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Observing rules and disciplines is engraved in the heart

——Innovate ways and methods to improve the effectiveness of Party discipline learning and education

14:34, May 17, 2024 Source: Xinhua

Since the development of Party discipline learning and education, all regions have taken the development of Party discipline learning and education as an important political task, strengthened overall planning, carefully organized implementation, enriched learning forms, strengthened warning education, focused on integration into daily life and combination of learning and application, and made efforts to internalize and externalize Party discipline learning and education in practice.

Tighten the "thought string" of Party discipline

To carry out Party discipline learning and education, we should focus on the key points of learning, and make efforts to study and implement the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment to achieve results. "Learn the Regulations conscientiously, promote learning and education to the end, and fully cover them." The person in charge of the special class on learning and education of party discipline at the provincial level in Zhejiang said that up to now, 253000 grass-roots party organizations in Zhejiang have promoted the implementation of learning tasks to 4.428 million party members relying on carriers such as "three meetings and one lesson" and theme party days.

Since the launch of Party discipline learning and education, various regions have organized and arranged meticulously to effectively and orderly promote Party discipline learning and education. The Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps highlight the key points of learning, and take the forms of theoretical learning center group learning, reading classes, "three meetings and one lesson" to study the Regulations chapter by chapter, learn deeply, understand rules and regulations clearly, and effectively transform learning achievements into doing their own work well Powerful driving force for career development.

"The Regulations adhere to the problem orientation, focus on the key and difficult problems in discipline enforcement and supervision, enrich the disciplinary violations, and refine the disciplinary provisions..." Recently, a special lecture on learning and education of party discipline was being held in Shawan Village, Anjing Street, Pidu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Chengdu has adopted collective lesson preparation and other methods to study and draw up the reference outline of the party lesson for the secretary of grass-roots party organizations in different fields, effectively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the discipline oriented party lesson, and educate and guide party members and cadres to accurately grasp the essence and requirements of the Regulations.

Enters the brain and heart, and integrates into daily life

"Listen to people and listen to red lessons, learn from history and think of examples." Recently, at the Red School in Shengli Village, Yong'an Town, Kenli District, Dongying City, Shandong Province, Chen Shaojun, the secretary of the village party branch, and 27 party members of the whole village sat together, listening to the old party members telling the village's red history, and learning the integrity of the revolutionary ancestors.

Yong'an Town is the former site of the Bohai Plain Anti Japanese Base. The "Red Heart Lecture Hall" guides party members and cadres to inherit the red gene, the "Incorruption School" uses side events to educate people around them, and the "bench class" transforms "written language" into "household language"... Gai Xiaonan, the secretary of the Party Committee of Yong'an Town, said that they deeply dig into red stories, enrich the connotation of red culture, and continue to do a good job in learning and education of party discipline.

All localities accurately grasp the objectives and requirements, grasp the key points of learning, and internalize and externalize the learning and education of Party discipline in practice through various forms of learning, practical learning, and innovative ways and methodologies. All divisions and cities of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps strengthened organizational leadership, highlighted the above rate, focused on promoting learning through cases, did a good job in publicity and guidance, and promoted the study and education of party discipline to the end.

Only when the ruler in mind is clear can actions be calibrated. In Jiaxing, Taizhou and other places in Zhejiang Province, we will fully explore and carry forward the spirit of the Red Boat, the spirit of reclamation in Dachen Island and other valuable wealth, and integrate the accumulated red genes and probity genes into the interpretation and training of the Regulations; Quzhou launched the discipline and law training class for young cadres under 40 years old to guide young cadres to buckle the "first button" of honest politics. In Zibo, Shandong, we should make overall use of Jiao Yulu's Family Style Museum, Qi Culture and Clean Government Education Base and other local clean culture fronts to strengthen positive education; Through door-to-door book delivery, WeChat push and other means, Liaocheng has achieved no blank in Party discipline learning and education.

Take the case as a lesson and "prevent disease"

"Now the court is open and everyone stands up!" Recently, Lianhu District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province moved the party discipline learning and education classroom to the court trial site, and organized more than 30 people from key fields and key posts such as urban management, streets to attend the trial of Liu's corruption and bribery case, educate people around with side cases, and ring the alarm for party members and cadres.

The nearly 2-hour trial clearly restored the whole process of the defendant's fall into the abyss of law and crime. Bai Bing, the deputy director of the comprehensive security service center of Tumen Street, Lianhu District, listened to the hearing on the spot and felt deeply: "This kind of 'zero distance' and 'face-to-face' education has made us feel the dignity of the law and understand the heavy cost of violations of laws and disciplines. As a grass-roots cadre, I should root in fear, so that power does not deviate and behavior does not cross the boundary."

Attending the trial "touches the heart", and taking the case as a lesson "cures the disease before". All localities actively carried out court trial observation activities, combined with reading classes, special training, watching warning educational films and other forms, to promote the in-depth and practical learning and education of party discipline.

"Give prominence to the role of Party schools at all levels and other party members and cadres as the main front of education, integrate discipline and law education, and comprehensively use on-site teaching, case teaching, group discussion and other methods to ensure that learning and training achieve results." The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee of Sichuan said that since the launch of party discipline learning and education, Chengdu has successively held youth classes, refresher classes There were 16 classes for rank civil servants and training classes for selected students, and more than 600 trainees at all levels were trained.

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 17, reporter Wang Junlu, Gao Tian, Wu Guangyu, Li Yanan, Sun Shaoxiong)

(Editor in charge: Wang Zifeng, Wang Keyuan)
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