental things can determine fate." Why did he say that?

Luo Jian said in the interview that after the Red Army arrived at Dadu River, the Kuomintang detained all the boats. But a Kuomintang battalion commander who guarded the north bank that day found a boatman to cross the river at night and lived at the wife's house on the south bank. When the Red Army came over, they seized the boat and captured the battalion commander. Then, the boatman organized 17 brave men to cross the Dadu River and control the ferry on the north bank. Chairman Mao decided to divide the army into two parts. On the other hand, they went up from the left bank of the river to seize the Luding Bridge. On this side, they used this boat to cross the Hongyi Division.

It takes 320 li in 32 hours to seize Luding Bridge. As a result, they walked 80 miles in the first eight hours, and then the Central Military Commission gave an order that within 24 hours, they must forcibly march 240 miles to seize the Luding Bridge.

The forcible army always crawled along the ridge. On that night, I found a group of people on the other side of the river firing torches. The Red Army captured the Kuomintang bugler, took the Kuomintang's signal spectrum, and pretended that the Kuomintang was in contact with the other side. As soon as the contact was made, it was the Sichuan Army. After dark, they started firing torches, and asked us which army we were. We lied to them that it was the Central Army, and the two sides were still in the same position. As a result, we walked into the evening, The Sichuan army can't bear the hardships and has camped. The Red Army took this opportunity to pass.

Luo Jian said that when seizing Luding Bridge, he organized a total of 22 brave soldiers, each carrying a submachine gun, a shell gun and a broadsword. Luding Bridge is a suspension bridge. There are 13 iron chains under it and boards on it. The Kuomintang pulled out the plank and could only move a little with the iron chain when crossing the bridge. After 22 martyrs crossed the bridge, four fell into the river. The river was very fast and disappeared after falling. They braved gunfire and gunfire and climbed to the bridge head. In order to stop them, the Kuomintang piled a lot of boards at the bridge head, poured kerosene on them and set fire to them. Fortunately, our troops on the right bank were almost there. After hearing the gunfire in the distance, the Kuomintang troops guarding the bridge lost their morale and scattered, and they passed here.

Following the Party is the only belief support of the Long March

We often talk about the spirit of the Red Army. What can the Red Army rely on to support its 25000 li journey in more than a year?

Luo Jian said that in 2006, Zhai Junjie shot My Long March and organized some of us to discuss this issue. We can draw a very simple and common three words, "follow". At that time, My Father Deng Xiaoping written by Deng Rong, Deng Xiaoping's daughter, had also been published. In the book, Deng Rong asked his father how you came here on the Long March Road. Deng Xiaoping said: "Follow". These three words are the same.

With whom? Follow the Communist Party and Chairman Mao. Without such a belief, they could not complete the Long March. Of course, the spirit of the Long March can be summarized into several points: firm belief, iron and steel discipline, and strong unity. "My own understanding is to follow the Communist Party." Luo Jian stressed that with this belief, I will stick to it. I firmly believe that the Communist Party can save China, and I firmly believe that the Communist Party can save the people. I follow the Communist Party. I don't know where to go, but if I follow him, I can get liberation.

"My father ran out of the house in 1926, and he just wanted to find a way to save the country and the people.". Luo Jian said that at first he was just a young man who sought the truth to save the country. After taking part in the revolution, he went to Shanghai to find the Party in 1928. He thought he had found his home and would fight with the Party all his life. To put it simply, we should follow the Communist Party.

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Life of Comrade Luo Ruiqing

Luo Ruiqing was born in Nanchong, Sichuan in 1906. In 1926, he joined the Communist Youth League of China. In October 1928, he transferred to the Communist Party of China and engaged in the secret work of the Party in Shanghai. After 1929, he successively served as the Party representative of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Detachment, the director of the political department of the column, the political commissar of the division, the military political commissar, and the director of the political security bureau of the corps. During the Long March, he served as the Chief of Staff of the Red Army's Advance Brigade, the Director of the Political Department of the Second Column of the Shaanxi Gansu Detachment, and the Director of the Political Security Bureau of the Red Army's Front Army after arriving in northern Shaanxi.

During the Xi'an Incident in December 1936, he went to Xi'an to assist Zhou Enlai. In the same year, he became the head of education of the Anti Japanese Red Army University, the head of education and vice president of the Anti Japanese Military and Political University. During the period of presiding over the Anti Japanese War, we resolutely implemented the school running policy formulated by Mao Zedong, carried forward the school spirit of unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness, and cultivated and transported a large number of military and political cadres for the anti Japanese base areas. In 1938, under the guidance of Mao Zedong, he wrote the book Political Work in the Anti Japanese Army, which systematically summarized the political work experience of the people's army and is an important historical document of our military political work. Since its publication, this book has played a great role in strengthening the political work of our army and expanded the influence of our party and army throughout the country. In July 1939, he led thousands of teaching staff from the General School of the Anti Japanese University and other schools in Yan'an to cross the Japanese puppet army blockade and travel 1500 kilometers into the anti Japanese base areas behind the enemy lines in North China to run schools. In May 1940, he served as the director of the Field Political Department of the Eighth Route Army and moved to Taihang Mountains. He went deep into the army's investigation and research, summarized the experience of political work in the anti Japanese guerrilla war, proposed a series of measures to strengthen the political work of the Eighth Route Army, and published articles such as "Some Problems in Current Political Work Construction" on the Journal of Military and Political Affairs of the Eighth Route Army. He participated in leading and directing the Hundred Regiments War and the anti Japanese struggle behind the enemy lines in North China. During the arduous Anti Japanese War, he made outstanding contributions to training cadres, building political organs and strengthening political work.

During the War of Liberation, he successively served as the Deputy Secretary of the Central Bureau of the CPC Shanxi Chahar Hebei, the Deputy Political Committee and Director of the Political Department of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Military Region, the Political Committee of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Field Army, the Director of the Political Department of the North China Military Region and the Political Committee of the Second Corps (later the 19th Corps of the People's Liberation Army), and established immortal contributions to the victory of the North China Liberation War. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, Commander and Political Committee of the Public Security Army, Vice Premier of the State Council, Secretary General of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, Vice Chairman of the National Defense Commission and other posts. He has made important contributions to the construction of the public security law in new China and the revolutionary, modern and regularized construction of the People's Liberation Army. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of senior general. He died on August 3, 1978.

"Red descendants talk about the Long March" series of features

one of: Zhu Heping, the grandson of Zhu De, talks about the Long March. The country is strong first because of its strong ideals and beliefs

Second: He Xiaoming, the Daughter of He Long: To inherit the spirit of the Long March, we should learn to be like the Red Army

Third: Huang Nan, the daughter of Huang Kecheng, talks about the spirit of the Long March: adhere to the people's interests above everything

People's Daily Online Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Red Army's Long March Victory

Luo Ruiqing Online Memorial Hall           "Reviewing the Long March Story"

(Editor in charge: Huang Ceyu, Xie Lei)
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