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Don't be a "saw mouth gourd" when doing mass work

Tan Puyuan

08:11, May 24, 2024 Source: China Organization and Personnel Daily

"Saw mouth gourd" is a metaphor for people who are not good at words and slow in eloquence. Being able to speak is an important ability to do the mass work well. Young cadres must avoid being a "saw mouth gourd", practice the basic skills of chatting with the masses, learn to use home-made words to close relations with the masses, practice the correct view of political achievements in heart to heart talks and friends making, and do a good job of mass work with sincere feelings and intimate exchanges.

"Only when you have a plan in mind can you speak with confidence, and only when you have something in your heart can you speak with substance." If young cadres want to talk about family affairs well, they must know the situation in advance, make a good manuscript, master the key points of the chat around the people's urgent needs, and explain and publicize the Party's policies in a grounded language. Grass roots work is highly policy oriented and professional. If you want to do a good job, you need to strengthen regular learning, pay attention to accumulation at ordinary times, timely grasp the latest policies on medical care, education, employment and other issues related to the immediate interests of the masses, so that you can become a versatile person with expertise, and an expert needed by the masses. In this way, you can have a say in dealing with the masses, and you can have confidence in solving problems for the masses, Only in this way can we win the trust and good reputation of the masses and be a good leader of the masses.

A small number of young cadres can't talk with the masses, and even think that listening to the masses' "complaints" and "nagging" is a waste of time, which leads to poor promotion, low evaluation of the masses and lack of affinity with the masses. Words are the window of the soul, and words are the shadow of style. Young cadres must take the initiative to bend down, sit on the same bench and eat the same hot meal with the masses. They should be close to the masses from body to heart, from heart to heart, and always be in harmony with the masses. Chatting about family affairs is also an important means of investigation and research. Only by understanding what the masses think, analyzing the difficulties and anxieties, obtaining vivid, rich and true first-hand materials, and turning the information gathered from the fields into the source of various work, can we be a good worry reliever for the masses.

The colloquialism is real and vivid, and speaking it can bring you closer. Some young cadres can't speak the local "vernacular" when they first arrive. They speak with strong bookishness. In addition, they lack grass-roots work experience, so their communication with the masses is often compromised, and even make jokes about the same story. "Sing whatever songs you go to". When dealing with the masses, you must use the local dialect that the masses love to hear, so that you can better learn from the masses. Speaking the language of the masses means not only learning the dialect and local language, understanding the social situation and public opinion, but more importantly speaking in a down-to-earth manner, translating the document and policy into words that the masses can understand immediately. We should start from the daily necessities and family affairs, start from the specific issues related to the immediate interests of the masses, listen carefully to the truth of the masses, do everything possible to do the things reflected by the masses well, and be the close person of the masses.

(Editor in charge: Wang Zifeng, Wang Keyuan)
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